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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. My only hope is that this is more G1 than anything, and I really hope they leave any of the super-sentai crap from the more modern shows out.
  2. Of course. It uses the magic "M" word, which is as good as gold. It can do no wrong, and everything it touches is pure and perfect.
  3. being a recurring theme, was it ever played once in episode 2? i know they like to continue the music scores in the movies to link them was any of the new music from Episode 1 in Episode 2? chris It was in the background as Anakin searched for Shmi, most notably when he was on the speeder against the dusk/dawn background.
  4. Yeah, but that's how the Invid human uniforms looked in the original show, so...
  5. I like that art style. The characters actually look like they have muscle and anatomy underneath their suits, which is a good evolution. Plus, they're not doing it in the uber-popular Pokemon/Digimon style of character design, which I utterly detest. Points for that.
  6. Nobody HAS to bother with it. We all know what will happen, just as we've all known for years now. The important this is HOW it all happens. That's always been the question mark that everone wants answered. Well, that, and The Duel. Capital T, Capital D. Nothing else need be said.
  7. Word is, yes. However, since we won't see a fully armored Vader until the very end (like the last 5 minutes of the movie)...don't expect a whole bunch of lines. In fact, he might only have 3... maybe 5 lines at most.... Which is the best way to do this, I think. I'm greatly entertained by watching Anakin's rise and fall. Whether Vader wears the armour or not, he's still a total badass.
  8. Speak for yourself, pal. I'm very impressed with Canada's medical system. I recently went through some major eye surgery to repair previous damage. It was less than three days between the time I was diagnosed and the time of the operation. All expenses were paid for by Medicare, from hospital time, doctors fees, medical supplies; I'll pay for none of that. No bill will come in the mail. If I get hurt, I go to a medical clinic, get fixed up, and go about my business; no money charged to me. The downside is that there's a lack of high-end medical diagnostic equipment, so there are naturally going to be waiting times for that. But that's a small price to pay, in my opinion, than dealing with a business-oriented medical system that profits from people's misfortune and injury.
  9. Yeah, that was a little too disturbing for me though, Roy. He seemed to be sayng that being under the heel of an oppressive dictatorship (albeit a "benign" one -- oxymoron of the year, that) is preferable to what the Rebels were offering, which was not clearly articulated in the movies because it didn't have to be. The author of that WS article missed the point by trying to interpret Star Wars as a political statement, rather than the swashbuckling popcorn entertainment it is. JRR Tolkein had to fight for years to get people to stop thinking of LOTR as a parable on WW2 or the Cold War, rather than a fantasy work that was the product of him taking deep drinks from Anglo-Saxon and Norse mythology. True enough. As long as Palpatine weilded absoutle, unquestioned authority, the Empire was a bad thing. But without that little stumbling block, the Empire was a generally good place to be. Provided you were human, of course. Non-humans like Wookies and such were enslaved, legally, and generally life sucked for them.
  10. I've said it so many times in this thread already, but where is that *#)*$# jaw-dropping smiley when I really want it? That just rocks, Dat. Nothing more need be said.
  11. What's that people were saying about seeing some more of Natalie Portman?
  12. If you stop and think about it for a moment, the Empire actually did a few things right. It greatly streamlined the whole political process, doing away with the bloated red tape that was the Galactic Republic's processes. No more pointless comities and meetings while things needed to get done. It did an amazing job of bringing at least some form of justice the majority of the galaxy, doing away with things like slavery on Tatooine. With Palpatine at its head, yes, the Empire was evil and not of the good. But it was still, overall, a considerable improvement over the previous regieme.
  13. The fact that Supreme Chancillor Palpatine was sitting before their best and brightest members and they had no clue at all whom he was. Anakin's comment in the nightclub, "Jedi business, go back to your drinks." So they have the authority to come in, start a major ruckus, and then waltz away without so much as an explanation? That had to grate on more than a few nerves, especially any on-planet police forces. Their librarian. "Master Kenobi, if an item doesn't appear in our archives then it does not exist." I strongly suspect that that attitude of snobbery is endemic throughout the whole Jedi Order. The Jedi Council in Episode I was totally unwilling to even entertain the thought that the mysterious warrior Qui-Gon faced on Tatooine was a Sith, since they were certain the Sith had been wiped out a millenium before. The simple fact of the matter is that the Jedi Order had faced no real threats to their authority or power within the Old Republic, so it had slowly but surely gone to their heads. And that's not even touching on some of the ideas presented within the EU.
  14. I find Mace Windu kinda un-jedi like actually. He seems a bit pompous and stuck up. He is still playing it like Jules. ALL the Old Republic Jedi were pompus and stuck-up.
  15. the artwork is o-k but the dialog has been chopped down quite a bit. also some scenes you kind of wish we see more of (i might feel the same way with the movie as well). That's why DVDs and Special Features were invented But really, Star Wars is a story that needs to be seen in action on the big screen. No other medium really does a good enough job.
  16. SW comics, for the most part, have all had really crappy artwork.
  17. They've completely revamped the combat system with their new game, "Splicers" (which is a pretty damn good book, actually). Later this year, Palladium is releasing Ultimate RIFTS. Updates (hopefully a better proof-reader) and some new artwork.
  18. That's part of business. If Kawamori were to hold an open send-in for information or designs for his next major Macross mecha, would you be upset if he did a little creative editing to fit it into his ideas for his own show?
  19. Umm... "everything"? Is that enough of a request?
  20. Are you gonna name names, Dangard?
  21. The thing is, I've never found any conversions to the Mekton system that had the same flavour of Robotech as the Palladium system had. And I hope to whatever Gods and Goddesses that are out there that D20 doesn't get the Robotech license. I enjoy the D20 system greatly, and have half of their games already, but I really detest their vehicle movement system. None of their rules for that appeal to me at all, so I would hate to have to use that to control a Veritech or a Cyclone. Though I will admit that the Base Attack Bonus and various modifiers for each type of weapon is one the best rules of any RPG that I've seen.
  22. Datter: I really like your TV-1S, it looks fantastic in battloid mode. Think you give us some more shots in other poses?
  23. About that picture. Doesn't matter how kibbled the medical centre is, it is most definitly Vader's rage and the power of the Dark Side that's keeping him alive. And also about that picture... the phrase, "ow!" springs to mind...
  24. I'm almost hoping that this new show will take a page from the American movies and either scale the Zoanoids up in power, or scale the Guyver back in power. This would make it less of a monster-of-the-week show and give a little more dramatic impact to the show, since the hero wouldn't always be one or two sword slices away from victory.
  25. I don't agree. I think the trailer makes the film look like some neat, mindless fun. I'm not a hard-core military nitpicker, so the unrealistic portions of the plane don't bother as much as some on the board. I'm hoping that Ms. Biel will actually be used as an actress in this movie instead of just walking T&A (but I don't think that'll happen with Hollywood's mindset). All in all, this is a movie I'm gonna see in the theaters and will probably enjoy.
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