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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Oh yeah? Imagine how much your heart will race when they have enemy mecha to fight against 😁
  2. After some thought, I think the $99 pricetag is a death knell to any sort of decently engineered toy. The Dinobots, with their tails hiding in their boots, were hundreds each. My hype for this James/Bond is diminishing.
  3. Do want. Do want dowantdowantdowantdowantsowant!!!!!!! Punch/Counterpunch is my absolute favourite TF character and I've long dreamed of a good 3P figure doing him justice. The rest of the photos make it look like the toy is literally double-sided, and that worries me a bit. For 3P figure I expect a bit more engineering to go into it than just "turn around, flip the shoulders, swap the head". But yes, I will have it. It will be mine.
  4. My shelf says My wallet says
  5. Woooooow!!! Look ah-MAZING!
  6. Argh, now I actually have to decide how many to get! I'll definitely be having an Alpha/Beta combo, though!
  7. Me, too! In a genre with so many outlandish types of vehicles, there's something great about a Space Truck that flies containers from surface to orbit.
  8. How are the fight scenes? Much like Godzilla vs Kong, I'm not looking for a cinematic masterpiece but I'll be satisfied with halfway decent fights.
  9. I'm not normally one for the coloured mecha, but those Max and Miryia Super VF-1s are look niiiiice
  10. makes grabby hands and advances GIMME!!!! I'm in for at least one. Maaaaaybe a second if I could justify butchering it with my meagre skills to fit my head canon Firefly-inspired Robotech side story 😁
  11. I'm so close to getting that dream. Just trying to beam more thoughts into the Cap'n's brain from here! 😁
  12. The last movie I saw in theatres was... *Endgame* I want to say? I don't watch movies very often, and rarely in theatres even before the pandemic hit. I'll make an exception for *Dune*, though.
  13. Has the Dana figure been released yet?
  14. I'm intrigued by this, but I have to admit that the Miniseries Baron has been the best Baron so far. I really hope this new Baron is more like him than like the Lynch version.
  15. Will I be able to touch that one?
  16. B-but... I wanna touch it...
  17. Even with Transformers and GI Joe, I found myself vastly preferring the character bios given on the cards or in the back of the comics. The Who's Who of the Marvel comic run was fabulous because they presented fully fleshed-out characters, and not just the quick caricatures given in the 22 minute episodes. That initial Marvel comic entry is what made me fall in love with the character of Starscream, despite the fact that none of the screen adaptations have done that well.
  18. Indeed. Monsters were good. Fights were good. Humans weren't absolutely terrible. So not bad. Plus I still love that clip from the first trailer, with Kong just wholloping Big G with that right haymaker. 😁
  19. As long as they don't mess with any of the sound effects or music. Don't mess with the best parts!
  20. I've been saving this for a very special moment, and I think my time has come. There is but one expression that could possibly convey my deepest wishes: "Pweeeeeeeeeeave?"
  21. At our local con, my brother had one of the artists do up a cutsey image of a younger Battlecat, and thus Battlekitten was christened. I have been racking my brain for over a year to come up with a concept as cute and simple as that, but nothing so far! https://imgur.com/HJurmPt
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