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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Engh, I think we'll just have to agree to disagree I always felt that Macross' perfect ending was a tad sour and not to my liking, so seeing how things degenerated in Robotech is more my style. I think the fact that the Earth is actually worse off at the start of each generation makes the big payoff at the end of New Generation just a bit better. But! That's just my opinion, and I've known that my opinions are often unpopular when it comes to popular media (BSG isn't that good, Firefly is better off cancelled, Dark Knight Trilogy is overrated...)
  2. God-Emperor Moscato demands blood tribute for his bounty!
  3. I always liked the way it was a de facto military dictatorship. Hell, they even pointed that out in the first episode by explicitly telling us that it was a more feudal society than what had been before. Warriors trading service for a gift of land and a noble title? Warring factions of stylishly armoured warriors? Sounds medieval to me, and not that far removed from the feudal Japan roots that the original anime was aiming for. As for the weaker hardware, I handwave it away by saying that Earth of the mid-to-late 2020s just doesn't have the massive industrial base it used to have, and the Expeditionary Forces took the damaged factory satellite with them (along with the lion's share of mecha and development time). So the Southern Cross had to make do and devoted a lot of resources into things like cheaper non-transformable battloids, a greater emphasis on energy weapons instead of missiles, and so on. Besides, the Armies of the Southern Cross were more or less intended to deal with rogue Zentradi and other malcontents, which their mecha should've been more than adequate for. I also appreciate how they undid that pathetic Leonard story from the comics. There was no need for that, other than the authors didn't like him maybe?
  4. Where did you get the labels for your boxes? Or did you just print them off yourself?
  5. They expanded on the idea that single, unified world government just wasn't working after the Zentradi Rain of Death. More and more nations, new and old, began breaking away and squabbling amongst themselves. After the RoD, securing tomorrow's food is probably a better use of time and money than preparing for another alien invasion. The "world government" is more of a United Nations deal, a political forum for the nations to deal with each other as opposed to a singular government. The armed forces work the same way, where the individual nations contribute money, materiel, or troops to a pan-national, non-interventionist military who's stated goal is the protection of Earth from alien threats. So it's entirely possible for two hovertank troopers to be from different, competing nations. While there is a Prime Minster, most of the real power resides with Supreme Commander Leonard. The GMP is a policing body as well as a clandestine investigation group. They keep eyes on their own as well as anyone looking towards Robotechnology for their own purposes. The various branches of the military are seen as a good way for someone to serve, with the gift of fertile land a promise upon retirement (amongst other perks). Given the state of the planet after the RoD, that's not an insignificant promise. The desert squads in particular are made up of former criminals and wasteland bandits looking to go straight and get some legitimacy. So not much has changed, and very little affecting the actual cartoon (for better or for worse) but I like seeing the expanded world.
  6. Honestly I think I prefer the new RPG's expanded vision of the setting more than what I saw in the actual show itself. I know, I know; I'm a double heathen now. I wear the badge with pride!
  7. It doesn't help that the mecha is amongst the most anime-magicy of mecha. So much size changes in the transformation, and bizarre stats from the source material.
  8. Invid vs Zentradi are all I really wanted from Robotech RPG Tactics.
  9. Ain't that the truth? Robotech was braised onto my youngling brain with a firey intensity and watching the original language shows is bad enough, but the redone sound effects are just wrong!
  10. It's really hard to screw up a Beta toy, though. It's the definition of 'brick with wings'.
  11. I really do like the proportions of the MPC Alpha toys. And the Maia colours look sweet, though I'm not willing to pay for them
  12. I have begged for one before. Perhaps you'll have more success than I in talking him into it.
  13. *winsome sigh* You do such good work, Cap'n. If only I had the funds to commission some units...
  14. When's the cut-off for orders? How long do I - I mean, a friend, have to scrape together funds? Uh... asking... for a friend...
  15. My interest is piqued. I'm meh on Agents of SHIELD, and movieverse MCU is also meh. Netflix MCU has a few stumbles, but otherwise that's my jazz. Hopefully this will be more like the latter than either of the formers.
  16. I've been thinking about this, and now I think that was done to show that nobody bothers to actually learn a language any more. They just chip in the language into a processor and get everything translated for them via implants. I love how pervasive the cybernetics were in this society. From the mundane and utilitarian to the ultra snazzy and top of the line, cybernetics are in every corner of society.
  17. Saw this last night, and I don't really have much to add to the conversation. A solid 6/10 for me. It should've been longer, gave more time to let some of the ideas germinate a bit more and really ripen. It felt a tad rushed, crammed into only 107 minutes. That being said, I noticed a few editing flubs that really annoy me. Towards the end, when the Bad Guy puts his hands on Aramaki's desk, in one shot he's got his hands curled into the knuckles, and in the reverse shot they're flat! I'm not the most observant of people, but that really irks me. ps: Batou was awesome. Aramaki was double extra plus awesome.
