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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Some episodes are available on YouTube. The differences are most glaring during the opening sequence, but almost all of the sound effects have been... well... effected. Just enough to really piss me off!
  2. No offense taken at all If I could design a superior Dinobot transformation gimmick, I'd quit my job and join these 3P companies in an instant!
  3. I'm getting tired of all the 3P dinobot companies using the tail-in-the-boot-trick. It was awesome when MP Grimlock debuted it, but since then every single Dinobot that isn't Swoop has used it. It's just not that very innovative any more.
  4. And I thought I was the only one who hated the Remastered version. I grew up with bad VHS taped copies of the original broadcast, and those are the sounds and music that I identify with Robotech. Anything else is just wrong!
  5. My brother prefers Emgo, but I cannot stand listening to him. His inflection and presentation style are just so grating that I see a red haze whenever he comes on and starts blabbering. His ending stop-motions are great, though. I prefer Vangelus, at least his older reviews. I think he strikes the best balance between shooting footage live, and having a script and editing to trim away the excesses. Plus his snarky subtitles are just hilarious!
  6. I think my favourite part is that none of the characters seem to hold the Idiot Ball for the sake of the plot. Even the military, so often portrayed as either unthinking warmongers or useless antagonists, had their time to shine. They all acted as they should, given their roles and motivations. That was such a refreshing breath of fresh air.
  7. Is that a custom-painted Gakken, or a model kit?
  8. I like the way you think, JB0. *tapes JB0's Christmas Card back together again*
  9. That's the thing about GitS. It's had so many adaptions and different takes on the manga's story (movie, SAC, SAC: SSS, Arise...) and they've all contributed to the overall story, it's hard to tell where to draw the inspiration from. For me, it has to have copious amounts of Unresolved Sexual Tension between the Major and Batou. That is non-negotiable.
  10. I was unwowed by the idea of this film. The teasers didn't sway me. The trailer did. I'm cautiously optimistic that this will be a decent adaption of a dense, layered storyline. It certainly looks pretty enough, but that's not enough for me.
  11. Oh, hush you. Bringin' your fancy-pants "logic" and "reality" to this. Pfft! Leave us our dreams...
  12. I think we're all hoping the Cap'n will make a triumphant return and shower us with mecha goodies like mana from heaven
  13. The more I think about it, the more I come to the conclusion that each villain was good for their story arc. Cottonmouth was ideal as the gritty, 20teens skilled villain; and Diamondback was an excellent throwback to the Blaxploitation era films villain, complete with over-the-top grandstanding and villainous monologue. It's just the transition between the two was handled very poorly. Such a jarring change in tone, much like what happened to DD S2. Jessica Jones is still my favourite of all the Netflix shows. DD S1 is a close second, and Luke Cage and DD S2 occupy a lower tier. But even "lower tier" is still miles ahead of almost every other show out there, especially the superhero / comic book shows (lookin at you, Arrow...).
  14. I was decidedly underwhelmed by that ME:A trailer. Just... meh. I'll play it, of course, but so far not feelin' it.
  15. Agreed with all your points about the Function line. Code was groundbreaking, Smart Robin was sublime, and UUUU was just awesome. What they lack in size, they more than make up for with innovation. Then came Crox and I exited, stage right. Just bland and uninteresting, and def. not up to the bar set by the first 3.
  16. Agreed. I'm actually pretty happy with my Toynami Alpha, though the production itself needed some help.
  17. That photo really does make the clown feet impossible to ignore.
  18. Left! ... what are we talking about, again?
  19. I want my tanks
  20. Invids and horizonts and hovertanks, for one giant fight scene! I'm disappointed by the RPG Tactics line thus far, so this will have to satiate my needs for Robotech generations battles! Oh, and some bioroids, too.
  21. This will be my first 3rd party purchase, simply to support the line. Whether I buy more than one depends on the quality. Now, where are my hovertanks?!
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