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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Yeah, the head is way on the chunky side. Will this earn the red alpha the moniker of "chunky monkey" of the Alpha toys?
  2. The artwork in the Robotech RPGs are nothing short of outstanding and Kevin Long and Wayne Breaux Jr. have quickly become my two favourite artists. However, artwork isn't constrained by the realities of a 3D object that you just can't skew the perspective on. Drawing it is easy. Making it a reality is just a little more difficult. By the way, which pic are you referring to?
  3. I am... <a href="http://www.liquidgeneration.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/images/frodo.jpg" border="0"></a> Not that bad, except for the hairy feet. Ugh on so many levels.
  4. Darth Maul would've been good for that. Killed him off too fast, I think.
  5. With this toy, the answer to that question is quite simple: very, very carefully!
  6. Could that be a Z-95 Headhunter? Afterall, that is considered to be the direct parent design to the X-wing. And I agree that a state-of-the-art Y-wing would rock.
  7. I've got the basic and extended versions of both Fellowship and Two Towers, but for some odd reason I can't get into the idea of shelling out the bucks for Return of the King. It's my least favourite of the three movies, and the only thing that interests me about the Extended Edition are the hours and hours of special featuers. The movie itself holds nothing for me. Is there a summary of said Special Features anywhere yet?
  8. You're gonna have to, though That's the bitch about good trailers. They make you want it RIGHT NOW, DAMMIT!!
  9. No, it'll be one complete movie/OVA that acts as the pilot for the series that'll come after it. As for what month, again your guess is as good as mine.
  10. The 90-minute OAV will be out sometime in 2005 for the 20th anniversary. As for when the series that follows it comes out... your guess is as good as mine.
  11. I just hope he keeps it named Kashyyyk. I'd hate to see all the EU books be invalidated by that.
  12. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Lucas and Co. are masters when it comes to teasers and trailers. So when does the next trailer come out?
  13. Thats not nearly as bad as the dress he wore in M7. Got pics?
  14. He looks like his voice should be several octaves higher than normal...
  15. No, I'm of the opinion that he's totally nuts. That, or he's suffering from Herbertism. Make one fantiastic product, then kill the line with subsequent attempts at duplicating your success. The Patriots of MGS2 just really killed the whole franchise for me. MGS2 took the great parts of MGS and bent them to such absurd levels that there was no way I could really enjoy the story that much. The gameplay, on the other hand, was nothing short of amazing.
  16. Kinda reminds me of the Elevator fight in Prince of Persia. I got so frustrated with that fight that I've given up on the game entierly.
  17. Think you could take more pics of the Cyclone Rider and the Alpha? This is a really cool idea. I'm surprised nobody else has thought of it.
  18. Look at it this way: It's not more work, it's more fun
  19. Really? I have always been in favor of a pinned thread dedicated to my muscles. Didn't your doctor ever tell you to keep pins away from those implants? The last thing we need is you leaking all over the forums. It IS hard to bleieve that I am THIS perfect. But its real. What about a pinned thread dedicated to "Muscles of A1, yours in thirty days!", complete with detailed how-tos, materials list, and surgeon general's warning? Actually that would be fun. The WM Cheng of FitnessWorld? A place where Lying Fitness Purists gather to reap the rewards bestowed upon them by the god-like A1? Where the Muscly Floating Head espouts ego and information in equal kind?
  20. Really? I have always been in favor of a pinned thread dedicated to my muscles. Didn't your doctor ever tell you to keep pins away from those implants? The last thing we need is you leaking all over the forums. It IS hard to bleieve that I am THIS perfect. But its real. What about a pinned thread dedicated to "Muscles of A1, yours in thirty days!", complete with detailed how-tos, materials list, and surgeon general's warning?
  21. What about breasts on the fighters? Flying a valk with a guitar? Huge-assed speakers on mecha?
  22. I like how they drew the Captain. It's not easy to capture the essence of his character, and this has done so quite well.
  23. Or it could be the REF triangle insignia, just as plain as day. Take out the stylized "M" for Mars Division and you get a pretty decent regular triangle, just like the top of that station. Of course, either answer is just as acceptable. We simply won't know more until the show actually comes out.
  24. I was thinking she'd make a better Headmaster.
  25. I'm rather fond of the idea of man-sized or near-to-man-sized power armour units as being the next logical step in urban warfare. A small legged unit would be able to make use of stairs, buildings, and other urban structures, while a wheeled/tracked vehicle would be stuck out in the open. Check the first couple episodes of Gasaraki or even MADOX for a good demonstration of this.
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