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Everything posted by CoryHolmes
I gotta admit, the Yoda CGI has come a long way from that small walk cycle in Episode I. It's looking better and better.
NEW Official MPC Thread!!!
CoryHolmes replied to FRED THE FRENCH's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Smaller, but with much greater detail and "anime accuracy", if such a term could be applied to any Mospeada mecha. -
Man.... I've been waiting for like 6 years for this damn movie and its soooo close I can taste it! But not quite close enough to see it... yet.
What show of Macross grabbed you?
CoryHolmes replied to Queadlunn-Rau's topic in Movies and TV Series
As far as Macross goes, Plus is what suckered me in. The rest of the franchise just doesn't stand up to the bar of excellence that Plus set. DYRL (especially), FB 2012, SDF, Mac 7 (shudder), all simply fail to live up to Plus in my mind. -
Sounds like enemy soldiers in EVERY movie made to date
I like the way they over-dubbed Boba's lines in ESB with Temura Morrison. Very neat.
I like the idea of the Clone Troopers as the first batch of stormies, and then the subsequent Storm Troopers as being recruiter/conscripted. As an economical device if nothing else. Cloning, housing, and raising a complete human being, no matter how quickly they're matured simply can't be cheaper than recruiting a mostly-adult person anyway. And as Sundown pointed above, there's on-screen evidence that there are DIFFERENT stormtroopers in the films. That lends big creedance to the mixed group idea.
From the back of the box, naturally
Kevin/Hamill Involved In Star Wars TV?
CoryHolmes replied to EXO's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Given how much control Lucas keeps over the books, novels, and comics, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. At the least, Lucas would probably keep an Executive Producer position. -
Jerry Bruckheimer producing....
CoryHolmes replied to Mechleader's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Jerry Bruckheimer is also handling the Rifts movie, and I admit to a certain degree of anticipation for that. I especially wanna see how they handle all the various PAs of that world -
McFarlane files for Chapter 11
CoryHolmes replied to Jolly Rogers's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Tell me about it. This is kind of crap is what allows people like Spike Lee to sue networks over a name. No, no. That's called, "ego". -
It doesn't help that the movie studios and their lawyer lackies are suing the servers that run Torrent sites. That'll put a big crimp on BT sharing, if nothing else.
I really enjoyed walking it stomp around in Gerwalk mode. For better or for worse, that was pretty amusing all on its own
Anakin vs Dooku should be a blast to watch. It's gonna be great to see a Dark Side Anakin before he takes on the armour and helmet of Lord Vader. Of course, Vader himself with just rock so much more...
Kevin/Hamill Involved In Star Wars TV?
CoryHolmes replied to EXO's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Heheh. Bunkard Sewer Disorder -
Short, but oh-so-fantastic. I'm really with you on that short thing, but what we did get made MY jaw drop in the theaters. Then on VHS. Then on DVD. And now it continues to do so with my new home theater system Nothing in AOTC came close to the energy or aura that Duel of the Fates had. The actors were really tearing into each other in Obi-wan vs Maul. That's what I want to see in ROTS. EDIT: And this fight is reputed to clock in at 12 minutes or so, and it's being called the longest sword fight in in cinematic history.
Artoo always gets the shock. Poor droid just doesn't know when to duck. And I'm really interested in this Obi-Wan/Anikan duel. It honestly looks like it's going to put Duel of the Fates to shame as the greatest lightsaber fight on celluloid (or DV, in this case).
Kevin/Hamill Involved In Star Wars TV?
CoryHolmes replied to EXO's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Those that don't actually reach the title of "Knight" are transferred to the Agricorps, Medicorps, or other ancillery groups that help the Jedi proper in some manner. And the Sith started off as a race. About 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin (BBY for ease of reference) a group of dark-side using Jedi were thrown out of the Order and exiled from the then-small Galactic Republic. They eventually settled on a world called Korriban (I *think*, though I could be wrong) where they set up shop as the gods of the indiginous people, their Dark Side powers allowing them to easily enslave the Sith race. Thus the "Lords" of the Sith were born. It soon became just a title, with the Sith race eventually dying out completely. It wasn't until 4,000 years BBY that the Sith Empire first encountered the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order that had cast out their ancestors. The great irony is that over the course of that thousand years, each side had forgotten the other had existed, so it was something of a shock to come across other Force-Users for each group EDIT: (sigh, one of these days I will ginish a thought BEFORE I click the post button...) To give an example of the Galactic population, Coruscant has a population of 1 trillion sentient beings, plus or minus a few dozen million in transit at any given time. -
Official - Weapons Banter Thread
CoryHolmes replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Huh. All the research I found on the P-90 says the casings eject out the bottom of the gun and not into anyone's face. It also says that the weapon is completely ambidexterous MISB. -
I gotta admit, I like the way Anakin wears The Glove . Much better than Glow-Stick-Boy the 2nd ever did.
Be thankful that you people get all the cool planes to begin with. Us Canuckleheads are stuck with a decades-old dream and that's it...
