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Sakura Shinguji

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Everything posted by Sakura Shinguji

  1. I am still trying to finish my own YF-19. If anyone still needs it later on, I will happily send it.
  2. Your model is very intimidatingly beautiful! I am still too new to 3D modeling. Often, I feel like I do not have enough control over how the faces are placed. Regardless, I know that if I keep on working on the model, everything will come out well. Thanks for displaying your pictures~! Why not~? I was born in 1980. Around that time, everyone was inspired to be pioneers. People were always trying to drive faster or fly higher than any other person. Everyone wanted to be an astronaut, aircraft pilot, martial artist, motorbike or race car driver at the time. Some popular themes were advanced robots, cars with gimmicks built-in, and good versus evil (And winning! Even the heroes were self-sacrificing and not emotional or whiny like in present day). I was extremely lucky to be endowed with that same spirit and passion. I feel that my interests, my personality, and what I am today are the results of such... Now that I think about it, probably that is why I am so fascinated with the YF-19. In the past, swept-forward wings are often a feature that no aircraft maker with the right mind would want to create. That is because the wings would break off if they were made with normal materials. Since fortune favors the brave, we learned that there are advantages to having that feature. Regardless, I just feel that the spirit of the YF-19 comes from the ability think "outside-the-box" and be unyielding no matter how many times we, humans, experience failure. (the YF-19 design experienced many failures before and during Isamu, lost to the melee combat against the YF-21, didn't compare well to the YF-21 in terms of weapons payload, speed, and that brain-direct imaging system (kinda forgot on that detail, but I do remember that in Macross M3, the YF-21 was better in stats while the YF-19 had more expansion slots, causing the plane to be versatile))
  3. Despite making no progress because of me being on a business trip to the PTC User Expo this week, I wanted to show everyone updates on the YF-19. I wanted to transform with the parts that I made already to see how the model turned out. The following is the result.
  4. I unlocked everything from "Ace Combat 5: Unsung War". My favorite aircraft is surprisingly the SU-47 Berkut and not the S-32 variation. I also liked the SU-37 Terminator and F-22 Raptor. Thank you for the comments and also thank you for posting those YouTube videos. The videos has really inspired me to retry modeling; actually, those videos and the possibilities of a mecha simulation did.
  5. Ha ha ha... I am actually a "her", not that it matters anyway. 3D modeling has always been fun for me. The only reason why I made the pieces as opposed to the whole aircraft is because I felt that the aircraft be able to transform! However, you are right because I also did not want seams to appear in fighter mode. Thank you! I am a fan of "MechWarrior 4", "Armored Core" series, "Steel Battalion" and the "Ace Combat" series. I would love to see what will be the end result of both projects!
  6. Very off topic, but why does the YF-19 main wings have front flaps? I thought that the canard wings were supposed to perform what the front flaps do.
  7. After learning the existence of two Macross-related game projects, I was inspired to do a 3D model of one of my most favorite valkyries, the YF-19. Unfortunately, I am a beginner at 3D modeling. I have been watching Ruak's YouTube videos of modeling the VF-0 but quickly realized that I cannot perform the same tasks in Blender at all; not that it matters... I am still not finished yet but I do admit that I have gained quite a lot of experience so far. This version is based off the lovely 1/60 Yamato model. I really hope that both projects will play as great as what their respected project managers hope them to be. Interesting links: Ruak's VF-0 Block in Macross Flight Simulation Free Fan Robotech/Macross game project
  8. Have you seen Ruak's modeling skills? If not, you should check out this video, " " If given a chance, I would love to model the YF-19 since that is the only aircraft that I know how to transform.
  9. That is so not "noob" modeling. You seem to have a lot of experience in modeling. I really like the result so far. I enjoyed watching all of the videos that you have done so far; they are really educational.
  10. After looking up at the screen captures as well as the website, I wanted to say that the game is visually pretty. I do not know anything about the game or LUA to help with modifying the game, but I am sure that in the long run, the end result be awesome. I am not really sure if I can contribute, but I will say that I do have some 2D and 3D experience.
