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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Great stuff, though this should probably be in the Other Anime and Sci-fi forum. I like the design of it, though there doesn't seem to be much meat to that motorcycle.
  2. yep, she sure is!!! i think they were waiting for Alias to wrap for the Elektra movie to get going.... There was that and I think they wanted to wait to see how their main female super hero rival would be stacking up... meaning Catwoman... Elektra the movie is currently filming here in Vancouver Plus the Catwoman project spent about a week in my area filming. I now know exactly why it's called the Midnight Sun light... EDIT: I am very eager to see a sequel or two for Daredevil. Ben Affleck, for all the hate he seems to get, perfectly nailed that role. The writing and dialog were much, much better than any other comic book movie to date, and I really appreciated the darker tone to the movie. The darkness fit the character very well. I personally rate DD as the better movie when compared with Spider-Man 1.
  3. Actually, I was just thinking it was TV-style controls. The left hand in DYRL-style controls is in an enclosed handle, and this pic has a manual thrust control. Plus the uniform and helmet are all TV-style, so it would make sense that the vehicle would follow suit.
  4. There shouldn't be any need for a movie. An OVA story should be complete unto itself, presenting and answering all the questions it intends to. If a show needs a movie to explain a few things, then that's a failure on the part of that show.
  5. That should be 1 kilometre, I think, not good with these things. Yeah, "klick" "click" and various other forms are just short terms for one kilometre. Much easier to say, anyway
  6. Oh, don't tease us Although this isn't saying anything new, I've been singularly unimpressed with Macross Zero. The writing and pacing is off, the direction shoddy at times, the fight coerography leaving much to be desired... Though they had one less episode to work with, Macross Plus was simply much better than Zero ever will be. I fail to see how 30 more minutes of story can come close to wrapping up all the loose threads that Kawamori and Co. have left us with. And if they do try to wrap them up, it'll all be done in such a rushed and hurried fashion that it'll make for a poor ending to the story. I strongly suspect we're working our way towards a Deus Ex Machina ending to the story, where everything will be wrapped up in the last five minutes.
  7. that all happened in the trailer, so youve seen it, so why bother seeing the movie? To see MORE of it, of course Plus, there's only so much you can make out in a teeny, tiny trailer window on the Internet. The only way to watch a movie like this is on a 30' big screen
  8. All they can look at are the profits they can make by having three minutes of unreleased "special" features, which warrents a whole new release. It's really, really irritating.
  9. That still doesn't excuse the sheer number of DVDs out there with pretty much the same content.
  10. If you really want to see some poor-assed DVD marketing, just look at the different types of Terminator DVDs there are. Original movie Director's Cut Ultimate Edition etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Whomever is in charge of all these DVDs really needs to get his head twisted on straight. There's only so many times we're going to buy the same freakin' movie!
  11. Actually, I rather enjoyed that trailer. Not a big fan of the huge long claws, but the rest of the Predator's gear doesn't bother me. Each of the Preditors in #2 had an individual mask and specialized gear. That movie also proved that each of the hunters had their own style of gear, as proved by the different style of shoulder cannon and the fact that Pred. #2 had that disc and speargun weapons, while #1 didn't. And as for the director, I actually enjoyed Resident Evil. Given that I've never played the game, the movie was a nice way to get intorduced to a slightly warped version of the storyline. The action in RE was pretty enjoyable, and the only reason to go to an Alien or Predator movie is the action. So overall, I'm looking forward to this movie.
  12. I shall only say, be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it. Don't come whining to us when your eyes burn out and you have to spend the rest of your life walking with a white cane. You were warned in advance.
  13. The idea behind that is that human bone and muscle structure just aren't strong enough to support several tons of weight. A Zentradi-sized human in normal gravity would weigh so much that all his joints and ligaments would literally blow apart due to over-stressing.
  14. Gotta wait for them to be drawn, first
  15. ... where's that jaw-dropping smilie when I really need it?
  16. Once again, I'd like to suggest Detonator Orgun. Though it may be an older title, it's still a good mecha show that avoids some of the standard pitfalls of most shows, and even has one helluva plot twist in the middle. It's currently out on dual-language DVD, but the Japanese language track is much, much better than the English version.
  17. The green hair was a photochop. The original pic, as drawn by Yune, had Dana's normal blond hair. And speaking of, I do so like those pics. I like how Yune has updated the character designs, while still staying true to the roots. Very nice.
  18. She wouldn't look nearly as sexy with the helmet on... You know because 'sexy' is obviously what they were going for, not staying true to the proper design. And what exactly do you have against this picture? It's pretty close to the original design.
  19. Oh, most droolage. However, I don't like how the legs have no support mechanism for when they're in mid-transformation. It's odd to see them just floating in space like that. But that's still fantastic. Just need another 30,000 frames of animation or so to sate my desire for more
  20. And the problem with that is...?
  21. Just to stir up the waters a little more... That picture of Dana Sterling was only one half of the box cover for Remastered #4. This is the other half. Enjoy.
  22. Even though it's not technically accurate, I prefer the transformation without swinging the legs forward. Fewer motions and it gives less chance/time for the VF-1 to be in a vulnerable position. Dat: Sweet texture. Now hurry up and get us some battroid mode shots!
  23. Bah. Gimme the female Guyver II anyday
  24. I certainly got a kick out of that Quick HLJ question, though. Their website refuses to accept my updated address info. I'll fill out all the info fields, click the submit button, and I get a message I need to fill out every field. Any thoughts?
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