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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. I kinda like Baltar as he is. This character is completely amoral in his desire to save his own hide and will do anything to that end. He's a slimy and smarmy as they come, and that's a rather pleasant change from the usual cookie-cutter baddie.
  2. I like Tigh for one reason and one reason only: He's human. He's flawed, iffy, has doubts, and a drinking problem. BUT when push comes to shove, he's professional, cool-headed, and he does his job. To me, Tigh is the greatest heroic model of the show because he doesn't let his personal problems cross over into his professional requirments. EDIT I like SAAB for the same reason I enjoy shows like Tour of Duty and even Stargate (to an extent): It seems like the main characters, while the heros of the story, are part of a much larger effort/group. The show didn't shoehorn them into every important, life-or-death situation (a common flaw). Instead, I always came away with the idea that we were watching a small part of a much larger story, and I like that idea.
  3. Now all we need are some camera pans and beauty shots and it'll be even better
  4. I'm really digging the way the lions look. The detail on the sculpts is unfaultable.
  5. Yes, but we miss out on the *why* they're like they are at the start of DYRL. We lose out on what decisions they'd made in their lives up to that point. Because of that lack of background information, it makes those transformations just that much less impressive and amazing. Instead of history of missed chances and poor choices that lead to Misa and Hikaru's relationship, we get your standard Hollyweird tale of the male and female lead falling in love by the end of the movie. SDF Macross was much more believable in its depiction of that evolution from, "I hate your guts" to emphatic declarations of love. DYRL just glossed over that whole interaction and went for the glitzy Hollyweirdisms that I so detest. It doesn't even come close to adequetly explaining the scope of their relationship, of the hows and whys they're fit for each other. Roy was turned from a hardned pilot who drank to overcome his problems into a drunkard who was mainly used for comic relief. We got absolutly no information regarding Claudia's relationship with Misa, about their friendship and how close the two of them were.
  6. DYRL only works when you have extensive knowledge of the TV series. As a stand-alone story, it fails miserably and is reduced to simple eyecandy and nothing more. You get absolutly none of the backstory or history behind the characters and what motivates them. Roy and Claudia, arguably one of the most important love stories in SDF Macross got a total of... what? Six whole seconds of screen time, if you want to be generous. The hows and whys that made Macross such a ground-breaking show for its time simply got glossed over with the attempt to cram as many new and shiny toys onto the screen as was possible. But the single, unmitigated failure that DYRL commited was the fact that it can not be viewed as a complete story in of and by itself. It's been proven time and time again that eyecandy != a good story, and DYRL just didn't have that story by itself. And what little story it brings to the table, it slams it into the viewers face with a deux ex machina gimmick that is simply inexcusable. The characters are shallow versions of themselves, major plot points have been gutted or deleted entierly, and what is left from SDF was changed on an artists' whim for little apparent reason other than the ability to change it was presented during the movie. There, I've said my piece. Let the flaming begin. EDIT On the flipside, DYRLs animation stands up to some of the best that can be produced today, even surpasing some CGI work that gets released. From a technical standpoint, DYRL was so far ahead of its time that it took two decades to appreicate that sort of skill.
  7. This might be a stupid question, but what's the point behind strike foils when they don't have laser cannons on the ends of the wingtips?
  8. You can say that again.
  9. Sounds like somebody needs a Prozzac salt-lick installed next to his computer...
  10. This movie is going rock just on the principle of seeing Vader on the big screen again. I'm too young to have seen the OT in the theaters the first time around, so my first exposure was on VHS tapes waaaaay back when. When the SE first came out, it was nice seeing Vader et al on screen, but it was nothing new. This is going to be a great thing for me, and if only for that alone, this movie will rock.
  11. PVC? Not so much. What UVs real damage is that it causes the covalent chemical bonds that hold the molecular chains together to break, chopping the polymer into smaller, less stable chains; which in turn robs the material of much of its strength and other properties. Like I said, PVC is pretty good at resisting the weather and sunlight, otherwise it wouldn't see much use in the outdoors. And UV is much worse than oxidization, because the high energy of the UV rays work at a much faster pace than simple degridation. If you want to run a test for yourself, get two buckets. Leave one inside your house and one outside your house. Come back in 2-5 years. The one inside will be more or less good to go, whereupon the outside bucket will be yellow and will crumble in your fingers like eggshell as you try to pick it up.
  12. Sorry to butt in like this, but ALL plastics are polymers. All of them. Every last one of them. I'm a polymer engineer, so I knoweth of what I speaketh. Scrubbing and washing and cleaning won't do much more to help than possibly ripping off the top few layers of the toy, exposing the un-oxidized material to the air. It's not a dirt or smear that you can clean off, it's an actual chemical change that the molecular chains are undergoing that's causing the poor yellow colour. It's also making your plastic much weaker, thus more prone to breaking. Also, I'd bet that most of the toys out there aren't painted per se, but are actually coloured plastic. That is, the colour is moulded in with the plastic during the manufacturing process. And yes, it IS possible to add in additives to retard the degrading process, but they're expensive and rather difficult to work with, nor are they 100% effective. ABS will yellow with exposure to sunlight. PET will discolour slightly with exposure to sunlight. PVC has outstanding sunlight and other weather resistance, hence why it's use as siding is so popular. Styrene is pretty robust as far as sunlight goes, but it will yellow. (this is what toys are usually made of, so use that as a reference for the upper two as to how much they'll yellow and discolour) But take this list with a grain of salt, since as I said above, there are many thousands of possible additives that could be present in a particular plastic material, and each one of those will have an effect on the properties.
