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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Same here. The Episode VII hoopula really burned me out on the teasers/trailers/character trailers/behind the scenes peek thing.
  2. Just the opposite, here. I felt the tiniest stirrings of wow, possibly with a dash of hope that this won't suck. I'm cautiously optimistic for the next series of actual trailers to convince me.
  3. The PTBs are contractually obligated to get the Defenders out in a certain timeframe. JJ S2 and DD S3 are def. going to be on hold until that's finished and broadcast. I was decidedly meh about Luke Cage. Very uneven in tone, style, execution, and plotlines. Started strong, with a very firm sense of style that quickly got muddled under conflicting plotlines (reminded me a lot of my troubles with DD S2, tbh). Mike Colter is an amazing actor and when he got some meaty stuff to work with, he was magic. I'd pay good, good money to have his smile and smooth lines I still hold Jessica Jones as the best of the Marvel Netflix shows so far. DD S1 was great, S2 less so in the non-Punisher scenes, but JJ continues to be my high watermark (even though that show had its troubles down the stretch, too). I'm iffy on the concept of Iron Fist, but even the worst of Marvel Netflix is miles ahead of other shows, and I'm thirsty AF for the Defenders! Bring it on! And yeah, Shades really did steal the show! Shades, and the in-universe continuity nods were pretty much the only things keeping me going in the lesser episodes. I saw Turk playing chess in the first episode and it took me a second to realize who it was. I was blown away by the voice-over starting episode 6
  4. I just picked up Titan Masters Blurr and it's a welcome little toy. I'm not the greatest collector, and I've only got a few MPs and some Generations stuff, and Blurr is a huge improvement over Generations Cyclonus. Blurr isn't nearly as hollow or weak-feeling, and has a nifty transformation that's fun without being too fiddly. I just might have to investigate Chromedome next...
  5. Definetly after. To get his clear from Kilgrave's influence, and to try to get over Jessica, he's moved from Hell's Kitchen uptown to Harlem. Also a bit nitpicky, but that bullet should've been mushroomed after hitting his unbreakable skin.
  6. Y'know, it's ugly ungainliness is growing on me. I like that it looks like a ship kludged together from separate design ideals, like a Trek version of the Normandy. I'm especially interested in the rumours of a Klingon captain, as a post-war gesture of goodwill and trust.
  7. If they're going with a pre-TOS setting and a Klingon captain, will he be a TOS-styled flat-face or a ridged Klingon? Hmm...
  8. I like the juxtaposition of the music from the teaser to this trailer. The first one used a piano reprise of the Main Theme, and this one used a piano reprise of the Imperial March
  9. I think that's what still has me sold on this. I wasn't expecting to like Daredevil (I still like the '03 movie, dammit!) and they surprised me with how much I liked it. From the Jessica Jones trailers, I didn't think I'd like the show much and I ended up voting it as my favouritest show of all times. Netflix Marvel hasn't disappointed me once, and I feel that Luke Cage and even Iron Fist will be just as amazing. Then comes the Defenders!
  10. Hey, it's a more subtle form of advertising that BB-ized oranges! But yes, this is getting just a tad too much for my liking. Who knew I'd be looking back at the PT and envying their subtlety...
  11. Hmm. I have to say, that trailer didn't quite thrill me. I like how Daredevil and Jessica kept their battles mostly in the dark and away from the public eye. Luke Cage openly using his abilities... I'll have to wait and see, but I'm still looking forward to this!
  12. Hey! There were only 7,002 Stormtroopers killed! The last one died of a heart attack, it's not fair to count him!
  13. Galaxy-class or bust! There are no other competitors for best ship design. That being said, I'll wait to see more about the show itself before passing judgement. If it turns out to be a Federation/Klingon hybrid design, a la the SSV Normandy, then I'll accept what I see.
  14. This is unbearably cool, but does anyone else get the impression that it's a little... squished? Like they took a toy, stuck it in a bench vise and streeeeetched it just a bit?
  15. I'm really stoked for Luke Cage. I'm a bit bummed about how they seem to have made him stronger than he was in Jessica Jones. I really liked that she was stronger than he was
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