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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. I'm gonna do it.
  2. Just once? Just a little? 😭
  3. I still wanna touch it...
  4. I'm trying to fight it, but my hype levels are rising.
  5. Yeah, I knew going in that it wasn't the most accurate thing ever. But it's hueg, at almost 14" to the tops of the lasers. I didn't pay too much for it, so I think I'm happy with it. Big boi hueg, though.
  6. Heck yeah! Injection moulding for the win! 💪 That being said, in pic 53 it looks like something is in your macaroni salad. 🤢 Pick 54, ohgod it's grown and changed colour. Macaroni salad is disgusting at the best of times, but this doesn't look fit for human consumption. 🤮
  7. 1 of 50, comes with variant arms, swivel head, and the arms themselves have a few fixed rotations on a hex peg.
  8. After seeing a few combiners storing their giant robot bits inside the individual limb bots, I refuse to step backwards to extra add-on bits in a box.
  9. "Hey, Ben! Fire your missles at 12 o'clock!" "What for?" "Nevermind what for, just do it!" "Okay, okay."
  10. That's my favourite part of the Halo story, and one that's overlooked too often imho. The UNSC weren't exactly the best of people and did some really, really not very nice things in the name of keeping the peace. The fact that it worked out well in time for the Great War is very neatly ignored by most people. Also, the Spartan-IIs are incredible badass warriors. Just think of what had to happen to them to make them that way. One of the best parts of Halo 4 and (the only good) bits of Halo 5 was examining the man underneath all that armour; and then asking just how much more can he give?
  11. I'm STILL incredibly salty over how PB squandered that! So much potential, gone!🤬
  12. I'm curious as to why you're having to sculpt so much from scratch. Is there that little in common with the first run kits?
  13. So BBTS might be the better option?
  14. What does it mean when the site says, "Shipping to North America not allowed" or words to that effect? Should I order or not even bother?
  15. Oh, yeah? I still yearn over a Rifts Glitterboy and that's a pretty lacklustre sculpt As always, I'm deeply impressed by how much prep work you put in, and just how much that helps the final product come out.
  16. I'm cautiously optimistic about these. Hopefully they're not priced too far out to lunch.
  17. At least you laughed I wasn't sure if you'd laugh or kill me!
  18. So this means that KidzConcept are no longer producing toys? Or do these guys do different types of toys?
  19. I love the matte colour scheme. A welcome change from all the glossy paint jobs.
  20. Halo as a series, might work if the main character was anything other than the Master Chief. A big part of his character is his unbending, unfailing stoicism brought on from years of indoctrination and combat. He's the sort of videogame character the player can put themselves into. I don't think that'd make for a compelling or dramatic figure for a TV series or movie. Part of the reason I love the Babysitter chapter of Halo : Legends was because it was a look into the Spartans from the outside world, and I think that'd work best for a series.
  21. Damn skippy I'm gonna buy the book! I've gotten every single Robotech RPG book ever printed; Imma not gonna tap out now!
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