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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Welp. That sounds bigger than just one kidney! ... ... ... I don't need TWO lungs, do I?
  2. That's all? In that case, I'll take two Bioroids and two Hovertanks. One of each rank
  3. Bioroid? Hovertank? Count me for one of each ... what did I just agree to?
  4. Hunh. Learn something new every day, it seems. Either way, it's clear to me that Dark Hero is a much better film overall.
  5. Yes, but it was really only kiddified on the DVD release. The original movie was pretty violent (ish) for kids.
  6. That's because the original dub was done by US Renditions, while the DVD was put out by Manga Corp, and made some wacky changes just because they could. But, ahhhh, Guyver. The movie is what brought me into anime. I'd seen it on the shelf and nearly rented it before, but put it back. (hey, I had to ration my movie rentals when I was 14). I got it one Friday night and as cheesy and moronic as it was in spots, I was hooked. I mean, HOOKED. I watched it back-to-back-to-back three times that night. I was never a comic reader, but I understood who Iron Man was. The idea that something like Iron Man could have his armour INSIDE his skin and on in a moment's notice? Awesome! The fact that it looked awesome and alien and creepy was a huge bonus. Then, upon returning the video the teller girl said they had more of them, but they were cartoons. And so I went home that night with the 2nd and 3rd volumes of the anime, and the rest is history. Then I saw Dark Hero and be damned if that it's a far, far superior film to the first one. Apparently, the producer of the first film wanted to make Guyver into the next Power Rangers, so he recut the film without the director's approval, cut out all the violence, and amped up the Kiddie Factor for all DVD releases. The prick. But Dark Hero is wonderfully violent, amazingly graphic, and enjoyably destructive. When you smash a Zoanoid's head against a tree and brains ooze out? Yep, much more graphic And the fight at the end against the Guyver Zoanoid was amazingly choreographed, especially for a kid who'd been educated by 80s action films with big, heavy, slow punches. Just amazing. In fact, I spent a few weeks last month rewatching Dark Hero on Youtube and it's held up better than a lot of shows from that time period that I used to like. Still fun, if stupid and sloppy fun.
  7. How did you make the beam croissant hollow?
  8. I think I want this to succeed, not just because of how awesome I think this Robotech game is going to be, but because of how much I want mecha from the other 2 generations. I envision being able to set up VHT Hovertanks in Gladiator mode, with their long main guns, and raining indirect fire down from halfway across the map, AJAX hover copters nimbly darting in and out of combat... *happy fanboy sigh*
  9. No. No, you most certainly are not. I also want Slug to bash open a door, stomp in, look down at what the door fell on, and say "Excuse me."
  10. As I understand it, isn't Kickstarter just basically a preorder platform? I saw those same arguments by people whom bought the Oculus Rift that felt they had a say in the sale to Facebook. Or that had felt "betrayed" by Oculus selling out, and wanted to take their money back. I put money into a Kickstarter project. As long as I get what I was promised for it, that's the end of my involvement. I'm not some kind of investor into the company itself.
  11. Yeah, explaining it to his wife is a discussion my brother and I already had. We've agreed the best option is to build and house them at my place, and avoid the issue altogether :D
  12. I love everything about the ZOE mecha designs... except for the placement of the cockpit. Just... no.
  13. It does seem that way. Despite the captions in the original message saying just how often the 3D Printed prototypes were assembled, disassembled, then reassembled for photos, people just saw GAPS and went HERASY! WHY IS THIS NOT DONE MY WAY?!?!?! Sigh. I'm beginning to remember the problems of having a fandom.
  14. So how did you make the croissant hollow in places? Will that hollowness be in the final, cast pieces? What flavour of fruit filling do you recommend?
  15. Tee hee. That Optimus Prime DLC trailer was funny. Almost makes me want to buy Titanfall. Pity about it being a joke, though... right...?
  16. I like Peaugh because he gives his reviews and transformations with a minimum of extraneous crap. Other reviews seem to end up on too many tangents not related to the toy in question. Vangelius is good in small doses, if only for the hilarious fourth-wall-breaking subtitles. Those make him worth watching
  17. Along the lines of re-issued kits, you've said that the moulds themselves have a limited number of uses before they're too far gone to use. Do you keep the master templates of your kits after you're finished a project? As in, could you cast up new silicone moulds and begin casting again?
  18. How thick are the blocks of modelling board that you're using? Do you have to adhere blocks together before machining them? For that matter, how are you sticking completed parts together?
  19. But that Spartan also had parts for chest-missles open or closed, hands empty or armed with a club or GU-11... So there will be a fair degree of customization per mecha, it seems.
  20. That clam shell ship is one of the most underrated in the Robotech / Mospeada universes. Everyone gravitates to the ones with biggest guns, but to see one of those suckers fly up, open up and then just SPEW hordes and hordes of mecha? Brr. Add to that the fact that Invid don't really do capship to capship warfare. Just swarm attacks and kamikaze runs against the opposing ships.
  21. So what's your procedure for cutting the modelling board? Does it come in various thicknesses or do you have to gang several pieces together to make a larger block? What's your shaping mediums / techniques?
  22. I can't afford one, but I must say that I spent all day making plastics bags the EXACT same shade of pink that was used on King Crabulon. And I spent all day thinking of that kit. Thanks a bunch, Cap'n
  23. Oddly enough, I enjoyed the fact that there was no central villain. The first movie was almost too blunt in its "these are the BAD GUYS". OCP was evil, Boddiker was evil, the Gang was evil... In this one, there is no one eeeeeevil guy, instead a bunch of people all taking small evil steps and ends up becoming something really vile. I take that as more a swipe at modern consumerism and corperate culture, and less about having a definite Bad Guy to fight against.
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