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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. That is so very, very true. The dogfights were technically entertaining, though I found the direction of said sequences to be very lacking. The jittery camera and quick cuts were supposed to make for added suspence, but all it really did was irritate me. The CGI work was astounding. For the first time in any anime or cartoon, I actually felt like the aircraft, especially the Tomcats in Ep. 1, were actually flying and not just animated cells on a background. But as for the story and characters... well, I just lump Macross Zero in with Macross 7 and try my best to ignore their influences on the Macross continuity. Does Macross Zero fit into the overall story? Yes. Does it add anything substantial to the overall story? That's a little more iffy in my book. And Mac0 and Mac7 are changing the Macross story from start to finish, and I'm not totally certain I like what this story is shaping up to be.
  2. Any idea when we'll be seeing an English-sub/dub R1 release of this?
  3. Lucas has only stated as such during the OT commentary. The only way I'll believe that he actually ment Fett to die in the Saarlac is if he makes a new movie/tv show/whatnot that's post-ROTJ and actually says out loud. And now that I think about it, KotoR did get a few things wrong. It takes 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, but in the game the Sith Lords already had the Rule of Two and were using the name "Darth". In every other timeline, the Sith didn't start those two traditions until 2,000-odd years before the Battle of Yavin.
  4. I'm not sure about their canon status, but it does make sense. LucasArts has gone to great lengths to keep it all in one universe. And looking at those pics has taught me something: This trilogy is following the same basic pattern as the first one: Good guy fighting bad guy in 2nd movie, losing his arm in the process. Good guy comes back in 3rd movie to beat bad guy while the Emperor is in audience. The difference is Luke had the fortitude to turn away from the Dark Side, while Anakin jumped into it, head-first.
  5. That's because Vader is looking down at the fight, so we're seeing the top front of his helmet in our perspective, and the rest looks stretched because of that.
  6. LCF. Look Cool Factor. The driving force behind 99% of anime mecha stylings and features
  7. I really like how she did the armour suits, especially the TASC armour. Great paint jobs on those.
  8. I wonder if that's an actual production sample or if its just a modded Alpha to give an indication as to what the final toy might look like. Either way, it's looking great. Can't wait for it to come out.
  9. Have any sketches or designs of it's helocopter mode?
  10. Heheh. Having flashbacks to RT.com's thread? I know the feeling
  11. That's a fan creation. Not from the RPG at all, just using the stats for the system.
  12. Not until you get us some scans, no
  13. What "features" are you referring to?
  14. Could you take pics of it anyway?
  15. I'd forgotten how pretty the Hovertank was. Truely, a mecha that deserves the name, "Sir!".
  16. There's not much more than that TO say about a toy
  17. One thing I really love Battlecry for is the number of paint schemes and other goodies they included in it, especially the interviews with the original Robotech VAs. Those were a real treat to watch. But the paintschemes were just so damned cool. Seeing a VF-1S in the -1D paintscheme was far more entertaining than it should have been
  18. Im actually looking forward to the live-action Rifts movie by Jerry.....hopefully he wont screw that up. If the Coalition States have pink uniforms I'll scream. Get in line, pal. Screaming will be the least of his worries if he does that. Though I will admit to a great deal of curiosity as to how well they can translate the SAMUS and Glitter Boy onto the big screen.
  19. A couple of things for me make Halo2 "cool". First off is the enemy AI. They'll flank you, retreat when they're losing, and work together to overwhelm you in pretty creative ways. You have no idea how annoying it is to be laying the smackdown on some Elite when a couple of Grunts run up and blast you from behind The writing. The overall plot is pretty decent, but the actual writing of the story is nothing short of excellent. The voice actors, particularly Cortana and Seargent Johnson, have all done amazing jobs in bringing their characters to life. 343 Guilty Spark was a hoot in Halo1, too. All the VAs deserve kudos for their job on these games. The controls. It's an extremely easy and smooth console control system that I found intuitive and quick to learn. Not many other games, particularly FPS' can claim that.
  20. Lift foot up, swing leg forward, plant foot down. Lift other foot up, swing other leg forward, plant other foot down...
  21. Or The Gazelle, depending on whom you ask...
  22. Bah. The best parts about Halo are Cortana and more Cortana
  23. And when it comes time for combat, the face closes in to protect the vital systems. Little touches of "realism" like that are what make great mecha and sci-fi shows.
  24. got any pictures? Here's what it looks like in the "open" position:
  25. My call would have to be Detonator Orgun, the original alien suit of armour. The way the shutters and chin close up during combat mode is just amazing, especially for such a low-budget show.
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