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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Hennngh 🤔 They're just too busy, with too much going on. I vastly prefer the original's simplistic and blocky design.
  2. Just got my Super VF-1S. All the paint and decals look decent, although I haven't had time to go over the figure in detail. I'm struggling getting the nosecone snapped into the pelvis rods, though. I just don't want to gorilla my way into breakage after just one day
  3. That's better. I mean, it's got some more life to it... but why'd they have to sully my beloved Ode to Joy with this? That song is NOT meant for a hyperviolent, hypersexualized cyberpunk dystopia future. Just the opposite, in fact.
  4. Agreed. It's too busy with too many things all going on at once.
  5. Hovertank = me excited! For the price you're charging, is it just for the 3D files or will you print and ship completed kits out?
  6. Yeah, but seeing the complexity some other 3P figures get to achieve that slavish accuracy, I'd like to see some here. I want there to be a hidden face swap gimmick and not just "twist the head around and ignore the backside". Stuff like that. But I really quite doubt it.
  7. So I went ahead and preordered X-Transbot's James//Bond figure. I so badly want it to be a good MP-type Punch/Counterpunch, but at that pricepoint I'm sure I'm going to be disappointed by it merely being a "flip around, adjust the arms, try not to look at the face on the back" figure.
  8. I'm still cautiously optimistic about this.
  9. Oh hush, you This is a very good point. It's almost like this new redesign is trying too hard. But I'm cautiously optimistic about it.
  10. Just broke down and ordered a Super VF-1S Roy Fokker. My first Robotech toy since the Toynami Cyclones.
  11. I'm still tempted by that pretty Dana Sterling armour statue. Has it been released yet or still on pre-order?
  12. Wow, that's just... wow, I mean. It's got some... colour, I guess? I guess that's going for it? Holy crap did that NOT sound or look anything like CP2077, or even anything remotely like the gameworld of the tabletop game
  13. All of the REF- *ahem* UEEF Marine Destroids had Alpha-like stylings. In-universe is because they were made by the same company and thus wanted parts commonality and consistent branding, but... yeah, the redesigns didn't turn my crank at all.
  14. How about the Logan? I love that maligned mini-mecha more than is probably healthy
  15. Gawdammit, Cyberpunk was supposed to be a warning and not a how-to guide!
  16. Hmm, demon cue ball or stress-relieving wari-ball? Love what you're doing with it. I'm still not brave enough to try mine yet
  17. My favourite Cyclone-variants will always be from the Third Invid War fan supplement. They took the idea of the Cyclone and stretched it into the next iteration. A survival-focused Cyclone that's cheap and easy to manufacture as well as field-repair. A heavy-duty version for maintenance workers with heavy lifting. A dozen various forearm weapon modules, taking advantage of the flexible mounting options. So much thought went into them. I ❤️ them so much.
  18. +1 The Gura Invid felt like they were written by a fan, someone with enough connection to the series to come up with a new tie-in. I love the idea that there's a trove of intact RDF Mecha down there, just waiting for someone to pillage it.
  19. Well, yes, but look at how that built more on the world of the post-Invid Invasi... nope. Nope, not even me, in my PB-infused childhood fun, can defend that book. It's bad bad. Except for the cover art. That Lancer Rocked!
  20. I'm still cautiously optimistic about this.
  21. Engh, anytime "reality" tries to mesh with "giant robots" and "giant transforming robots" I immediately give it a ginormous grain of salt. My suspension of disbelief is already maxed out, why not add a bit more?
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