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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. No, no, no. Let the hatred FLOW through you! *evil cackle*
  2. They're not Hasegawa-level intricate, mind. They're just tiny and rather fiddly at the best of times. Tweezers, elastics, a magnifying glass, and you're good
  3. Ugh. I try so very hard to defend Palladium. Their books were an integral part of my childhood, and I still really enjoy the Rifts books because they update and change the setting with each release. But damn, they're making it hard to cheer for them without wanting to put a paperbag over my head. This RPG Tactics fiasco has been a horrible experience right from the get-go after the hype died down.
  4. It was a good season, but suffered from too many loads and loads of characters. It also seemed rushed towards the end, too quickly trying to tie up loose ends. Overall I thought Jessica Jones was a show with better characters, but the plot in DD Season 2 was overall very nice.
  5. They all take place in one shared universe, yes. But the Netflix branch is so stylesticly different from the movies, and waaaay different from AoS and Agent Carter that I don't see how they could be merged together without one having to be radically altered to suit the rest.
  6. The only thing I really want from this season is to copy Jessica Jones' treatment of female characters. JJ had strong women who weren't merely arm-candy, and I really want DD to continue that trend.
  7. Just saw Creed. I never got around to seeing it in the theatres and that was a mistake. While the film wasn't as compelling as Rocky Balboa, and I didn't care much for the love side-plot, the meat of the story in the father-son relationship between Adonis and Rocky was as good as any in any other movie. Michael B Jordan and Sly have some amazing chemistry and I believed in every single one of their interactions. It's one thing to say the lines in the script, it's another to act them, and it something else entirely to project the meaning and spirit of the script onto the film. These two actors took the script to a whole 'nother level. I can't rave enough about the soundtrack, too. It was an amazing callback to the style of the music in the previous films without feeling dated, it avoided most of the modern music and heavy bass and modern orchestral styles. And one amazing easter egg in the last round of the final fight had me pumping my fist and cheering at my screen. Sly got robbed at the Oscars. He really did.
  8. After seeing it a second time, I really think they missed an opportunity during one scene: It's still an awesome film
  9. Hey, jeans are better than crotch-hugging pleather vinyl pants from the '03 movie... At least it looks like Elektra is in decent shoes, rather than 3" stilettoes and a barely-there vest I think the '03 movie did some things right. Elektra's costume is SO not one of them
  10. Is there a decent FemShep toy that comes with a helmeted head option? It seems like most figures have horrible face-sculpts.
  11. *sigh* I love Robotech. I really do. I love the interconnected story, the ties between the three generations of Earth's defenders, the way the mistakes of one generation haunt the rest. But dear GOD, the people running the brand are making it hard for me to actually like the product! Between the clusterfrakk that is the Mini situation, to the dire toy situation, to the lack of decent support of the tiny fanbase... This is just a horrible waste of a memorable IP.
  12. A whole bunch of gore in the action scenes, as I recall the blurb saying.
  13. I really like Predator 2. It didn't try to match, or even overshadow the original and instead just told another story in the same universe. I thought Danny Glover did a good job, and Gary Busey is always entertaining Apparently the director had to trim about 17 minutes of scenes to avoid an NC-17 rating. I'd love to see that cut of the film!
  14. Agreed. Jessica Jones was superior in almost every way for me, save for the progression of the story and the villain. I think Kilgrave is far scarier than the Kingpin, and he was written and acted so evil and vile that it'll be a while before any comic book villain matches up. And I love the scene with Jessica complaining about the costume. Jewel really is a slurmty stripper's name, isn't it? After all the hubub surrounding Black Widow's costume, and the promotional marketing having a love affair with SarJo's ass, it was nice to see someone in the MCU call out the costumes for being what they were.
  15. I'm cautiously optimistic about this. I loved Predators and I'd like to see that idea carried on. However I wasn't thrilled with Iron Man 3, and while Shane Black is the only person not named John McTiernan I'd trust with the franchise I'd rather see a continuation of Predators rather than an outright reboot of Predator. Predator is action history gold. Leave it alone.
  16. This is the wrong thread, but I can't think of another to put it in. I'm looking at getting a Play Arts Kai FemShep toy, but I don't like the default head sculpt they provided. Has anyone made a 3rd Party helmeted head that I can just pop on?
  17. If there was ever an award for marketing, this movie team gets it. It's so much better than the Star Wars team, plastering the logo onto EVERYTHING. And Ryan looks like he's just plain having fun
  18. Jessica Jones has been renewed for Season 2 No release times have been set, but the Defenders are contractually obligated to air at a certain time, so JJ S2 will have to work around that.
  19. I always found Palladium combat to be long and tedious in the mecha worlds. Rifts combat took forever as each side chipped down the other. It really needs a mook-system, I think.
  20. Because the original Manga comic hasn't ended yet. It's still going on, and on, and on, and on. Sloooowly going on, but still going. Personally, I disregard most of the manga as too power-trippy for my liking. I honestly prefer the somewhat lower power levels of the movie than the animes or manga.
  21. That trailer didn't really turn my crank. It seemed more like a rehash of S1 than anything about S2. Now, bring me my S2 of Jessica Jones! And Luke Cage! Jess and Luke together!
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