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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. That's what kitbashers and toy modders were invented for
  2. My choices would the the Tactical Armours from Gasaraki (minus the Eva-cloned plot, that is) and the MADOX. From non-anime sources, I'd go with the Glitter Boy and SAMAS power armours from Rifts. They always struck me as the most plausable mecha I'd ever seen.
  3. Fox does not necessarily treat their money making shows well. Look at the history and especially the final season for Married with Children, which helped establish Fox as a network. Information on the Production of Married with Children Yes, they bit the hand that was feeding them then. And they've done it ever since. They didn't just bite. They sunk their fangs in and ripped out flesh, bones, and tendons. And they've been doing it ever since.
  4. Cops carrying P90s? That's a weird thought, though it would fit rather nicely into a cop car
  5. Yeah, they really left it open too. SAAB really started to get better as the series progressed. Getting haircuts really helped too IMHO! Chris SAAB was killed mainly by cost-per-episode and office politics. FOX didn't have enough room in its schedule/cast/whatnot for two sci-fi shows, so they picked a little show called X-Files over SAAB. Interesting, given the fact that SAAB had higher raitings than the X-Files did in its first season AND SAAB was up for two Emmy's.
  6. You gonna do the VF-19A from VF-X2? I like that light blue paint scheme.
  7. Very nice work, but more still needs to be done. The colours just seem to be extremely artificial, especially when they're put on a model with that level of detail and photorealism. Still, great image. Keep up the work
  8. That does not mean they cannot get more revealing like in the LowDown. That's why I specifically referenced her clothing
  9. Now now, that's a bit harsh. Unions severed a good purpose at one point when the U.S. wasn't concerned too much about the workers of the country. At the time, yes, they were a great innovation that promoted the worker's rights in comparison to the company. But that was then, and this is now. Now it's a worker's market where if you don't like your employer or s/he treats you unfairly, get another job. Everyone has some marketable skill that can just as easily serve someone else. Now, most unions are small companies unto themselves, whose eyes are always focused on the bottom right-hand corner of the financial statements and how they can increase it. And the downside to being a part of a union is that you lose direct control over the terms of your employment, benifits and bonuses and the like, because you're bound to the same decisions that affect all; which isn't neccissarily a good thing. Of course, on the flipside, unions CAN provide a unified front to present terms and negotiations to said employers. One person telling you something is a point of view. Several hundred (or thousand) all telling you the same thing is another matter altogether.
  10. Best idea in this whole thread.
  11. Have any links about that customizing process?
  12. I'd have to reccomend the Star Wars DVD series, all five (and sooner or later, six). They just own the DVD medium so completely it's not funny. Especially listening to the 5.1 Surround Sound mixes and a big-screen TV... wow. It's enough to take the breath away.
  13. Why let that stop you? Post away. I wanna see more EDIT What exactly caused it to explode like that?
  14. Please. This is Boomer, not Six. Her clothing doesn't get much more revealing.
  15. Why do those weapons have barrels on the ends of them? I thought the whole point behind bull-pup style weapons was to have as short a barrel as possible.
  16. Or would that be Cylonette?
  17. Funny how that happens whenever someone tells me we're in a a paperless society
  18. I'd like to see more like this, just without the Venus suit. More of the ladies with more of the possible suits would really, really rock. But make no mistake, I'm not complaining about this. Not at all
  19. I've said it before, and now I'm gonna say it again: Lucas and Co. definitly know how to put out teasers. Say what you will about the rest of them, but everyone has to admit that these promo pics and teasers/trailers do nothing but ratched up interest for the movies.
  20. Have you seen the VF-11B that Yamato offered? What about Tab-B YF-19s?
  21. Though seeing Lord Vader in full armour will be neat, I'm far more interesting in seeing Anakin's transformation INTO that. I want to see his descent to darkness before the armour seals him off. I want to see Anakin as the badass, as well as Vader.
  22. Because that would be an incredibly boring film. Just watching a squad of Colonial Marines sleeping is a horrendous waste of time, especially when they could be out and about, blasting the crap out of whatever they need to Extras are the big draw of DVDs to me. Without them I wouldn't have nearly as large a library as I do now.
  23. What sort of special features are on the AvP DVD?
  24. Thing is, she's NOT droolable.
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