  18. For the first time in I don't know how many years, I went to see a movie twice in the theatres. Power Rangers held up as well the second time as the first. There's one slow, dragging moment near the start of the film but it very quickly got swept away by the pacing. I can't get over how well edited this movie is. Just amazing how well the whole thing was put together. It deserves at least one sequel!
  19. Just got back from seeing this. It was vapid, cheesy, juvenile. SO GOOD!!!!! It had just enough of the original series while still adding its own touches. The armour and zord designs I can accept (srlsy, who expects realism in a Power Rangers product???) The actors were remarkably effective in their roles, clearly enjoying themselves and doing a good job at the same time. I think my favourite aspect is the editing. It's a 2+ hour long movie that didn't drag in any one place. At no point did I have the urge to hit a non-existent fast forward button, which is quite the rarity for me. Haters are gonna hate, but I enjoyed this film far more than I thought I would've.
  20. While I'm only on Episode 3, I'm getting a serious Daft Punk vibe from the soundtrack. It reminds me so much of Tron Legacy in terms of the beats and use of bass and electronica. Also? I love Joy. She's such a pleasure to watch
  21. I've found all of the Netflix shows to have had their pacing troubles. DD S1 was the cleanest of the bunch, S2 really went off the rails after the Punisher arc. Jessica Jones really was about 3 episodes too long and really lost steam when Kilgrave went all "Moar powerzzzz!". Luke Cage's issues have been flogged to death, and I'm finding it hard to get into Iron Fist. But that doesn't make them unentertaining shows, however. Just problematic ones, and there are very few that aren't.
  22. ... It's a good thing Christmas has already passed, since I'd tear up your card for that comment! I thought her high jumps were done rather well, except for the one at the end.
  23. I agree that Iron Fist doesn't look the muscle-bound part, but I'm willing to see what they put on the screen. If it's like I suspect it'll be (Matrix and Bruce Lee inspired kung fu, vs DD's more grounded brawling) then I'll accept the lack of physicality by Finn Jones. There's nothing to complain about the kung fu in the Matrix series, and Keanu Reeves isn't exactly muscle bound. This does lead up to the question of exactly how is Iron Fist going to fit into the Defenders? Luke is the Mighty Glacier, Jess is the Glass Cannon and flying person (I hope she's actually going to fly in this one!), Matt is the brutal fisticuffs... where does Iron Fist fit in? What does he bring that the others, especially Matt, don't already have? I'm just the opposite when it comes to DD and JJ. I feel that Season 2 was somewhat unguided and too long. Season 1 was much less egregious, but S2 was just a floppy mess for me. It started off so strong with the Punisher arc, but it lost me with the Hand. Add in the Karen storyline, I didn't like Elektra or her plot contributions at all, and I hated everything to do with the Hand. (The Kingpin episode was effin' glorious, though!) On the other hand, I really loved Jessica Jones. I enjoyed that she wasn't perfect, she screwed up, made mistakes, was a general mess of a person... and still kept plugging along. I can excuse the repeated silly mistakes because she's not a trained crime fighter and tended to rely on her absurd strength instead of martial arts, and she absolutely does not think clearly at all when it comes to Kilgrave (for better or for worse). I also really enjoyed the little touches of how she uses her superpowers in her day/evening job (wedging herself 20 stories up between two buildings to spy was fun, her general hatred for locks amused me, and those poor, innocent doors). I agree that the pacing was a little off and it bogged down towards the end, but not to the point of S2 of DD. Most of all, I really enjoyed the performances of everyone in the JJ cast. Krysten Ritter brought a surprisingly layered performance, and Tennant's wickedly charming rapist was a sight to be seen (he got robbed at the Emmy's!). I agree with everything you said about Luke Cage. Especially that stupid Claire romance. Ugh, Luke and Jess, Matt and Claire. I accept no other combinations.
  24. I think they used the strengths of the cast that they had. Trip, Archer, T'Pol were the best actors, while the rest were adequate. Except for Travis, he was abysmal. The one thing I really wanted more than anything was to see how the multiculturalism of the races that formed the Federation would effect Star Fleet. Earth's Starfleet already had the rank insignia on the uniforms, I'd have liked to see the Vulcans adding something (maybe the little swooshy bits on the arms to show rank and department in TOS uniforms) and the Tellerties being so visually blind that their uniforms were bright colours (hence why TOS uniforms are so glaringly bright). Little touches like that would've been so awesome. ps: Shran was awesome. No exceptions.
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