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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. As far as I'm concerned, the greatest line in any of the adaptions comes from the Miniseries. "Without the Spice the Navigators will become blind, the Bene Gesserit will lose all powers, and all commerce between the Great Houses will cease! Civilization will end! If I am not obeyed? Then the Spice... will not flow." Paul has them all by the short'n'curlies and nobody is willing to test his willingness to do it. The Guild always chooses the safest paths, and the Bene Gesserit prefer to work from the shadows. As an aside, I really like Irulian's walk across the palace floor in the Miniseries. She's smart enough to see the way out of the mess and is willing to do it; in the movie she needed the Reverend Mother to explain what needed to be done.
  2. Just came back from watching Part Two. I know I'm in the minority when it comes to taste in media, but this was a terrible movie. All my worst fears were confirmed, they cut out so much plot from the novel that it jumped from topic to topic, barely pausing to let things sink in before info-dumping into the next scene. Even the individual moments weren't that good, imho. I felt it lacked a sense of... epicness, for lack of a better term. Paul riding the sandworm had little build up and thus it became a little thing (I also subtract a million points for the lack of epic Stilgar air guitar 😤). I found the Baron to continue being underwhelming as a villain. Miniseries Baron is the Best Baron, and I'll fight anyone who claims otherwise! Same with Fayed, just suffered from a lack of air time to flesh out his character. Miniseries Fayed had the grace to be a smarmy, epic douchebag of a villain. I did enjoy this Gurney and Stilgar, though. Both had wonderful lines and enjoyable characterization. And the epic duel at the end? Not so epic. The Emperor had almost no impact or presence, miniseries Irulian is the superior Irulian, and everyone here just seemed to be going through the motions. The big battle, the culmination of Paul's revenge against those who murdered his House? Done in a blink of an eye and then he's walking in on everyone and doing his thing. Was I expecting another Battle of Helm's Deep? Naw, but of the three versions of this battle put to screen thus far, this is the weakest.
  3. But that's part of his fallen angel tragedy to me. He's a shining example of intelligence without free will, compelled to create perfection out of nothingness. And nobody knows if his laser rifles or light cycle butt-beams would work or not. Nobody's checked what happens when a Program comes into the real world. But I concede that the Clu thing was the least threatening plot ever. At least the MCP, for all its contempt for humans, knew that the bigger threat was to muck around with the data it COULD access. Besides that, everyone knows that Rinzler was the better enemy anyway 😜
  4. I disagree about the "not well-written" part. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I think the way it implies parts of its story without clubbing people over the head with it was a refreshing change. It took me a few viewings to really appreciate some of what it was telling. But the visuals and the oft-praised music are <CENSORED> awesome. It's hard to pick a favourite scene because there are so many parts that individually enjoyable!
  5. I want this to be good. I really, really want this to be good. Tron: Legacy took a few viewings but it's become one of my favourite films ever.
  6. I will always applaud Crystal Skull for embracing Ford's aging and writing it into the character and story.
  7. I didn't know how much I needed this figure combo until now. It looks bloody awesome!
  8. I really enjoyed KOTM's take on Ghidorah.
  9. I do such little online shopping that my email just routed the notice into my spam box 😂 Thanks for letting me know the emails were even sent out.
  10. *refresh* Aww, no shipping notice. *refreshes again* Aww, no shipping notice. *refreshes again again* Aww, no shipping notice.
  11. Exactly my worries. Top Gun Maverick was the anomaly as far as these reboots of old properties go.
  12. Sc-scale?!? In an anime thread??? Shame on you, sir! Shame!
  13. I will have her... *makes grabby hands*
  14. I want! But I have no printer and no modelling skills. So I will lust from afar!
  15. I like how they're not shying away from just how UTTERLY SCREWED HUMANITY IS! Also, did I spy a Flood tentacle?
  16. Ugh, I HATE the bodysuit. Thankfully she'll be living in her armour full-time 😁
  17. I can't believe I just noticed this, but upon my umpteenth rewatch there ARE RWR tones against the 3rd SU-57. But only AFTER Rooster got the correct breaker to turn his station on. I will always adore the level of detail Joseph Kozinsky puts into his films.
  18. Success! It took a few minutes with an emery board (the only suitable sanding option I had) to get each side of the chest to the point where they'd slide up enough to get to the next steps. With all the other fiddly bits of the transformation, I'm honestly disappointed by the Punch -> Counterpunch conversion. I was really hoping for more than "flip shoulder pads around, flip arms, bend knees other way, turn figure around".
  19. Here's where I'm having trouble. That yellow tab on the top of the chest slider is just that teensiest bit too large to fit next to the other side's yellow tab. I'm thinking I'll need to sand one down a bit, but that's a bummer considering how much this toy cost.
  20. So I finally got my copy of James//Bond from X-Transbots. I'm not a huge TF collector, and less so 3P figures, but Punch is my absolute favourite character so I had to have him. Tight. Everything on this toy is so. Very. Tight. Every joint, every panel, every tab is frighteningly tight and makes me hold my breath every time something makes a noise that I'm not expecting. I don't have a spudger so I made do with a plastic comb, 'cuz there's no way my fingernails would survive trying to separate these panels! I've made it as far as sliding the chest sides up, but there's the teeniest bit of interference with the shoulder pieces. The plastic is just that fraction of a mm too thick and the chest isn't sliding properly into place. I'm taking a breather before attempting again. Anyone else run into this issue?
  21. I will never not be mesmerized by the pink goo The urge to poke it would be nigh-inescapable. 🤭
  22. I played the demo and it's awesome. Not a groundbreaking game by any means, but it so thoroughly LIVES in the Robocop universe that I don't care. The devs got the details right, and I'm amused greatly by how the HUD jiggles around with every thudding step. It looks and feels like it was made with fan's love and not an extruded and stamped committee product. I'm slow on my gaming and haven't gotten to Phantom Liberty yet, but after that I'll jump right into Rogue City.
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