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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. What about Battlestar Galactica, then? I recall massive amounts of bitching and whining over that, even though the original series' boxset is out and available.
  2. Mr. Disco, that's still very excessive for a Matrix boxset. You get two versions of each film, which makes me say, "blah".
  3. Though I'm probably going to be joining you on the Dork Side for this, it really does make sense to me how using the lightsaber has been handled in the movie. Since the blade weighs nothing, it's very easy to swing the weapon around one-handed, as Luke does in ANH. But with the blade extended and actually hitting something (another blade or whatnot), all the torque generated by that impact would take a great deal of arm strength to use one-handed. Notice how Vader was strong enough to use the blade with only one hand for a while? I thought that was cool On a slightly different note, a thought occured to me during the boredom of work: With all the people on this site bitching and whining about how Lucas is changing things and ruining the way it went... why do you people support DYRL? Or want a reanimated SDF Macross? Since that would be doing what Lucas has done with SW, shouldn't you people be up in arms over how DYRL "raped" the concepts of SDF Macross simply to make a quick theatrical buck? About how a reanimated SDF Macross would take the good parts and screw them all up based on current-day concepts by the creator? Just some food for thought...
  4. Nope, I'm also a confirmed drone-hater. Tell me, is there anything that a variable fighter CAN'T do in the Macross universe? It seems to be able to do everything else...
  5. All I can say is, "blegh". The claw doesn't do anything for me.
  6. ... ten? Isn't that a tad excessive for a movie series like that?
  7. Bah. I have NEVER been able to navigate my way through Richmond without getting lost at least once. Something about that town and I just don't agree on.
  8. Saber Rider was the definition of cool at the time. I watched the first episode to see if I'd like the series, and promptly taped all the others. Unfortunatly, I never got to see the first one again. So I've got most, if not all, of the episodes on tape *except* for that one, which I want to see simply because it's been bugging me for all these years. And I'm down in Surrey. That hasn't been evicted from the GVRD yet, right?
  9. Another thing is that the Jedi grab whomever they can lay their grubby little hands on that shows any hint of Force sensitivity. That could easily mean that they grabbed from the same family line mulitple times over the last who-knows-how-many centuries. Family != parent to child. There are such things as "siblings" and "uncles" and "cousins".
  10. Spy Troops is 44 minutes long. And you're right about the (slightly) more adult storyline, and it did make the show much more interesting than the cartoon. I'm even more pleased with the Scarlett/Snakes pairing. I spit upon Duke/Scarlett stuff
  11. Dunno bout you man but I ain't never happy about toynami's price and suspect quality. It does look nice but it ain't perfect, a must buy@50$ but a definite pass or wait n see for 150$ i mean in general. With an avatar like yours, it's kinda hard NOT to be happy Though I have to admit, all I need is one look at Wabbit's avatar and that gets me smiling
  12. Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing a drama show set in the Jedi Academy or in the NR military academy. Not all pointless action, but enough character stuff to make it interesting.
  13. This isn't the first CG Joe flick done. The first was called Spy Troops and it was done a special toy release boxset of 12" Snakes and Stormshadow. Pretty well what you'd expect from a Joe production with the exception of having some really nice animation. The models weren't the best, but the way they moved was nothing short of superb.
  14. The novels, if you discount the "liberties" taken by the authors, are a great reimagining of the series. I personally despise the whole mystic and magical side of their ideas, but they do give a good amount of detail and fine points that you just don't get in any of the shows (original Japanese as well as Robotech). And the authors actually had a few good ideas. Not many of them, but a few. Still, I'm an RPG purist above all else, so that means I'm disliked by both Macross fans AND hardcore Robotech fans
  15. Indeed. He could probably play a wicked badguy. Good God, I hope not! Have you ever *seen* the original Star Wars trailer? I'm amazed that they could get ANYONE into the theater!
  16. Thanks for the commentaries. I have to think what it is possible do, but I need time to be able to do something of acceptable quality. Bah. Less V&F, more T&A
  17. Ahh, TROOPS. By far, the best and greatest of any fanfilm. So good, it got liscened by LucasArts
  18. Damn straight.
  19. I bravely and selflessly volunteer my toy space to temporarily house anyone's collection. Of course, since it IS a hurricane, you might not get it back...
  20. So what else is new?
  21. Actually, I'm rather fond of the English dub. It's not nearly as bad as some I've heard.
  22. So how DOES the remaster actually look? Better or worse than those pics?
  23. Go watch Firefly for a good change of sci-fi pace. Best. Sci-Fi. Ever. It's funny, but I used to praise SG-1 for its witty dialog and top-notch writing. Now that I've seen Firefly, SG-1 just looks flat and dull. And who dares to knock SAAB? Watch out, or I shall be forced to smacketh thee As someone who simply cannot stand the original BSG, this miniseries completely surprised me. It had a serious tone and great attention to detail, such as the briefing rooms and such. Most sci-fi shows just gloss over that part. And since I have total apathy regarding the original in my favour, I have absolutly no issues with the female-ized characters. While I found Starbuck to be a tad over-the-top for my taste, that just shows there's room for character development throughout the series. All in all, things are looking up for this series.
  24. The head looks much smaller than the frame on Captain America's model. The Alpha toy looks more "right" in its proportions. Still, I gotta love all the details the Cap'n put on his model kit. If only I such skill...
  25. Go watch Firefly for a good change of sci-fi pace.
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