Official - Weapons Banter Thread
CoryHolmes replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
What's the general opinion on bullpup-style rifles, like FN's P-90? Good, bad, so-so? -
I'd be all over that. An AGACs kit would rock just slightly more than a VHT kit would rock. Can definitly count me in on a 1/60th, fixed-mode or transformable. I'd take either. EDIT: Actually, 1/72 would be hideously small for a perfect transformable. If it had to be one scale or the other, I'd take 1/48th.
Kevin/Hamill Involved In Star Wars TV?
CoryHolmes replied to EXO's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Simply calling yourself a "Sith" won't actually make you one. Heck, I could call a press conference tomorrow and announce that I'm the President of the United States, but it obviously wouldn't be true. That's not really a fair comparison. The US President has the whole government & military behind him to support him. If you are the Sith Master, you've got er......one apprentice backing you up, that's it. And as there's only two of them, they'd have a hard time enforcing their dominance, if say a dozen other dark Jedi of similar power level suddenly decided that they wanted to call themselves Sith as well. This would make a great Monty Python type sketch IMO: - Upstart Sith: "We're Sith now". Real Sith: "No you're not, we are". Upstart Sith: "No we are" Real Sith: "Sod off, you can't be Sith!" "Don't you know the rule says only 2 at one time, a master and apprentice". "Upstart Sith: Says who?" Real Sith: "Says we" Upstart Sith: "You and who's army?" So what actually makes a Sith a Sith? What's special about them? How do they actually become Sith apart from one day just declaring "right, we're Sith" . Graham That's exactly why the "Rule of 2" was put in in the first place. The Sith were pretty badass on their own, but political infighting and petty bickering (by Dark Force users, no less) kept their numbers a manegable number. But once they started duking it out with the Jedi, they were fighting wars on two or more fronts, while the Jedi were unanimous in their desire to win. Each time the Sith went to war with the Jedi (which happend on two massive occasions), they were finally beat back because they weren't standing together as one. They divided themselves, and the Jedi would eventually conquer. Enter Darth Bane, who finally had a lightbulb go off over his head. With the Galactic Republic expanding and absobing those worlds that used to belong to the Sith Lords, Bane realized that there was very few placed he and the other Lords could run to to rebuild their strength. Bane decided that the safest place to be was up close and personal with the Jedi, and that there could be no infighting to destabalize them this time. He instituted the rule of 2 so that there would be NO bickering between contentious Lords. Instead of standing up and trying to take the Jedi head-on, Bane decided that stealth and treachery were the true skills of the Sith. So for the next upteen thousands of years, there were only TWO people who could lay claim to the title of Sith and the name of Darth. If someone else wanted in, one of the existing Lords had to be... "gone", if you get my drift. And it worked. For at least a millenium, the Jedi Order (who were cocooning themselves in an Ivory Tower) thought that the Sith were gone forever, while they were actually slowly and carefully preserving their teachings, one generation to the next. That's why the council was so shocked at Darth Maul's presence. Y'know, the Emperor really had to be laughing his ass off on a daily basis. Yoda, Windu, Kenobi and the rest regularly had audiences with him and never suspect who he really was. The most powerful Dark Side user of that generation, who had been manipulating events for decades... and they never even guessed. Oh, he really did have to be laughing about that. Anyway, back on topic, I wouldn't mind seeing something set in the Jedi Academy (NOT the NJO, though), but as long as it doesn't deal with the Solo kids. They've had their book and screen time, so why go back to them for more of the same? Go with some new kids so we can come to enjoy watching them on their own merits, not on the basis of their last name. EDIT: I totally forgot. It wasn't really the Sith Lords (Sideous and Vader) who destroyed the Jedi. Yes, they actually did the killing deeds and all the hacky slashy stuff, but it was how the Emperor turned the people of the Republic against them that really did the Jedi in. Gotta remember that by the time of the prequels, the Jedi aren't really well-thought of. They took their initiates from their families before the children were even six months old, regardless of what the parents might have to say. Force-sensitive? The Jedi stole them for their own uses. And to say that the Jedi had an attitude would be putting it mildly. Look back at Episode II. They go into the cantina, nearly start a gun fight, lop someone's arm off... and casually order everyone to go back to their drinks and forget it ever happened. Sure, Sideous and Vader did the bad stuff; but the Jedi were really killed by the lack of faith by the public. EDIT EDIT: Once again, I totally forgot. What makes a Sith a Sith? That's a toughie to answer, especially since both they and the Jedi use the Force. It's more than a simple philisophical difference. It's sort of like asking what's different about a bi-plane and an F-22 Raptor. Sure, they both use wings and thrust to fly, but there's a WORLD of difference between the two. I would imagine that most of the difference between the two groups are in traditions and training methods, though the end results are close to each other. Okay, that should firmly entrench myself in the Dork Side. You may all heckle at your leisure now. -
Good cuz otherwise I was gonna think you were losing your mind. Not the first time I've been accused of such