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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. I think my favourite part was how the US military, or all the humans, really, had absolutely zero impact on the final outcome. All those people, all those ships and tanks and trains and guns and missles... did absolutely no good whatsoever. Maybe I'm just used to Michael Bay's approach to the military, but this was nice to see how 300ft monsters just shrug off everything thrown at them
  2. And that's the big problem I have with so many 3P groups doing the same figures at the same time. Too much competition when there's more than enough figures to go around.
  3. Hummina hummina hummina. Okay guy. After the VHT, THIS must be your next project!
  4. Wow, that tank mode is really neat. Totally different from the animation, but that's what you get without anime magic in real life, eh? What would you say was the hardest part about getting the VHT to look like that?
  5. That's one sweet-looking Officer's Pod. Unpainted grey is nice, but a slop of paint makes all the difference in the world.
  6. It's funny, but I took college classes in injection mould design for my degree, and I'm STILL gobsmacked at the level of detail and intricate design in those sprues. It looks like each sprue will form one complete unit, and to balance all the polymer flow, venting, filling time, cooling time... Threads like this and Captain America's builds reminds me just how much thought goes on behind the scenes
  7. I greatly preferred this versions OmniCorp as opposed to the original's OCP. OCP seems to be made of evilness, where evil people go to their evil jobs and twirl their evil mustaches of evilness before every board meeting. This version seems to be a bit more nuanced, where nobody is outright "evil" but just amoral enough in their jobs to cause an awful lot of strife and agony. Much like corporations of today, where nobody sets out to murder babies and puppies but somehow ends up causing a ton of damage. Plus I like Murphy's interactions with his wife and son. His wife especially. That was an emotional angle that the first one glossed over.
  8. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: I'll admit that 1/350 doesn't interest me that much, since I'm awaiting what Robotech Tactics will bring, but I'm ALL OVER a 1/48 or 1/32 transforming hovertank. GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!!!!
  9. That's a cool scale pic. You wouldn't happen to have a 1/48th VF-1 to keep in scale, would you?
  10. So just to make certain we're all on the same forum page: You'll be putting out a 1/350 scale VHT, followed by a 1/72 non-transforming version , followed by a 1/48 OR 1/32 transforming version? :wub: I... uh... I'll be in my bunk...
  11. I'm torn. Most of my existing RT stuff is in 1/48th. But 1/32 with a better transformation scheme...
  12. One thing I really like about the Robotech version is how they didn't downplay or chickify Dana Sterling. Yeah, she's a bit of a brat and annoying, but she's also tough as nails on the battlefield and never the damsel in distress. Quite progressive for an early 80s cartoon. Is that mock-up for a 1/350 version or a 1/48 scale?
  13. ... ... ... *loads up Blue on Youtube*... You're a bad person and should be ashamed of yourself
  14. Name your organs, kind sir. I'm partial to keeping all 4 limbs, but they are negotiable.
  15. Dammit. I love Robotech more than most guys, but this is some lowbrow crap. Bad HG! Bad!
  16. *quietly hands the Cap'n his sculpting tools* The masses have spoken. Make it happen, good sir.
  17. ... ... ... ... what did I start here? Make it happen, guys. Make it happen.
  18. Hovertank. Say it with me: Hhhhhooooooovvvvver taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnk. ^_^
  19. Captain, how tall is this Blueberry Crab? I guess to the top of the cannons?
  20. Only 6" Well, that's not bad. It would probably keep the costs manageable. That way I could aquire one for each mode
  21. There was a push to get Captain America on these boards to do a kit of the VHT like his Alpha / Legioss kit. We fell just short of the preorders needed to get it going.
  22. Ain't that the truth But I'll request a 1/48 three-mode hovertank. Doesn't have to transform, but buildable in 3 poses. Now then, I've already sold a kidney and lung... Could I mortgage my liver? Anyone want a more or less healthy liver????
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