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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. I know there aren't canards on the Alpha, so I just mentally skipped over the nosecose entirely and was thus confused by the canard-discussion. I agree, they're beyond awful and whomever put them there should have his/her/its pencil snapped in half. And then into quarters, just to be sure. Oddly, I've come to wonder why the Alpha/Legioss has landing gear at all. It's been established the groin thruster is enough to VTOL even without going into Guardian mode. Doesn't a powerful thruster like that make landing gear somewhat superfluous?
  2. Dayum! That God of Flame paint job really does pop!
  3. I like how this shows just why the REF/UEEF forces had such a problem with the Invid. Designed to deal with the Masters and last remnants of Zentradi in space, they were wholly unprepared for the Invid swarm attacks.
  4. Hey, Cap'n? Do you still have one of your 1/48th Alphas kicking around for scale with this beast?
  5. Whaddya mean "different franchises"? Two of them are from the same show!
  6. "Distinctive", sir. You're looking for the word "distinctive".
  7. Dana will be living in her armour on my shelf, it would seem 😁
  8. Okay, this cements my loathing and contempt for the JJ-Prise. There's no reason to MAKE IT BIGGER. The Galaxy-class is big enough for my needs, thank you very much.
  9. Awesome, as per usual. I've taken an interest in machining channels on YouTube, so I'm beginning to get an appreciation for just how much effort goes into making each piece just right. Speaking of, I notice a distinct lack of your usual kvetching about how difficult it is to turn 2D anime designs into 3D objects. Is that because the original design is better thought-out, or are you just numb to that kind of minutiae by this point and accept it as par for the course? 😂
  10. I do like them! I really really do! But I don't like this. It's technically impressive and well-done, but it lacks the cleaner elegance of the original designs.
  11. It looks to me like it has Godzilla eyes with a Kong body.
  12. Hey. It might have been stupid and moronic, but it was stupidly moronic fun! Godzilla 2014 is by far my favourite version, but even in GvK I was giggling like a child and having a blast. Truth.
  13. Yaaay! I can't afford this, but I will be following along intently!
  14. You have a good point. But I'm enjoying this so much that I have to unleash my ultimate counter-argument. *ahem* LALALALALALALALALALALA! I CAN'T HEAAAAAAAR YOUUUUUUUU!
  15. Truth, truth, truth. It may be pandering, but by God I am here for that! If I might be allowed to necro my own post: But he said it SO MUCH BETTER HERE! In S1 it was more of a nostalgia thing, a "I used to do this here" thing. Here, it's because he is BACK! No more the Admiral in an office, waiting for his time to die. This is the man picking up where he left off and ready to save the galaxy again. His voice was stronger, and I swear he stood a little straighter before sitting in his chair. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Captain has returned.
  16. I am aghast! I dear say, aghast, my good sir! How dare you bring up a thing like canon into Star Trek, a franchise famous for tossing out plot points before the episode is even done??? That being said, you have a good point. I think I'll have to stretch my theory to its limits and say that Arik Soong was just that damned good at genetics that he's left the Federation behind.
  17. This is because I'm convinced that every member of the Soong family have been clones of the original, Arik Soong. He was the geneticist who worked with the Augments, so he's got the knowledge and the arrogance to make it work
  18. See, I'm just the opposite in that I can't stand Ahsoka at all. It reeks of Creator's Pet Syndrome to me, and I feel the same way about Thrawn in any appearance other than the Heir to the Empire trilogy.
  19. Yeah, what he said!
  20. But what if I've already scheduled his surgery??? You know it's a chonky boi when portions are made out of PVC pipe
  21. Hennnngh I want it, but alas I'm a poor boy at the moment. Either of those projects will have me selling organs, my house, my firstborn, and my immortal soul. Well, more like my brother's organs, house, kid, and soul. I need mine preferentially.
  22. Kinda more like this, eh? https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.7ec8792b017061154296527af8938ab0?rik=2M%2bqic%2fW707jWQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fi9.photobucket.com%2falbums%2fa70%2fmichaelcabrera%2fMacro%2fMasterpiece-Alpha--Beta1.jpg&ehk=Li1p9D7vxHUavEwk2jAI%2fsRR%2fMqdILC3P9XqGMudG0Y%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
  23. Creed honestly shocked me with how good it was. It was the perfect extension of the Rocky series, and Sly was robbed - ROBBED I SAY! - of a Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Old Rocky was so much fun, and Adonis had just the right mix of recognizable underdog and edgy young man to be a compelling protagonist. That five-ish minute single-take fight with Leo was a sight to behold. Suck it, Taken, with your fifty three gazillion cuts to show one man climbing a fence!
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