  11. I understand exactly what you are saying. I really wanted both Ach and Yda, but at the end, settled for Ach only. I always wondered if I would have been happier or not with Yda. Regardless, I will tell you that Ach's helmet is not particularly well made. Often, her visor will "pop" off from the helmet entirely. Even though, one can easily place the visor back in, I just felt that the price paid was kinda on the expensive end, but I blame shipping. I do not usually pose my Ach with her battle gear, so the helmet thing does not bother me too much; I just have her riding her trike with no armor on.
  12. I had no idea that such a thread was made already! I really thought that I searched before making a post. Anyway, has anyone gotten Yda yet? Also, has anyone made any nice pictures from the Diorama Studio? Did anyone play the Battle Rondo? I often feel like there are not many people who even bothered to try the game. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=25101
  13. I eventually decided to go though with purchasing "MMS Type High Speed Trike Ach" and thought that I should post the some digital pictures of her. I came to the conclusion that good help is hard to find as my Ach did have some quality control issues, but none too devastating that would prevent me from playing. Regardless, I love Ach; its probably the trike transforming armor, or maybe a super beam cannon, or maybe the pink hair... (For all of those reasons, this is probably why I reside at this forum~!) I may consider getting her sister, ""MMS Type High Speed Trike Yda", but I am not sure yet. Anyway, I will try to make a better pose to show off her trike in the later future. The trike was designed by Choco, who did work for the XenoSaga series. Super Silverstone Cannon fires~! Summer is coming~! Ach showing off her trike...
  14. Ever since I watched Angelic Layer, I was always fascinated with the concept of battling figures. I wanted to know if there is anyone, on this forum, who is familiar with Busou Shinki, can answer some questions. I wanted to know how durable the figures are. I have been told that their fingers are bendable plastic, so I am very skeptical on the durability and longevity. Durability is quite an issue to me because eBay said that the figures are about 50 US dollars each. That price is without the nasty 25 US dollars shipping too! Thank you anyone in advance for answering this post. For anyone who is not familiar with the series, then here are a couple of links (they are actually on my wish list assuming that the figures are durable) of the figures. EX Weapon Set MMS Type Butterfly Schmetterling MMS Type High Speed Trike Ach MMS Type High Maneuver Trike Yda
  15. Okay~! This is probably the most extreme newbie question ever~! What advantages is there in creating variable fighters? I love them to death, but really, what is the purpose of transforming~? ^^; Please don't kill me!!
  16. To Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0: I am trying to not sound like some sort of advertisement, but if you live in the United States, you may want to consider MugenToys.com's YF-19 link. Not only they are selling the YF-19 for $154.99, any items over $50 gets free shipping. The final price of 154.99 really wins since it is the lowest that I have seen. Also, I find soze's method to be really easy and requires the least amount of know-how to perform.
  17. To David Hingtgen and Friedric P: Atleast I now know that it was not just a "me" thing only. VO:OT is a nice game with a lot of nice designs. To MangledMess: I think that I have seen a custom made Cypher on the web, but other than that, David is right. To everyone: Simply amazing is what I can say! The YF-19 met my expectations. Before fully transforming the valkyrie, I did file the tabs a bit like soze recommended. Things that I did notice are: the grey tabs came out of the box with stress marks the right shoulder tab kept on falling off it is hard to put the notch in the wing back into the leg when transforming back to fighter mode the plastic feels very thin (the YF-19 do seem like it can handle transformations on a daily basis however) Other than that, the YF-19 is just way too awesome for me. I have already posted on the fix/modification thread and got a solution for the shoulder tabs so I will try that out. Initially, I wondered why would anyone buy more than one of the same valkyrie, but I guess that I can finally see why; its too beautiful. Now, I am just dreaming of somehow getting the YF-19 armor pieces and the Ghost instead of the fold booster~
  18. Has anyone ever have a problem with the Battroid mode shoulder tab? The right shoulder tab falls off very easy just like in Graham Fighter->Battroid video. Although I did a lot of filing afterwards, my grey tabs did have the stress marks out of the box. I used the soze method so I am okay. It also appears that the grey tabs are not even in such a way that the lever bar can wobble when transforming. Does that sound good at all? I am guessing that since it wobbles, there is absolutely no pull on the lever bar. Also, out of curiousity, I did not glue the grey tabs as soze said. Is there a reason for the glue in the first place? Just like Icenine, I would feel better if my grey tabs were metal and holds the canopy(?) nicely without wobbling, so I, too, am willing to pay for metal grey tabs if the price is okay! Thanks in advance!
