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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. I remember when the EMH in First Contact tried to pull a Bones... "I'm a doctor, not a doorstop!" He totally lacked Bones' punch though Actually, that's something I always loved about the later shows. Every now and then they'd show their roots by using that line. Great fun For me, I'd have to vote for the DS9 crew; if only because they all came from totally different backgrounds and nations and they learned to work together over the course of the show. That puts them a notch above TOS crew because those people were all Starfleet right from the start and were expected to work together. But my favourite ST moment, bar none, is in Star Trek V with Kirk, Spock, and McCoy spending all their leisure time cooped up together and singing Row Row Row Your boat. The best friendship scene in any sci-fi show to date.
  2. Probably the Officer's Battlepod. That looks the most ED-209ish.
  3. Got pics of that Rei you speak of?
  4. Woo hoo! Target practice! Seriously, if you guys don't get together and give us some screens and animations of good, ol' fashioned battlepod blastin', it'd be a waste of these gorgeous models. You guys rock
  5. And to find someone's lack of faith disturbing. You just can't forget about that part
  6. Actually, C'baoth went mad because he was cloned too quickly, which directly led to his mind being warped and twisted like a piece of taffy
  7. Set Nick Cage's head on fire? That'd be the easiest way.
  8. How how they're actually wheels on fire, and not just glowing yellow circles, since that'd make it look too much like the Lightcycles from Tron.
  9. I agree with you on that. Vader in the armour is cool. Vader without the armour is going to be awesome.
  10. "six-fingered man"
  11. The bike looks more like something Geiger would come up with instead of McFarlane. Just look at the sides and it looks like some of his Biomechanical series of drawings.
  12. Hey, now. Curling is good too
  13. I dunno. That chopper makes a pretty good case about why IT should be Ghost Rider's bike
  14. Tatooine was far too remote and backwater for anyone to really notice what was going on in there, same reason why Obi-Wan was able to hide out there for so long. And if Luke had transmitted his application to the academy, so what? I highly doubt that Vader had enough free time to scan all the names of every applicant who wanted to get into the academy. Plus, he wasn't really looking for Luke, so I strongly suspect that Luke could've applied and gotten in with nary as much as a blip on Vader's screen. Vader only became interested in Luke after the latter destroyed the first Death Star.
  15. Great! Now you've got some mecha to blow up with your Valk models
  16. It's either Vader, whom will always go down in the annals of movie history as the badguy by whom all other badguys will ever be measured; or Hans Gruber, from Die Hard. He was sadistic, psychotic, amoral, and totally focused on his goal and determed to get it no matter what he had to do.
  17. Since this is Robotech, it's "Marlene".
  18. Fighters flying around, fighters shooting, fighters transforming... Anything, as long as we get to see that gorgeous work of art in motion
  19. Marlene's bodysuit totally changed colours, going from a light purple to the dark purple in this pic.
  20. Dat, when are you going to start making some more animations with this model? I want to see it in action
  21. My only problem with projectors is that with every one that I've looked at, the colours just seemed washed out and flat.
  22. I don't think I like the open-bodice of Janice's costume, though it's hardly the worst travesty that current-style pop singers wear. But I do like her android form. Very cool.
  23. What do you mean, "chances"?
  24. My only problem with DLPs and LCDs are their rather narrow viewing angle. I look at a plasma screen and I can see it perfectly from any angle, which I don't find to be true for the other two big-screen brands. And I won't even touch rear-projection TVs, since they have the worst viewing angle of all. As well, plama TVs always seem to have better and brighter colours to me.
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