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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Signed. An email to Toynami might not also be a bad idea.
  2. That's the one. It's still cool.
  3. Datter, "wow" can't describe how incredible I find your model. You MUST texture it. And then take pics. Lots of pics. And when you're done taking pics, give us movie clips of that sucker. Aww, just give us the movie right off the bat. It'd make the rest of us happy
  4. Timecop wasn't that bad. Rather enjoyable, actually. Bloodsport was decent. The sequels... not so decent. Ditto Universal Soldier. One I rather enjoyed was Double Impact. More of an acting role, and I think he pulled it off rather believably.
  5. You can say that again, Duke.
  6. You still have a Geekiness Quotient less than mine, so don't feel too bad.
  7. 43.78698% - Major Geek And no, I didn't lie or exxadurate (sp) to get a higher score. That's my true, lawful geekiness.
  8. That's easy to conceive.
  9. Hee... I'm laughing just because I'm reading this on a Macross messageboard. Yep... different heads, different names... same basic toy. Nothing like that around here. I think they look great. Soon as I can scare up the dough, I'm gettin' 'em. At this point, the Eva fan in me feels I should step forward and point out that Units 4 and 5 are very much different from each other. They're as similar as the VF-1 and the VF-4. But I WILL agree with your comment on repainted toys, though
  10. Which means... KEVIN! How goes your brain-picking at Toynami?
  11. Another thing to shut up all those snickering... you've done what most of us would give our eye teeth to do. Regardless of how well it's received, I can only give you my congradulations and envy. Dammit, I want to write a movie and get it made
  12. Speaking as objectivly as possible, I'd put them in this order: Yamato 1/48th (pricey as hell, though). Detailed and big. No parts that come off, though there have been some QC issues and marked fragility on smaller parts. MPC 1/55th. Good balance of the detail in 1/48ths and some of the sturdiness of the Bandai 1/55ths. A little less pricey than the 1/48ths. Yamato 1/60ths. As pricey as the MPCs, but smaller and much more fragile. Far greater detail on the sculpt, though, and greater selection (though that's mostly just repaints). Marked below the MPC due the frequency of the legs falling off in battroid mode. Bandai products (all). 20+ years old now, and still as sturdy as day 1. Could drop a 1/55th off of your desk and create a nice hole in your floor Give up on breaking of these things with anything less than an 18 pound lump hammer However, sculpt is waaaaay off. However, this is just my list. Take with a grain of salt and make your own decisions about how to spend your hard-earned money.
  13. Ah, the joys of a heated discussion on Macross World. One reason why I keep coming back, time after time Anyway, I dislike Mac7. My reasons are based mostly on my own point of view, but when is that ever not true for anything? I like SDF Macross becuase it was a hard-tech show (something that I always enjoy), with no direct mention of super powers or anything of the like. Following in that same thread, the discussion of what was originally intended by the creators, if they were really using anima spirita in the background waaay back when is a black mark against SDF Macross in my book. Takes away from the established story, in my mind. Other reasons why I dislike Mac7: -Cheesy Gundamish mecha. -Mecha with faces is a no-no in ANY serious anime for me (with few exceptions). -Added to that is mecha with breasts. Still a no-no (for the most part). -Mecha with speakers? Sound doesn't travel is space, a basic rule of physics. -Macross itself transforming was stretching the bounds of my believability in the original show. Transforming a ship that large with articulated hands and the main gun in a movable pod... not for me, thanks. -Controlling the mecha with a guitar. Macross has always tried to portray itself as a serious show, in terms of realistic militaries. What realistic military would ever put any control for a machine in the shape of a guitar? -The profusion of pop music. Never have been a fan of Jpop, so that's out in my book. -The whole idea of "magic" in Macross. Nope. Not for me. About why monsters are bad and 60 ft tall humans are okay? Well, it's because Macross' original story was about 60ft tall humans. Had the original baddies in SDF Macross been monsters, I would be much more accepting of them in Mac7. Sure, Macross 7 delivers a lot of background story and information. Story and information some of us see as trampling over the story we enjoyed. I suppose the best analogy would be Star Wars, Original Trilogy vs the Prequels. Star Wars was this great, loveable story that gained a huge fanbase. Sure, it had its low points (Return) and its problems (limited budget, limited technology), but it worked. Fast forward to the prequels. Bigger budget, better technology... and yet, it's almost universially reviled by all as stupid, asinine crap that tramples over everything the original show stood for, despite how it forwards the story? ... sound familiar? Well, that's how I see Macross 7. Pretty eye (and ear) candy, for the most part, but paling to what the original offered. Added to that is Macross Plus, which hit all the right marks for me, and Macross 7 is on my dislike list. As for Macross Zero... well, it's straddling the line between 7 and Plus, to me. I dislike the magic bits, but love the action (when I can clearly see it on screen, that is ). So I'll wait and see, but I think the magic bits are going to put it on my dislike list, too. EDIT: ARGH! You beat me to all my best points while I was typing, BoB! So very, very true. That's EXACTLY why I don't like it. And I don't want to see it taken even farther in Mac 0. That's true, but what's happened is the method of presentation and all the other concepts that Macross 7 uses turns we non-likers off to the point where we try to deny any impact that show has had on the Macross universe
  14. No, the mindless bashing was in bringing the MPC into the mix. This thread had nothing to DO with the MPCs.
  15. Nah, throw me on that list for my intense dislike of mindless RT-bashing
  16. *sigh* Once again, a semi-decent thread ruined by the Toynami/RT bashers.
  17. Only 500 units? That's also explaining why the price is so high. Kevin, any new news about the Alpha MPC?
  18. $150 isn't that much for good, decently-made bookends. I should know, I just went shopping for some for X-mas.
  19. 13.5 kilos, gross weight? That must be solid metal!
  20. Harsh Realm was great (and not just because it was filmed here in Vancouver).
  21. I think that was mainly due to the fact that the atomic bomb was realized for what it was. The people of the time saw the results of its use in WWII and suddenly realized just how dangerous science could be. It makes sense that the movies of the time would reflect that public mentality, the "putting the genie back into the bottle" theme.
  22. What makes you say that?
  23. Yes. The difference is the VF-X-4 is sleek and nice, whereupon the VF-4 is ugly as hell.
  24. Get in line, buddy!
  25. Reminds me of the twits I had to sit with for SE Star Wars. As soon as Vader came on screen, they started over-wheezing like he did. I can honestly say that's the first time I've ever lost my temper with a complete stranger in a movie theater. That also comes straight from the novels. They lack, if nothing else, good character development.
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