  19. Yeah! I would really like a Cypher in RNA colors and have it transformable too!
  20. I do not know why, but the paint schemes remind of shoes... Nike Air Max 95 Nike Air Force One
  21. To xsjado: Major thanks on the instructions~ I assume that there will be many others who need the instructions as well. Your pictures are very informative and the mod does not seem that hard to apply. I don't know about everyone, but all of the sudden, learning how to customize seems kinda fun~! It feels like a lot of people are not FULLY happy with the Yamato version and are taking matters into their hands by customizing to extreme levels... The customizations that I have read on this forum are just unbelievable~! In a way, I am kinda excited; it feels like I ordered a model and not a toy.
  22. Thanks everyone for your comments~! I am curious about the tab that was underneath the cockpit... Since I suck at reading and I do not have the YF-19 yet, from what I understand, there are two options to solve the that problem; one is covering it in glue or filing it in a way that its aligned to some sort of column (?) I will be more knowledgeable about when I do get it, but its seems to be a very important heads up to know. Argh~! >_< I kept on seeing it and seeing it, but I was stupidly attracted to the cheaper $150 price and free shipping. Oh the downfalls of being froogle~! I really love transformable mecha because I basically grew up around that golden era of Robotech, Transformers, Go-Bots, and M.A.S.K. Even now, I am still attracted to them. The only reason why I was really worried with quality control issues is because I was recently burned with Xebec's Virtual On Oratario Tangram's RVR-42 Cypher. It literally fell apart every time I touched it. Something about the plastic made it very delicate. In memories of it, I decided to make a 3d model of it~ Attached picture is Cypher in jet mode. Thank you everyone again and I hope to post a bit more in the future~!
  23. I have always wanted a YF-19 ever since I saw Macross Plus many years ago. I remembering seeing the huge price tag for the Studio Halfeye version and weeped~ I got the horrific VF-19S by Bandai and really weeped~~ I did not bother to import the other kits afterwards because I was convinced by Bandai that no one could make a really nice looking YF-19. That is, until I recently saw the Yamato 1/60 YF-19 at Hobbylink Japan. Naturally, I was totally blow away by the beauty and huge price tag. I really tried to ignore the YF-19 for a couple of months because I thought that paying $250 - $300 U.S. dollars total was a bit too high for a transformable mecha. I recently found a place that sells the YF-19 for $150 total with free shipping. (1/60 Yamato YF-19 at Mugentoys) I was sooo thrilled that I immediately ordered it! All of this sounds really nice and dandy, but for some reason, I have a bad habit of doing checks after I have fully committed to an action. (out of topic example: I run virus and spyware checks only after I am done shopping X_X) This is how I found myself at this forum reading the thread entitled "Yamato 1/60 scale YF-19 problem thread., Please let's not use this as a thread to rant in." Feeling very stupid for buying the YF-19 after reading the thread, I REALLY MUST KNOW what are my chances of having quality control issues. I am definitively not a modeller, so I cannot do any repairs on the model kit even if I wanted to . I also wanted to know that since I waited until near end of March, could there be any possible miracle that Yamato may have sneaked in fixes since last year. For an example, when you buy a product like the Sony Playstation, you may have gotten an updated revision of the system without knowing. Then again, how much better could the YF-19 + Fold booster + Armor pieces be compared to the currently released YF-19? Please someone, calm my heart from a possible traumatic experience~~
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