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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Is that the sum total of your argument?
  2. I don't think any of that is true anymore... That is Sentinels stuff which has been abandonded. When talking about Robotech you have to remember that parts of it have now been thrown away, so they can do something else with it. None of that comes from the Sentinels. It all comes from what's seen/stated in the actual show.
  3. Problem is that Invid sensors don't work over interplanatary distances. The only thing that comes close is their Sensor Nebula, but that's only good for large amounts of the Flower of Life, though it's never been said if it can detect active Protoculture use, such as in mecha and ships. However, once they DO see you, you'd better hope that you can run very, very fast, since they're not just gonna let you walk away in their holy rage
  4. Say what you will about his abilities as a filmmaker, but everyone must admit that Lucas and Co. KNOW how to put together a teaser and trailers. That poster and the Episode II trailers are some of the best I've seen.
  5. The NHL lockout is the second sign Now if the cubs win a pennant next year isn't that the third????? If it's not the third sign, I'd accept it as 2.5
  6. I know I say this often in this forum... but where the hell is that jaw-dropping smilie when you really need it? Seriously, Firefox. That's nothing less than outstanding. Seeing those two fighters in different poses would be a sweet thing.
  7. The NHL lockout is the second sign
  8. And if it doesn't make your eyes bleed or ears implode? Then I will tell the entire board that it rules. And I will let you feel my muscles. Will you autograph our doorknobs as well?
  9. Actually, it was a backhanded attack on ALL shows that do that, not just Macross Zero. Possibly the worst offender of this in my book is Star Trek. Every time they put out a new show, they get a new ship (which is perfectly understandable), but they also redesign almost everything else. Uniforms, shuttlepods, hallways, various rooms within the ships, etc. All for the sake of just being able to do that. That royally irritates me to no end. I mean, the ONLY consistant uniform seen in any Trek show is in the TOS movies. Otherwise, a uniform lasts only once per show (or even less, depending on how many times they redesign it). The same applies to the bridges, science labs, holodecks, shuttles... it never seems to end. And you're right about those nozzels looking pretty silly. But that's how the ship was designed in the original show, for whatever reason, and I'm really glad they're keeping it that way in the new show.
  10. What about the old westerns that actually DID use guns and clothing that was incorrect for the period? Should modern westerns emulate that too? What do you mean? I don't understand what you're trying to say.
  11. Better to use the older stuff and maintain continuity than to come up with new and flashy designs just for the sake of being new and flashy. Cop out. That reminds me of when I lived in the dorms in college and I'd see dudes come back from parties and say, "dude there were just no chicks there." That really meant they had no ability to close the deal. Actually, I'm being serious. When I watch a western (very rarely), I expect to see period technology and clothing, not modern-day MP5s styled to look like they belong in the period. And if you think designing something new is hard, try to come up with something while staying within the constraints of the material that's come before it. Much harder.
  12. Better to use the older stuff and maintain continuity than to come up with new and flashy designs just for the sake of being new and flashy.
  13. Of course it does. Didn't you know that?
  14. An irony in being that SC is the most important, plot-wise, of the three generations.
  15. Welcome to my world I see the same thing when I look at the Stampeed. And I will agree with you that the claws are more than a touch ridiculous. So it would seem.
  16. Because we already know that pleasing images, and images not-so-pleasing, have a noticable effect on the brainwaves and other biological signs of people. We also know that music that is pleasing to the ear can also affect brainwaves, not to mention the mood of the listener. We also know that hypnotism, while not "scientific" in nature, can and does work and its primary medium is sound. While its application in Macross Plus is definitily the realm of science fiction, it's not too much of leap of imagination to see something like that happening in the real world.
  17. I think the huge, honkin' feet should do a good enough job of recoil supression.
  18. And you're complaining? I'm married, not dead. Somehow the screams of women and seeing them run from the theater freaking out made it more enjoyable. Indeed. I went alone when I saw The Ring in the the theaters. By the end of the movie, I'd had my arm glomped no less that three times by the girls sitting beside me
  19. Bah. Red elemental blast!
  20. Didn't know he did the character designs for Mospeada and Southern Cross, and even if he did, so what? All the official artwork and character designs I've seen for SDF: Macross have all the characters, especially the women, as androgenous blobs only given gender by their Voice Actors. EDIT: And yes, the "SDF-4" is an ugly, ugly thing that shouldn't even be seen on celluloid.
  21. Odd. I think that about almost all of Mikamoto's designs for SDF: Macross. Minus the needle, naturally.
  22. One for me (that hasn't been done to death on this list) would have to be the old 80's Hercules cartoon, with that stupid centaur. "Hey, Herk!". Ugh.
  23. Just came back from the Sneak Preview, and the movie was hilarious. But the Puppet sex scene was there, and it was pretty graphic. When I said "trimmed out", I meant the scene was shortened, not deleted. The puppet sex scene on the final cut is less than 40 seconds long. Do they make Viagra for puppets? That might help...
  24. I've been reading Macross & robotech forums for more years than I care to admit....suffice it to say, that's always been a popular robotech fan opinion, and one thats supported by the extreme lack of technical explanation in robotech in general. Especially pre-HG's attempt to rip-off Macross stats after completely & totally ignoring them for almost 20 decades. Actually, I've seen the Macross forums and tech specs that have said the -1S had improved engines, avionics, etc. over the other two styles. Most of the "official" Robotech stats (and you're right, those are sorely lacking) say they're identical save for the number of headlasers.
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