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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. I'm just the opposite, I think 1 had the better action sequences while 2 had the better characters. Agreed with Amara, though. I didn't hate her nearly as much as I thought I would upon introduction.
  2. Against my better judgement, I went to see this last night. As expected it was: Dumb, stupid, moronic... SO MUCH FUN!!! I can't believe how much fun I had watching this movie! John Boyega really stole the show, since every single scene he's in he looks like he's having fun and enjoying himself. That was a great contrast to Reily- Rallaeighheha- uh, whatshisname from the first movie. The kids were annoying, but they're kids and that's to be expected. The Jaeger fights were fun, the Kaiju were also fun. The editing was brisk, the movie just flew by with no spots that dragged. The dialog can be cringeworthy at times, but what anime isn't? I think my favourite part is at the start of the film when the kid's running around and BOOM! an ankle appears out of nowhere and dwarfs her. Just shows the sense of scale that the Jaegers are. Overall, I enjoyed this far more than The Last Jedi.
  3. Lies. I have no doubts you'd crush that challenge like a grape!
  4. I think I'm in the minority here, but I really didn't like that trailer. It didn't do anything for me at all. If I wasn't so hyped from the first movie, that trailer would've turned me off completely. I know, I know. I'm not exactly a paragon of good media taste
  6. I wish more people were like you. I also wish my franchise was treated better by its owners and licensees.
  7. Any news about the Visionaries property? That's one that I need to have back!
  8. Any ideas where I can find a PAK FemShep toy? My Google Fu is weak, and most retailers are sold out.
  10. One of the few bright spots in this film was Troll Luke. He was awesome! "Where are you from?" "Nowhere." "No one is from nowhere." "Jakku." "Okay, that pretty much is nowhere." And given that he's from Tattoine, that's saying something! Ironic, considering how slavishly the sequels are following the OT's storyline. They're not killing the past, they're copying it wholesale!
  11. Those are the biggest sins in that film, and the same sins TFA used as well. Where is the Republic? What is the First Order and where does it get its ships/men? Why is there a Resistance if the good guys won? So much basic, needed backstory just put to the wayside. And I just can't forgive the direction the new movies are going in. At least the Prequels tried something new, even though the end product isn't that great.
  12. I really do think this film was as bad as TPM. Both movies had a few good moments, and occasional bits of genius. I can honestly say that unlike TPM, I won't be seeing this for a second time in the theatres. The good bits simply don't out weigh the bad majority. Remember the stupid Admiral whom doesn't communicate with her staff and accidentally sets off a chain of events that kills most of the remaining Rebels, excuse me, "Resistance". How about how this film utterly invalidates all of Return of the Jedi and brings the setting back to before Empire Strikes Back? All that awful romance between Rose and Finn? I disliked TFA for being a basic retreat of ANH, but this whole thing of bringing back an Empire to have Rebels fighting against is just so much worse. And they did it right in the opening crawl, too! This whole film has the basic plotting of a bad fanfic.
  13. After stewing on this for a few days, I've come to the decision that this film is no better and no worse, than The Phantom Menace. It's got the bones of a good film, and more than a few HOLY ^*%&$$ Moments, but the editing, pacing, and downright moronic side quests just drag it back down. The film was at least a half-hour too long, and the sheer stupidity of several of the decisions by the cast (and the crew) just suck any kind of enjoyment I have for it. But I'm in the minority it seems and I really enjoyed Luke's whole story. Mark Hamill, whom I feel wasn't the best screen actor, utterly blew me away here. I'm just in awe of how fully he imbued Luke with restrained emotion and weary resignation, but didn't lose that spark of hope and legend that he had from the OT.
  14. That's my take on the matter as well. Total reset, back to the beginning. Dominating Empire, check. Solitary partially-trained Jedi, check. Better-trained villain tempting the hero(ine) to turn to the Dark Side, check. Death of older, wiser, more experienced mentor, check.
  15. Are all these awful QC problems inherent in the Alpha design, seeing as Evo Toys is having troubles as well, or is just using a cheap manufacturing facility to do the work?
  16. I must be one of the few lucky ones out there with an excellent MPC Alpha. Nothing's fallen off, nothing has crumbled, nothing has snapped.
  17. None of which was under question or debate I'm just offering a solution to the naming and pronunciation issues
  18. .... or we could just use a simple stand-in in place of these exotic names. The Greek alphabet is widely used and known, so I propose that we call it... an Alpha.
  19. Lies. Dirty, dirty lies!
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