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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. I hope so but I doubt : the Constucticons would have to be sold seperatly and imagine the size of Devastator in 1/24 scale : Fortress Maximus would have to go home Max Schmax. Devistator was THE original giant toy. All other are mere... pretenders to the title.
  2. Good stuff. I really like the pebbled effect of the paint. It looks fantastic on a space-mecha like the 2SS. Now then, if I could only model half as well as you do...
  3. I can't wait to see them update Devestator. Now THAT would be a heck of a toy!
  4. The RM file worked just fine for me. Unfortunatly, it seems the action is just like it was in Episode 2, complete with the jittery camera angles and hard-to-follow action. Still, the CGI looks good, and I hold out hope that it'll be as good as it appears.
  5. Waterworld wasn't that bad, actually. I rather enjoy it, although it's not worth the money paid to make it. As for worst Sci-Fi movie? Not counting direct-to-video movies, I think the worst Sci-Fi flick would have to The Craft.
  6. This trailer makes me afraid. Very afraid.
  7. Oh, ow. Numbers, evil numbers. GREAT results, though. I love the translucent effects. How long until we get a full-on vid clip of this stuff?
  8. Orgun had a plot twist that, at the time, was brand-new and came RIGHT outta left field. The animation is decent, and I rather enjoyed the music. It's one of the best animes I've seen.
  9. Gonna review Orgun for us, then? And I liked the fight at the end in the first MD Geist. That one wasn't animated too horribly, and it was pretty cool.
  10. Most people would prefer it if she were wearing the human resistances' mini-skirt. Yes, that includes me.
  11. However it works, it's done just that: gotten people interested in the game again.
  12. Well, I didn't want to say it myself...
  13. If only we could apply that to EVERY fanbase, eh? Trekkies spring immediatly to mind...
  14. No, you can't be a sith. Darksider, yes, but not Sith since there are only two at any given time, and right now, those two happen to be the Emperor and Darth Vader. This game has never been about playing a Jedi. It's for all those other occupations that get dismissed whenever people have the chance at being a Force-user. If you want to play a Jedi, go for Outcast or Academy or any of a dozen other games. Besides, being a Jedi is supposed to be a hard thing that only a few people ever actually attain. I'm glad Galaxies has kept that spirit, and even made it unhealthy to be a Jedi.
  15. I'm told that a strangle hold around the neck and some zap-a-straps work wonderfully well
  16. You know, there are those of us that don't like the books, but enjoy the movies greatly. Given what little I've read of Fellowship, I'm extremely pleased with the changes made by Jackson.
  17. Because this is MacrossWorld, and complaining about every little detail that doesn't fit the true fan's ideas of what things should be is the only thing that occurs in any regular basis here?
  18. No matter what your reference, your work is absolutly amazing. Even without the textures, I'd kill to be able to model like that
  19. Watching the featurette again points out what I think is a fatal flaw: They give far too much of the plot and movie away, too early in the game. If the movie is only in pre-production now, and they're telling us this much, just imagine what else they'll tell us before it's released.
  20. Ouch. You're right, that IS unbelievable. Even more crazy is the local comic shop up here has an in-box Bandai Strike Valkyrie for $200. Right next to that, they have an open Jetfire with part armour for $200 and an in-box Jetfire for $500. I can honestly say that that's the first time I've seen the Strike go for less than the Jetfire
  21. Please. A cut-away SSD would rock.
  22. I like the tagline from the PC version of AvP. "The three deadliest species have finally met their match.... each other." Great stuff
  23. Very nice, DatterBoy. How much of your model is based on the 1/48th?
  24. I don't mind the ideas presented in that featurette. It's somewhat original thinking, not too limited by the comics and what else has been put forward in either universe. So, unlike the rest of you, it seems, I won't be one to completely trash it right now. I'll wait a bit, see how cheesy it becomes, and THEN trash it.
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