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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. I'm late to the party, I have some YouTube clips under my belt and now I'm up to Episode 3 and I just can't stand Mariner. In small doses her irreverence is hilarious, but I just hate how she gets away with everything.
  2. Hey, I like the Masters Saga! Do we have to skip through it so quickly??? pls don't hurt me, it sounded funnier in my head
  3. That Superion looks amazing, but after that all-in-one Bruiticus, I'll expect all combiners to work like that. No more partsforming gestalts, pls!
  4. As always, Cap'n, I'm in awe of your skill. Templates on blocks to blocky shapes to BAM decent looking blank! Having binge-watched a bunch of This Old Tony videos on YouTube, I can now appreciate how much effort it takes to get things set up in the machines before you do the actual cutting! Moar! Always moar!
  5. Engh, this one I'm willing to give Lynch. Fictional "future lasers" were probably a more palatable idea than "mystic martial arts" to a post-Star Wars society. It also gave us this epic scene. "BREAK!"
  6. I'm unabashidly a large fan of the miniseries, and this movie's Baron has biiiiiig boots to fill. The miniseries Baron was exactly the image I have in mind whenever I reread the book. Patrick Stewart's Gurney is DA BEST. This movie's Duncan Idaho looks interesting. The worms look appropriately epic, though
  7. I was so blown away by Function X Code and Smart Robin, and so utterly disappointed by the other Headmasters. Fansproject is still my favourite company for nostalgia reasons, but there's no denying that they've been overtaken and eclipsed by many other 3P companies.
  8. "Jesus, am I the only one in the city who doesn't know karate? *uses super strength to push baddie's face through a glass windshield* I don't know kung-fu, so you tell me when this starts to hurt. *window cracks and spiderwebs*" I love Jess. She takes crap from nobody.
  9. Yes! Yes, give me that! INJECT IT RIGHT INTO MY VEINS!!! I have a special love for the Horizont ever since my brother and our friends made a Robotech/Firefly fusion in the tabletop RPG, and this ship was their Serenity.
  10. Not my favourite ship design, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass on this, Cap'n
  11. Oh please, oh please, oh please *begging hands, hound dog eyes* Do it. Doitdoitdoit!!!
  12. Okay, normally I hate stuff like this, but I just came across the sexified Bishojou versions of the Joe Ladies (plus dual Baroness') and they completely caught my eye Does anyone know if the line is continuing after Lady Jaye, since my Google Fu is weak?
  13. Um, actkshually, if you look at page 62 of the new RPG and trust my head canon interpretation, along with my specific thought wavelength you'll see that - Nope, nope I can't do it. I can't get that in deep defending a kludgy reinterpretation of an American cartoon made by swiping and dubbing a Japanese cartoon in the 80s, with all the 80s cartoon foolishness that goes with it I still unabashidly love the setting, the actual show less so, but the setting itself is fun.
  14. I like the kludgy reasoning that first appeared in the novels and then the newer Palladium RPG. After the Rain of Death, the Southern Cross armours took on extravagant designs to showcase larger than life heroes, like knights errant reborn. Yes, yes, armour makes less than zero sense in mecha warfare, but I still like the reasoning.
  15. Oh, I didn't say it was *bad*, just not what I was used to. I have a very bad habit of becoming attached to things as I first experience them, and remixes/remakes/other dubs just grate on my nerves.
  16. Good luck with it. I couldn't get into it, since everything had changed from the what I knew growing up. The sounds, the voices, the music.. just wrong, to me
  17. Video not available in my area. I hate the new internet Anyone got a link for a Canuck?
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