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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Don't forget the Cyclones! They need some love, too
  2. Don't forget that console systems can be hooked up to large-screen TVs, 7.1 surround sound with the subwoovers so deep it makes your bones rattle. Most computers can't do that
  3. Which only makes we Cyclone Lovers drool
  4. I switched from a PS2 to the Xbox simply because all the games I wanted to play were either out for it or coming out, and I didn't want to upgrade my PC every two months to play the new hot game. I got the Xbox mainly for the Star Wars games (PS2 gets shafted when it comes to SW titles)
  5. Borg Schmorg. Give a Rifts-style PA anyday. Glitterboys rule
  6. Because the market was (and still is) flooded with many, many different variations of the VF-1, including the more technical Yamato products. As said in previous statements, these toys are geared to the more mature collector and the larger wallet said collector usually has. The downside to that is the fact that the more mature collector tends to do a little research and find out which other products are out there and how much they cost. In this case, the MPC was a middle-class product in the massivly over-saturated VF-1 market. However, the Alpha MPC is the only game in town for a fully transforming Alpha toy outside of the massively priced Gakkens that only pop up on Ebay and other auction houses, and even then in increasing rarity. Now take a look at the differences between the old Gakken and the new MPC and you'll see that the MPC is much more line-art accurate (if such a thing is possible, given how much morphing the Mospeada mecha used during transformation) as well as with more gadgets tossed in (missle hatches, pilot figure, boxed-up Cyclone, etc.) and you should see that the MPC Alpha is a pretty good interpretation of the anime mecha. The only thing that will limit the Alpha sales are the price (a tad high for what we've been shown in the pictures, but not obscenely high) and questions about quality (which every company is subject to). Robotech and Mospeada fans have been frothing at the mouth for a toy like this to come along, and it was extremely doubtful that someone would fire up old Gakken molds and reproduce those toys (unlike Bandai, which quite happily reissued their 1/55th series amid all the new VF-1 toys).
  7. Don't forget their ever-useful welding unit. It's the welder that makes the marine, really. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they're waiting to use the Colonial Marines in a possible sequel.
  8. That's some amazing piece of work, Fulcy. That set of armour is almost making me buy a 1/48th to put under the armour Any chance you could give us a step-by-step on you go about making something like this, a la Mascato and WM Cheng?
  9. Agreed. Frankly, I think that some people just react to anything Robotech/HG/Toynami the way a vampire reacts to a cross or garlic. It is completely imotion driven. Welcome to MacrossWorld, a place of good news, good information, and the largest conglomeration of Elitist Macross Fans around. To those of us that actually *gasp* enjoy Robotech as as we do parts of the Macross universe, we're definitly in the bad on this site. Get used to the derogitory comments, blatant hounding, and out-and-out insulting by some of the more vocal members. Any new updates about the release date or pictures of the Alpha fighters?
  10. I'm not a fan of the Stampede variant. If it had a little more guns on it, we might as well start calling it a Gundam and be done with it. That being said, that was a great little 1/72 kit. Good details on it.
  11. Either way, it's still a HUGE station if it's in scale with the moon like that. Personally, I'd doubt it was that size. In Robotech, humanity's resources were stretched thin enough as it was in the Second Generation that I doubt they could afford to spend the material and time building something that large.
  12. Any chance we might be able to get away from that and back onto the toy? Afterall, this IS the MPC toy thread, is it not?
  13. Oh, believe us when we say we don't mind your impatience one bit
  14. It does in Macross, it seems.
  15. I'd love to see any Guyver artwork. Mospeada too, if they're in there. Thanks, A7!
  16. Just a simple question, really: When people are talking about the price is worth it due to the scale, workmanship and details, I have to ask... what details? All I see is a simple toy with few panel lines, swappable parts, an inarticulate pilot, and that's it. What details make this toy worth the asking price?
  17. I'm glad Vader isn't going to have much screentime. It'll make any time he DOES have that much cooler
  18. Indeed, that's a very nice touch. But the potential problem with that is that it might be revealing one the series' best secrets too early in the game.
  19. Thanks, Anubis! And yeah, I remember that hanger room pic from before. I just wish I could read the text at the bottom of the picture. Any idea when our next movie fix- err... DC DVDs are coming out?
  20. One of my least favourite scenes in the whole show. I didn't say there was anything wrong with a bit of humour in the show. There always needs to be something to counter-balance the amount of seriousness and hard-core storytelling. I only take offence at the amount of cheesy munchkinism I see in Macross 7. THAT is something I dislike in the Macross Universe. I'm afraid that I'll have to disagree with you on that point. I think SDF was to be taken very seriously, with bits of humour for flavour. You're probably right on that account, which would explain why I don't like SDF or DYRL nearly as much as I enjoy Plus.
  21. You HAVE watched the original series, haven't you? Please note that I said "too cheeky munchkinism". I can handle a little in Macross, as SDF proved with it's Daedalus attack, and even that ship transforming. I can handle that because it was in the story universe RIGHT FROM THE START. Planes that transform? Yep. Captial ships that transfrom? Yep. Captial ships that transform and have hands and a pod... uhh... nope, that's new. They changed the whole tone of the universe right from the start with Macross 7, and I don't like that very much. I prefer my Macross as a serious war and character story. To me, Macross Plus is the best example of what the Macross universe has to offer, even more so than SDF.
  22. Anyway for those of us without the DC to get those live-action scenes? Hint, hint EDIT: Anubis hit it perfectly on the head. I agree perfectly with what he said.
  23. But that did happen. Recall the three spies and their reactions to seeing the beauty pagent. And when they were inside the ship itself, they had culture shock all around. Only later on was it changed from culture shock to something "special" that Minmay had, and in Macross 7 it was discovered that it was some weird power she could tap into called Anima Spirita.
  24. That's beside the point. The point is that a captial-scale ship having hands and arms and a gunpod... is too far into cheeky munchkinism to be taken seriously in any show. And before you get started, yes, I know that Macross 7 is much less than serious and it's supposed to be cheeky... but by doing so, it drags down the rest of the Macross universe with it.
  25. if you see this as a bad thing, i agree. i like the vf-1 valks because of all the mecha in anime, these are of the select few that have a story driven, beleivable reason to transform. Hell yes it's a bad thing. The SDF-1 transforming... engh, I can see that. But I draw the line with Battle 7. A capital-scale ship should NOT have hands and fingers a gun pod. Not in any show that's related to a serious story such as Macross. Same with the Koing monster. No reason at all for that thing to transform except that it's cool. And with the construction mecha, not to mention the Elintseeker (a seperate argument, but it fits in here). None of those need to transform and do simply to make the show look cool and sell more toys/models/whatever.
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