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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Still blech. At least it never skipped leg day...
  2. I LOVE those Max and Miryia colours! Very vibrant.
  3. 's how I feel about 3P transformers as well. It's dizzying. And I do NOT like that VF-1J. It's fugly and hit every branch of the fugly tree on the way down.
  4. Ugh. My least-favourite one-off designs.
  5. It's gonna be HUEG!
  6. And that's where head-canon comes in, so we can fix all those little niggling details to our hearts content
  7. DAYUM! That Alpha is I absolutely LOVE the battloid proportions! While the VF-1 is kinda sleeker and more slender, the Alpha is a linebacker at heart and this one looks it. I like the idea of what they're doing with the Cyclone, and while the lower half in Battloid mode looks good, the rest.... It's my fav mecha, but I don't like what I'm seeing here.
  8. The linebacker beefcake-ness is starting to grow on me.
  9. VF-1R springs to mind. I love how RT took an animation error and canonized it for itself 😀
  10. The setting, at least the version of the Robotech setting I've got going in my head, has really grown on me as of late. I tried rewatching the cartoon and it hasn't aged well at all, except maybe for a few of Angelo's lines. "Yes ma'am! But going out under the command of a ditzy teenager is not what I had in mind!" My brother and I still quote Louie's response to each other, "When you've gotta go, you gotta go; so let's get going."
  11. Brute force over gravity is a special kind of aerodynamics all its own
  12. And to think I thought the Stampeed Valkyrie was the limit of my distaste. That being said, the Beta itself spits in the face of aerodynamics, so I guess all such designs can't be bad
  13. Oh. Oh that does nothing for me. It's almost as over-the-top as the new Cyclone designs.
  14. *sobs in Southern Cross Merch* Forever denied...
  15. It's the thick nosecone that gets me. After all these needlenose versions, this one is a thicc boi.
  16. And those reasons would be because you're an awesome person!
  17. The hype must flow! More seriously, I'm loving what I've seen from Part 1 and this trailer, and it makes me wish that this were a trilogy movie covering the first book. There's an awful lot of plot to jam home in this single movie, and it'll take a deft touch to keep true to the novel without being one info dump after another.
  18. It took a few viewings, but I'm now of the opinion that LEGACY is one of the smartest movies I've ever seen, at least in terms of not spoon-feeding the plot to the audience. And I count CLU as one of the more tragic villains, especially compared to Sark and the MCP in the first movie. And yes, the soundtrack is amazing. So are the visuals. And I think the movie gets the short-shift when called a "2 hour Daft Punk music video".
  19. I don't see her on the Ramen Toys website. Is she not for pre-order yet?
  20. That's high praise for a Transformers film. That one was actually good and worthy of multiple theatre-viewings. I stopped watching after DotM.
  21. I love the sense of scale the SDF-1 has in these pics. It's a giant ship and should look like it. On the outside at least, since it does suffer greatly from Hammerspace and Tardis-like interiors.
  22. True, and I guess they still count as an emergency backup in case everything else fails.
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