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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. What choice do they have, though? There are 5 main characters, plus 5 main robots to advertise. There's only so much poster space to be had, and I'd hate for them to focus on just one ranger as the hero and the rest as sidekicks... ... ... ... And roundhouse kicks. And snap kicks. And ax kicks... (I tried to stop myself, I really did).
  2. The more I see of this film, the more I'm intrigued by it. I hope it won't suck, I wouldn't be surprised if it does, and I just might find myself enjoying it. However, there must be ungodly amounts of UST between the Major and Batou. This is non-negotiable.
  3. I had very low opinions of Enterprise until I rewatched it later. I binged the series and it was much better, and certainly not worth the hate leveled at it by the internet. There are some things I would've done differently, but overall it was a nice prequel to the TOS era.
  4. I loved Vangelus' earlier stuff. But the more he's branched out from just reviewing toys, the less content he puts out. Peaugh is a good instructional source, when I have issues with transforming toys; but he doesn't really review the toy. I wish I could like Emgo. I really do. He puts out a ton of content, regular updates... I just feel my IQ dropping by 20 points whenever he speaks His actual videos are worse than nails on a chalkboard.
  5. I've been thinking about this for a while and decided that I really don't want it. We've already gone down that route with Revan in KOTOR, and reusing that plot point would just be another example of the creative sterility. Why is George Lucas the only one to try new things?
  6. The first trailer intrigued me. This one remains intriguing. I have no doubts there will be camp and cheese in the film, I just hope not enough to overshadow the other bits. Also, Goldar? Now I have to rewatch that trailer again. And again. And again...
  7. I saw that as the old slow walking blind guy using the Force. Nothing as flashy as a lightsaber or force jumping or lightning. Instead, just the Force nudging the Stormtrooper's blaster rifles just a smidge as they pulled the triggers. Untrained Force sensitivity can still do some amazing things.
  8. I was referring to the mind-probe scene, where Rey was able to push Kylo out of her mind. I have some issues with the fight scene at the end. I know her martial skill was established earlier, but I always felt that the lightsaber was too unwieldy for someone not trained in its use. The fact that it's made of light, and thus weightless, but still cuts through everything it touches should make it harder to use than a wooden stick. But that's just my opinion, and the fight at the end is the lesser of TFA's errors. (ps: The hallway scene in Rogue One ROCKED!!! )
  9. I was referring to Maz Kanata. She's a short, ancient, alien whom imparts training and knowledge of the Force to the main character. Instead of long green ears, they gave her wide eyes and comically over-sized glasses. Ultimately the same character, just not nearly as well done as Yoda. I'll agree that the Clone Wars isn't what I'd envisioned when I first read the Zahn novels, but I really enjoyed how the decay and glacial pace of the Republic was shown. And I really liked how the Jedi were so utterly locked in their own dogma that they couldn't see the forest because of the trees. Anyone whom dared to challenge that dogma, like Qui-Gon Jinn, was quietly put the side and ostracised from any real authority. And the best part of the Prequels was how they de-scaled the Jedi in power and ability. The EU took Force powers and Jedi abilities much farther than I'd liked. The PT brought them back down and gave them quite a few undesirable sides as well. Being able to out-Force Darth Vader's grandson? How much more pathetic could he get, to let an untrained woman with merely unharnessed potential, to out mind-trick him?
  10. TFA disappointed me on so many levels. But above all it wasn't original in any way, shape, or form. Not a lick of originality to be found in it. I could pick out the tropes as they happened, and also identify the exact moments that copied the original films. "Oh look, she's on a desert planet that's Tattooine in everything but name." Why couldn't they just call it Tattooine since that's what they seemed to want? "Oh look, it's just like the cantina sequence." Except that it failed. Mos Eisley felt lived in, gritty, and the cantina had a sense of history. This one didn't. I just felt put in for the sake of having an ANH reference. "Oh look, here's the Yoda character." Except that she failed as a Yoda character. Yoda had a sense of aged wisdom, from countless years of experience. This one... didn't. She felt more like a plot point, there to advance the story rather than inhabit it. "Starkiller Base? Okay, that's an esoteric nod to the original drafts for ANH... WTF! It's another Death Star station?" Except bigger, because of course it HAS to be scaled up. "Wait, didn't the good guys win in ROTJ? Why is Leia part of the Rebellion again? Wait, rebelling against what? If not the Empire then what?" Basic information was seemingly left out. "Oh look, she's Force-sensitive. Wait, how can she resist a trained Dark-Sider like that? Oh, and she has TK without training. Oh, and she can hold her own in a lightsaber fight. Didn't Luke need two movies to get that kind of skill?" Now add to that the way I didn't enjoy any of the original touches put in. Kylo Ren was an abysmal villain. I didn't buy him as a threat at all, unlike Lord Vader whom was a lethal baddass from the second he stepped onto the screen. I absolutely hated watching the Starkiller beam streak across the sky, painfully slow, yet still able to target several planets across interstellar distances. That sucked. I guess the best way to sum up my gripes with TFA is as follows: It's was designed with a checklist of points to hit. Rather than adding to the story, they just took cookie-cutter sequences from earlier films and mashed them together, and not very well at all. Original Trilogy ships? Check. Original Trilogy sound effects? Check. Original Trilogy plot points? Check, check, check.
