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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. With all the hype around the return of Lord Vader (and justifiably so, too!) I wonder if the Emperor will be making a cameo himself. Sir Ian McDermid was the best thing to come out of the Prequels and I so want to see him continue that role.
  2. Are there any differences between the Hasbro and Takara versions of Fortress Maximus other than the sword?
  3. Heh, it's amazing how quickly Jessica Jones went from, "Engh, I'll finish this one off and then take a break" to "OMG, I can still sleep for 2 hours and be good to work for 10, just one more episode!"
  4. Jess and Luke breaking the bed was absurdly funny One of the nice touches this show does is showing the ramifications of using their powers. When Jessica breaks a lock, it stays broken until someone fixes it (not magically repaired before the next scene), she has dents in her ceiling from hucking her boot at it to shut her loud neighbours up, Luke's bed couldn't hold up to their sex onslaught
  5. The best part about Jessica Jones was the way they took a comic book property and completely eschewed every comic book movie trope. There was no big climactic battle, no 25 minute long CGI fest with upteen billions in property damage, no trite "save my lover from the baddie". Daredevil hit a lot of those notes as well, but JJ just smashed them outta the park.
  6. I've come to realize that I have an unhealthy love for the Southern Cross mecha. Macross gets all the love, Mospeada gets some love, but Southern Cross is the unloved step-child. I was so happy when we were THIIIIIS close to getting Captain America to make us an AGAC kit like his Alpha fighter. Pity it fell through
  7. Honestly, I thought that Smart Robin's transformation was the best of all the Function releases. The way the arms and torso collapse to fill in the cockpit is nothing short of amazing, something most Headmaster wannabe's don't even bother trying.
  8. Oddly enough, on a rewatch I find that I have some serious issues with DDs2. The first half was utterly amazing, but anything involving the Hand was just too cluttered and felt tacked-on. Too many extra characters, too much OMGDOOMENDOFTHEWORLD stuff. I like the smaller scale of the Netflix MCU and the end of S2 felt like trying to match the scope of the movies.
  9. Wow. From your pictures it looked to be the same size as the Robotech RPG Tactics minis. I guess it makes sense it'd be so large if it were in the same scale. Sign me up for when you make these suckers available
  10. That. Is. GORGEOUS!!! :wub:
  11. I just noticed that during the Deadpool Rap sequence, where he's hunting down Francis' men and first wearing the red suit, the two women in the MMA ring are both wearing Francis' slave collars! Now that's a level of detail and attention I hadn't noticed before.
  12. Looking great! I love how that middle pic shows off the scale difference between the different generations of Robotech mecha Now just gotta get some Cyclones and some Hovertanks in there!
  13. It's good that Ryan Reynolds is still enjoying the role enough to put this much personal effort into it. Other stars just to press work and the like, but he seems to really have embraced this.
  14. The only thing about this that concerns me is that it feels like the Netflix corner of the MCU is filling up as rapidly as the movie corner. Already I feel that the MCU is teetering under the weight of the number of characters it's boasting and trying to cram into increasingly crowded movies. One of the best parts of Jessica Jones was that, aside from Kilgrave, Luke Cage is the only other "gifted" person she's ever met. While I'm eagerly awaiting the Defenders, I'd like that sense of loneliness and uniqueness to continue throughout the Netflix MCU.
  15. These are great I'd love to see your take on the Southern Cross stuff I have an undying love for a show that doesn't get much love from other people.
  16. Visionaries is still awesome. Even today, when most 80s cartoons have failed the nostalgia filter something fierce, the first 3 episodes of Visionaries remains watchable and enjoyable. Plus it has a rocking theme song
  17. ... ... ... ... I would pay good money to look half as good in a suit as Mike Coltier does... After rewatching Daredevil S2 and then re-re-re-re-re-rewatching Jessica Jones, I have to admit that one thing that I really like about JJ is how Trish is always going to be there for Jess. After a season of watching people pull, tug, and generally treat Matt like crap (deservedly so or not), then going back and rewatching how Trish is always supportive, helpful, and trying to aid Jess in her healing process is so wonderful.
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