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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. "GOT YOU." Brr, almost as creepy and scary as the Alien breathing down my neck. That is one *terrifying* game and as much as I enjoyed it, I'm not ready for a second playthrough...
  2. I have a soft spot in my heart for AvP:R. Not because it's a GOOD movie, not at all, but because I dearly love the redband trailer for it. It was my first R-rated trailer and I loved the slowly declining population count with every scene change 😁 Also I liked how it made the Wolf Predator smart and prepared to deal with the Aliens. Of course, I stopped watching when the PredAlien came around; that killed what teensy little spark of fondness I had up 'til that point.
  3. I'm still in awe that someone decided KRAVEN would make for a good movie story... Like, huh?
  4. They're here! They're here! They... they're... in a BILLION PIECES!!!! It's one thing to follow along with the development of the kit, but to have the teeny fiddly parts in hand makes the assembly a much more daunting prospect in my wimpy mind. But the fact that many parts are identifiable, like the cowling and the hips and the arm shields, also makes it look a bit easier than the Bioroid kit, which was (and still is ) a collection of blobby bits that might go with that other blobby bit. Also, Cap'n? The shipping box you chose was very tight. The first inner box didn't want to slide out, and then it became a game as to how much I had to shake things to get the second box out 😁
  5. Yeah, I get that feeling after I buy water, too. I'm dreading the oxygen bill next month... (kidding but only kinda? At the rate things are going I wonder how long it'll be until we're all President Scroob. )
  6. Oh, this is noice!
  7. *excited dolphin noises* Ahem. Don't judge me.
  8. I'm getting cautiously optimistic about this new Cyclone and the new Alpha toy. Not enough to actually BUY them, mind you A man only has so much blood to sell, after all.
  9. Just saw the film. It was... okay. Deadpool himself was as zany as usual, but seemed to be missing how he used to dance on the teetering edge of insanity. The individual one-liners were pretty good, but the padding between them was horrendous. It just went on. And on. And on. Annnnnnnnnnd onnnnnnnnnnnnn. I'm glad I was pretty unspoiled going into this, so much of the reveals were hilarious.
  10. Oh, I didn't know. Forgiveness rescinded, BURN THE HERETIC!
  11. Wellllllllllll, okay. But if it were anybody else...
  12. I'm sorry, but *scale* discussions in an anime thread? An 80s anime at that??? I scoff at the concept 🤭
  13. I want more politiking on Coruscant. I want more Mon Mothma being a silk-hiding-steel woman. I want Deedra and her arch-rival to hate-frak each other. I want to see more of how the Rebellion actually gets going. Ironically, the one thing I want the least of is Andor himself, save for how he fits in above. Oh, and more building to an epic crescendo like S1 did, pls and ty.
  14. And payment should be zooming through the interwebz as I type! Tanku veddy, veddy much Cap'n!
  15. That is a thing of beauty, good sir. Bravo!
  16. Not gonna lie, the pink goo bits are my favourite in the whole process.
  17. I hate to agree with Tekering, (that's a lie but it's fun to say 🤭) but the redesigned head is vastly superior. About how does this scale with your Alpha kit, since that's also 1/48 iirc?
  18. I'm always amazed and just how much fudging happens in the artwork, and how much just can't be carried over into a 3D form. The artwork has the Battloid's chest as big and beefy, like a tank should, but in order to accommodate the other modes you've had to slim it down somewhat. Kinda like the wings on a VF-1, always changing size between modes.
  19. This is the part that feels like Black Magic to me. Watching all these individual parts come together to form a cohesive assembly that you already had in your head just wows me. Your work is, as always, a masterpiece.
  20. I really like the colours they chose, and the chunky design doesn't bother me. I might have to get one of these.
  21. I've been waiting my entire life for a good representation of the Spartas Hover Tank. Take your time, there's no rushing perfection. We can wait a little bit longer for another masterpiece.
  22. I just saw ALIEN in the theatre for the first time. In fact, this is my first time as an adult and my first time ever watching it from start to finish without pausing, fast-forwarding, or just plain watching clips on YouTube. I'm shocked at how tight the editing is and how quickly the plot moves along. Character introductions are sparse, but we learn about them as they work and not just in a montage opening. Aside from the Chestburster scene, which is and will always be truly iconic, there's shockingly little amounts of gore or on-screen violence. The set design is meant to be seen on the Big Screen, and it's wonderfully claustrophobic. I love the little decals and touches showing it's a ship with a purpose and not just a pretty set for a movie. A wonderful experience, and one of the few movies I'll watch in a year and fewer still in the theatre.
  23. I'm waffling on this design. I waffle.
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