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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. So how would you people say this release is compared to the VF-2SS? Is there an indication of improvement from Evo Toys or what?
  2. I've stayed away from most 3P figures, since I decided that the prices they were demanding were far higher than I was willing to pay for any sort of play value of the toy itself. But I just saw a few reviews for Peru Kill and I'm wickedly tempted by it. I value any car that can transform into a robot that doesn't have vehicle chunks (or a whole vehicle in some cases) hanging off of the back and sides. I haven't been this impressed with a transformation pattern for a carbot since the Prime Vehicon from waaay back in the day.
  3. This looks absolutely dumb, stupid, vapid, and all manner of silly adjectives. And yet I love the hell outta Battleship. I suspect this will turn out the same way and I'll be singing its praises for years to come.
  4. I was rewatching this movie not that long ago and I still really enjoy it. It doesn't have the originality of the, erm, original film, but it more than adequately adds to the franchise.
  5. Good to hear. I'm glad that for their respective first seasons all the Defenders were stand-alone shows with just the few mentions of the others. But after the Defenders itself, there's no reason why they should be solo and not reach out to each other.
  6. I've not read any spoilers at all, but the impression that I get from this trailer is that after defeating the Kaiju in the first film, the various nations of the world didn't just put the Jaeger genie back in its bottle; it seems like now they're using Jaeger's in military actions. That explains the Jaeger on Jaeger fights, the exploding control room, etc. Then the Kaiju come back and Pentecost Jr. has to rally a fighting force out of previously hostile elements. But that's just my ramblings, and again, based on nothing but what I thought I saw in the trailer. Either way, I'm a Day 1 viewing for this baby. I loved the first, and I'm sure I'll love this one too
  7. Nope, not gonna happen. Disney has an established money-printing formula and why would they deviate from that? Some of us clamour for new material, but enough are satisfied with "more of the same".
  8. I have to admit, I have an unhealthy love for the Logan. Yeah, it's the red-headed stepchild of the mecha family, but I still think it works well enough for what it was designed for in the Robotech universe; mainly policing rogue Zentradi. Hovertanks and the AJACs is where it's at, though
  9. I'm... very iffy about this. TFA was a giant festering pile of disappointment for me, and this looks like it's going to continue all my gripes about that film. At the same time, it also looks so damn pretty! I'm so conflicted
  10. Understandable, since that would lead to rabid fanboys like me knocking down your door and flooding your inbox with inane, unlikely-to-be-filled requests for custom one-off designs
  11. Can we please get back on topic: mainly directing karma, thoughts, well-wishes, and cold hard cash in the Cap'n's direction so we can get some model-y goodness???
  12. Ahh, eff it. Put me down for 2 kits, either AJACs or Spartas hovertank.
  13. Along those lines, is there any difference in labour costs for a Bioroid (single mode, relatively basic shapes) compared to a Spartas hovertank (three modes, blocky angular shapes) or Auroran?
  14. *reads* *passes out in a paroxysm of joy* *comes to with a newly-drained bank account* *is unbelievably happy*
  15. Heh, so am I It's amazing how we mix and match the Imperial and Metric system. Pounds and feet for descriptions of people-scale objects, kilometres for distances between cities... it's a dialect as unique and identifiable as any spoken one. I work in imperial units, so I just assumed. That being said, 24cm is still a big kit. I will take at least one
  16. I'm in for at least one, Cap'n! Possibly two, depending on price.
  17. One of the good things about the new Robotech RPG is it filled in little gaps like that. In this case, it was a joint mecha between the TASC space forces and the TC air forces. Kind of like the F-35, one mecha to streamline parts commonality and ease manufacture. It also leads to the silly concept of a helicopter mode on a spacecraft, but it's hardly the worst offender when it comes to anime mecha
  18. I will gladly sell my brother's left kidney for a Cap'n designed Hovertank or Hovercopter mecha (not my kidney's though, they're important to me). In that vein: Oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please!!!!!!!! 10/10 would buy both mecha.
  19. That looks sah-wheeeet!
  20. Bioroids? Hovertanks?!?!
  21. Good luck getting Jessica into the Jewel costume. You go ahead and try it. .... ... ... I'll be over there. No, further away than that. Probably the next city.
  22. And I want my hovertanks!
  23. I thought the novels were a decent *ahem* novelization of the cartoon. They fleshed out some ideas, invented their own to fill in the many many plot holes, and were overall a decent read. Avoid anything that isn't a direct reference to the show. The Sentinels novels and comics are especially atrocious.
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