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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. *whimper* I'm already behind in paying the Captain for is Invid Shocktrooper kit. The last thing my finances need right now is something like that. And by that, I mean, please dear God let it happen!!
  2. Yes. We need more Southern Cross love. It's rapidly taking over the 1st Generation as my favourite part of the Robotech story
  3. Pics schmicks. I want video, dammit!
  4. I have to admit, I find Van Damme's GoDaddy commercials to be hilarious. Especially the baker one. Given my boss' attitudes towards work, that's become my internal soundtrack at work
  5. Bloodsport, by far. Just last week, I spent a few hours watching clips of it on Youtube, especially the first day fighting montage. Plus the main theme is the best workout song I've ever known.
  6. 1/48 is (roughly) in scale with the Masterpiece Alpha and Beta, correct?
  7. So while I've never seen this movie (have no interest in it), this was just too damn funny to pass up www.youtube.com/embed/6B22Uy7SBe4
  8. I wasn't terribly impressed with that gameplay video. It looks too much like Halo, and I'd rather play a new game. Hopefully my impressions are wrong and it turns out Bungie has made some changes to the basic Halo gameplay...
  9. $100 is much easier for me to swing. Count me in
  10. It does look like it. I never noticed that before.
  11. So this is the official Robotech version of the YF-4 that Rick was playing with at the end of the First Generation: Now then, aside from the fact that it's Robotech (which is verboten around these parts) what do you people think of this design? Personally, I like it. It looks like an advanced version of the VF-1, while not being so brand new that it doesn't look as part of the original lineage. Looks like a logical next step in Veritech design. Now, the see the next intermediary between this and the VF-6 Alpha...
  12. How many confirmeds do you have and how many more do you need?
  13. I really don't like Prowl's club feet. Reminds me too much of the Alternator's line, one I didn't like at all. Plus it's too hollow in the back legs. A total pass for me.
  14. If it's $200-ish, I'm in for one. If the price climbs higher than that, will you let me know?
  15. Would you include the shield and/or energy rifle?
  16. I have to call foul with this. I thought her finest moment was coming to James Bond's hotel room in Tomorrow Never Dies. My favourite Tango and Cash moment? "Your Honour, Mr. Tango has spoken quite elegantly on this topic. All I have to add is... THIS F*#&*ING SUCKS!"
  17. I'm not ashamed to admit that I really, really enjoyed Rocky Balboa. In fact, I can give it the highest praise I can a movie: I wish I'd seen it in the theatres.
  18. So I just scored MP-10 here in town. Good price for not having to wait 3 weeks for shipping. But I'll be damned if I can find the instructions anywhere in the box. The flaps were all sealed with tape and the toy was complete, but no booklet. Where was it in your purchases?
  19. Like it or not, cars stuck on Menasor's shins have been part of the design since G1 (depending on the artist / animator). Yeah, it's lazy but it is what it is.
  20. Just bought Metroplex. He's absurdly massive. Like, really HUEG, man. Robot mode is awesomely impressive, and city and vehicle modes... are not. Seriously. He looks exactly like a robot squatting down and folded up. I can tell right away that robot mode will dominate my toy shelf, and the others won't make many appearances.
  21. I agree. The robotic nature of the character will be made or broken by how the actor moves. If he does a good job with the mimes and dance instructors to get the movements fluid, then I'll believe. If not...
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