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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Ooooooh. I didn't treat myself for my birthday, so this seems like a good thing to splurge on 😁
  2. If I've said it before, I'll say it again: I'll never not be impressed with your ability to take wacky drawings, extrapolate them into 3D shapes, and then a bit of work here and a touch of stuff there and BAM physical parts in hand. I work with people who do that on the reg and it always blows my mind.
  3. Phooey. At this scale, about how big would a person be?
  4. I meant for transporting from place to place. But I guess it doesn't make much sense, even if IT would be cool.
  5. I know I'm probably going to regret this, but how much would it cost to get some in-scale Battloid mode figures? Even at a minimum of detail, I think it'd be a great sight for the interior of the cargo pod to be lined with Battloid Alphas 😁
  6. Agree on the favs. My own Robotech tastes are contaminated by my love for the RPGs, but Southern Cross and New Gen are my favourite eras to play in.
  7. That transport pod is so nice, I might have to built mine with one hatch open!
  8. Yeah, but I'm a glutton for punishment. I always hoped for the best, and dug my heels in when the Internet told me I was wrong.
  9. The walking sound, the gunpod sound, the theme music, various incidental sound effects... ugh Between HG and PB, I've decided that the best Robotech is the one in my mind. The actual products* can go take a hike! *KitzConcepts toys/figures excepted
  10. Hey, Cap'n! I've got a really dumb question for you, that you might be best suited to answer Given your research and extrapolation of the shapes and sizes of the Horizont dropship, about what sort of volume do you think each container pod holds? Back in the day, my friends and I always argued about how much stuff could be fit in one 😁
  11. I'm tempted, but I prefer my Alien to be more Alien-like and less Aliens-like. I like my scary, solitary hunter more than I like cannon-fodder zerg rush Aliens.
  12. Oh, just some fanart I saw on the webz, I guess. I thought the design was to be flush, but now that I look at my Masterpiece Toys they also have the gap.
  13. I'm surprised the lineart left that gap between the fighter and the bomber, when they're combined. Some of the other art has the wings flush against the bomber/booster unit.
  14. I just... I mean... I tried to watch this movie, I really did. But the Rebuild series and I parted ways since the second movie, and this didn't bring me back into the camp. Truthfully, I've realized that I really only like the first 3/4 of the tv series. The beginning had everything I liked as a subversion of the usual mecha anime. The pilot falling into the cockpit as a trope, and then failing miserably to even make the robot walk. The Omniscient Council of Vagueness trope, balanced by the niggling idea that they and NERVs leaders don't really have humanity's best interests at heart. Showing the constant stress put on these child soldiers and watching them crumble instead of magically being perfect at everything. The end of the series wasn't to my taste, End of Eva just went too Far Out There (tm), and the Rebuild movies just went waaaaay too far against what I enjoyed about the series. It does look mightily pretty, though The Rebuild fight against Ramiel is a thing of beauty, watching as this Alien Thing cycles through its shapes and realizing that it probably exists in more than just three spacial dimensions, plus the power of it's main weapon on display was gorgeous. I kinda miss the Space Shuttle Shield, though But I'm glad that others are enjoying it and it works for them. Not the first time (especially on THESE forums ) that my tastes don't jive with the majority.
  15. B-but...! Yeah, okay, fine grumble grumble grumble.
  16. The voiceovers were stupid, but a necessary stupid. There's so much thinking and planning and plots and wheels within wheels that there was no way to get it across without having characters monologue their meanings at each other; and that looks just as stupid. The weirding way blasters I can accept. I think the early 80s western audiences weren't quite ready for a mystical martial art, and with the success of Star Wars, a blaster of some sort would be absolutely familiar to get the gist across to the audience. Plus it lead to one of my favourite lines of all time:
  17. That would merely stall you from leaving this place for such a sacrilegious statement.
  18. *points at door* Out!
  19. Au contraire, mon ami! One of the best times my brother and our friends had as kids was playing the Palladium RPG and mixing and matching mecha from all three generations. Bioroids vs Invid is so my thing*! *But yes, I was talking about Hovertanks...
  20. Aaaaand *ding* $206 Canadian Rubles are working their way through the interwebz to your account as I type this 😁
  21. I'll take one ship and a fighter/booster combo set, please. Total price is $174 Canadian Rubles, correct?
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