  13. Damn, that is a sweet toy with all the stickers added on. You can't fault its sculpt.
  14. I don't know what I'm more impressed with: That Vader mask, or those planitary shots. Those are some GOOD pictures of planets.
  15. That's to be expected, since the same thing happened with the VF-1s when Yamato first hit the market.
  16. I wonder how big a cheer there will be when Kenobi chucks Anakin into the pit... Oh, you know the whole audiance will erupt. Oh, yeah. That is gonna rock more than anything else that has rocked before. In fact, that whole fight sequence will probably wind up being one of the best ever put down on celluloid/DV. Like I said before, I think it's going to be even better than Duel of the Fates.
  17. Actually, Palpatine is the most thought-out character in the whole trilogy. I'm impressed by how much of a forward-thinking Palpatine is and by how well he's made his moves. Started the Clone Army at the same time he was beginning his political machinations. He worked and toiled as a minor politician representing a countryside backwater planet, slowly working up the Trade Federation's taxation policies to the point where he could make use of the outcry against it. At this point, he was able (though pure political machinations, I think) to engineer his rise to the position of Supreme Chancillor. From there, it was a simple matter to bring the Traders back into this by promising them Amidala's head on a platter. The thing that I love the most is how Palpatine is playing both sides against the middle, ripening them up for the time where he can move in and take over.
  18. I'd take that even further by saying that Baltar is one of the most dynamic and interesting characters on TV today. The man is so slimy and obviously self-centred that you have to loathe him. On the other hand, you just have to admire how carefully and completely each one of his actions is designed to give himself the most benefit. Even just going by what we see in the miniseries, it'll be great to watch as he plays everyone off of everyone else to his maximum benefit.
  19. Trannies Gone Wild? Can't get much more candid than that
  20. He certainly needs to lay off the burgers. He's turned into one tubby bitch! Yeah? Well, why dontcha just say that to his face... er... wrinkles... err... gooey mess?
  21. There's an earlier Peter Winfried appreance I enjoy more - that computer nerd off of James Bond - Goldeneye. And I was the best arround at that game(yea, everyone says that, but seeing as I only lost the first 2 multi-player games I played, I think I have some right). I would always play as his character and often yelled "I AM INVINCIBLE!" pissing off my opponents. Ahhhhh, good times. Anyways, yeah, at least he has somewhat of a career. One of the things I enjoyed about the TV series was how all these old rock stars were immortals on the show like the guy from the Who, man they make a mistake in killing him off. Roger Daltry's character, Fitz, was supposed to die in the episode he was introduced in. During the filming of that episode, though, the producers and writers decided that he was doing such a great job that they just couldn't kill him off Fitz was one of the great Highlander guest Immortals. Really gave that show depth and humour.
  22. YEAH! METHOS! I wish there was a tad more about him though... he must have some interesting history being what? 5000 years old? Elizabeth Gracen... former Miss America and Bill Clinton conquest. What a fox... well at least a couple years ago... I don't dig the blonde. That's what made Methos so cool. The fact that he was 5000 years old, is probably the only person to stand on the same stage as Julius Ceasar AND the Rolling Stones, and the fact that he is totally capable of anything, up to and including mass murder if he deems it neccissary. It's the mystery about him that made him so cool. A TV show on his own would've had to explain (in my mind) too much about him, thus robbing him of said coolness. EDIT Yeah, I didn't dig the blond either, at first. But I have changed my opinion upon further review. It's prettygood and it works on her. Dunno about many other women doing that, though.
  23. My problem with the TV ending is that it's wholly anti-climactic and it in no way ties up the loose threads that the series had dangled in front of the viewers the whole time. We find nothing about Auska, Ritsuko, Mistao, and the rest of the characters. For me, the sign of a bad TV ending is when it takes a totally seperate theatrical release to finish off the story. Bad, bad, bad.
  24. Hey. Amanda was great in small doses. Elizabeth Gracen had amazing chemistry with Adrian Paul and it came through on the camera. Methos is also good in small doses, but I doubt he could've held an entire show on his own simply because the fun part about the character was guessing what you DIDN'T know about him. Highlander the TV series did much to redeem the franchise in terms of fanbase, but Endgame just didn't use all of its resources effectivly. Had they gone with some of the TV writers or used some of the plots from there, it could've been a much better animal.
  25. Blegh. You're not the only one who sees that Guyver-ism in there, and that annoys the hell out of me. In fact, this whole "show" is an affront to G1 fans everywhere. It puts the final nail in the coffin of the "how Gundam-y can we make the Transformers?" issue. These designs are total crap, suffering from extreme munchkinism in that the designers decided to throw as much garbage as possible onto these machines. I muchly prefer the simple, clean elegance of the G1 designs.
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