  11. And you have to remember that Vader, for all his skills and talents, isn't the clearest thinker. When his emotions get the better of him, when battle takes over, he gets tunnel vision and focuses on the task at hand. The more I think about it, the more I really love that Hallway scene. Yeah, it's pandering, but it's the kind of pandering that I enjoy
  12. I think I'm the only person in the world whom didn't notice the facial CGI! I was so taken in by the performance that I just blanked on the CGI and accepted it at face value (pun very much intended! ).
  13. So I was looking over my Robotech mini's over the Christmas break, and my brother has a Titans Returns Fort Max. I thought hard and realized that the scales (as funny as they are in BOTH universes) almost perfectly worked out! And here are my two favourite pics of the bunch: Clear for takeoff! And coming out from under the cover of the ship itself.
  14. Agreed on both counts. This doesn't bode well for me enjoying this movie.
  15. I find myself cautiously becoming interested in this show. Not enough to pay extra for the privilege of seeing it, mind you. But still. Cautious interest.
  16. Well, let me see this. It can't be all bad. *loads page* Okay, her bot mode is a tad stylized, more than I'd like but... *clicks images* Meh. *clicks images* Not bad. *clicks images* Looks inter- ohmergard!!! What did they do to her car mode?!? That's a solid pass from me.
  17. So what do you think of your toy haul, 505th?
  18. The Beta is a disgusting block of a toy, just like the animation design. But it's a sweet, sweet add-on to the Alpha
  19. Aw, thanks you guize *blushes and kicks dirt*. I had a lot of fun coming up with this bio. I was just gonna post the pictures, but then I started writing... and then I realized I was doing a TF Universe bio, and then I looked up the formatting, which lead to more writing, which lead to finding some techspecs to post... This was much fun
  20. ... why did they CGI over Brandan Frasier's face???
  21. Is Serephicus as gappy and hollow as he looks to me? For the price point that 3P companies are charging, hollow limbs and gappy designs are a major no-no.
  22. After lurking, snarking, and blatantly stealing other peoples' hard work, I'm finally here to contribute something: From the cast-offs, the rejects, the outright despised, comes the Combiner that nobody wanted (literally). We have a torso that was released without a set (who's dumb idea was that???), a left arm that was utterly the wrong vehicle, wrong name, wrong colour scheme (wrong, wrong, wrong), a right arm that got neutered from a space shuttle into a plane (how's that for being cut down in size?!), a left leg that isn't just the wrong vehicle, it has two more tires than it should! (which was then subsequently replaced after the fact), and a right leg that that has the correct number of tires, but utterly the wrong team theme! (srsly, who thought it was a good idea to put an OFF-ROAD vehicle into a sports car team???)... And yet, by their powers combined, they become much less than the sum of their parts. I present to you, UNWANTATRON!! If you thought Menasor had troubles, hoo boy you ain't seen NUTHIN' yet. This guy has self-esteem issues for days! Scattershot knows the calibre of troops he has to work with, so he has to set an internal timer whenever they combine lest their combined self-loathing overtakes Unwantatron's main personality matrix and leads to a mopey, despondent titan with army-shattering weaponry at the ready. The individual limbs also know just how unwanted they really are, and how much their Beloved Leader would drop them in a circuit beat for his missing Technobots, which occasionally manifests itself as Unwantatron developing bouts of cyber-schizophrenia and becoming an uncoordinated mess on the battlefield. Despite these drawbacks, Unwantatron is a stalwart warrior who stands tall in the face of the oncoming Decepticon armada, desperately fighting back the niggling thoughts that Superion or Defensor would be much better at, well, everything. Abilies/Weapons: Unwantatron features all the standard abilities of the Combiner Wars special teams, incredible toughness and strong beyond measure. The technology that allows for the combination is smooth and without flaw, allowing the great mass to move with a surprising grace (that he will be the first to downplay) and astonishing speed. His main long-range weapon is formed from Scattershot, but increased with the added power from the team as a whole for vastly increased range and stopping power. Weaknesses: All of Unwantatron's weaknesses are in his own mind, literally. The same technology that allows the physical melding of his component parts also allowed all their neuroses to meld and reinforce each other. Where each part may only worry or have the occasional doubt, these are all magnified to extremes in Unwantatron as crippling despair and an utter lack of self-confidence. The timer that Scattershot has to set limits Unwantatron's use in the field, and his occasional limb cyber-schizophrenia mean that even during the heat of battle Unwantatron sometimes simply cannot even move his limbs. Despite all this, he remains steadfast in his desire to protect the weak and defend the just.
  23. Are you sure? Maybe it's just a figment of your imagination.
  24. It's always the last one in the lines, and by that time people are priced out and the market dries up.
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