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Sakura Shinguji

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Everything posted by Sakura Shinguji

  1. ^^ I think that you need to remove the quot for the pictures of the YF-19. Anyway, it is nice to see your in-game pictures have taken a major upgrade in visual quality.
  2. Maybe I will just wait before modeling the VF-11... On some pictures, the upper tailfin is just too big (I like them that way) to rotate/fold into the legs.
  3. Okay! Thanks David Hingtgen and azrael. Now, what about the magically appearing canopy that cover the cockpit glass in battaloid mode? ^_~ The instructions sheet is very helpful too! Would anyone consider the Yamato version accurate enough? I was considering the idea of modeling another "okay polygon count" transformable valkyrie.
  4. I was wondering about the transformation of a VF-11B. For some reason, I cannot find out what the underside of that plane looks. I am curious to know if on fighter mode and gerwalk mode, is the head visible from the underside? I noticed that the head is rotated back and pulled down just like a YF-19 but I do not know if a person can simply see the head from the underside; atleast with the YF-19, there is a covering for that. I couldn't not find a covering on the gerwalk mode. My other question is that where does the upper tailfins go when transforming into gerwalk and battaloid modes? Thanks in advance~!!! No tailfins on the back view~!!! I always thought that the upper tailfins would fold like the YF-19's but it seems not... X_X
  5. I pretty much modeled with the idea of placing the model into a game so I never really bothered with a lot of internal mechanics. As for the shield, Chronocidal, you are most likely right; I was just surprised to now know that the shield was also a body flap. As for Yamato verus Hasegawa, I used to have the terrible first version 1/100 Bandai VF-19S model and so, the Yamato version just blew my mind completely. I just felt that there was no way around the gullet problem if you wanted a transformable fighter. Anyway, if you want to, you can leave me a private message of your email and I can give you the model and texture. I rigged it in Blender, so I am not sure how you will be able to see the animations.
  6. On this picture, I wonder if the YF-19 uses the shield to brake like the F-15 or ADF-01F Falken? I can imagine that the "Y" end piece of the YF-19 shield would split outwards making a brake on the top and bottom of the aircraft. If that is the case, I would add those on to my model as well.
  7. To Chronocidal: I almost forgot to tell you thanks for your kind words... Sorry~! SeminNV: Thanks for being impressed. As I have told you many times, there are other girls who read this forum too. And thanks to Macross F, there is now a flood of them drooling all over Alto-hime~! ;;
  8. Thanks~!!! Initially, when I made the post, I saw that Blender reported 4124 faces. Faces can be either a tri or a quad polygon. Unfortunately, when exporting the model, some file formats require the model to be in triangles, therefore the real polygon count is 7922. Looking in the bright side, I know for sure that I can decrease the count by removing the boosters, and other small details that most people will not care about. Hasegawa has always been so strange to me... When I was texturing the model, I noticed that the Hasegawa kit has a lot of panel lines that are not in the movie's, ova's or Yamato's blueprints. Regardless, I did try to place some of those pretty lines on my model. I <3 panel lines because I think that they make the model look realistic. Unfortunately, I think that no one really agree where those lines should be. Another Century's Episode 3, Yamato, Hasegawa, and other blueprints never seem to agree with each other on some details. Even after realizing that the model has 7922 polygons, I still hope that I can find a nice engine to drop the variable fighter in. I can always drop the landing gears, cockpit, and those mini boosters to further decrease the count. There are two projects to my knowledge that involves flight simulators with the ability to transform. Neither are finished yet either... X_X
  9. That was what I was thinking~!!! I just wanted to show off some updated pictures.
  10. I cannot wait to make up my own special paint variation~!
  11. ^_~ So that means that you did get that passing grade... Right? I still am very impressed with the model.
  12. Life sucks if you came across "that" and you were on the opposite side...
  13. That model is so going to get you an A++!!
  14. Wow, you are intimidatingly powerful in the 2D art area too it seems...
  15. I do have AIM, so thanks!
  16. The lines are due to how I make textures. I usually make an output of the UVW map and just color on-top via separate layer on a paint program. The lines just show me where to place certain details.
  17. Is there any way to contact other team members? (you may have to private message me) I am curious to know if I can learn/trade skills by talking with other members.
  18. She is not finished yet. (obviously~!!!) One week for modeling, a bit less than one week for rigging/animating, and a bit more than one week on mapping so far and the result looks like an ugly pig with lipstick. It has been very hard to make a realistic looking texture. I do not think that I am being stingy on the polygons, but so far, she has 4057 vertices and 3939 polygons. Other than that, nothing else is happening.
  19. I really like the vibrant colors on the picture... The picture overall looks nice.
  20. Wow! From reading your comments, you are extremely talented. When I was working on the YF-19, I would get my pieces and just animate them by adding a LocRot on a different frame of time. I would then flip between markers to make sure the battloid, fighter and gerwalk modes look nice. Because of the mirror modifiers, I cannot always have my cake, but this method is good enough for me. (I did not rig or anything, just a simple LocRot!) I also wanted to say thank you for the tips for high polycount modeling. Lastly, in my case, any presentations of a model, that I am currently working on, helps me by keeping my motivation level high. If it helps your motivation, then making a quick block-in sounds great. I hope to see more pictures from this thread~!
  21. I eventually did use Blender 2.46, but not because of the above features. Making sure, I always thought that the "create polygon tool" was always available. I simply either extrude, or just select four vertices and use the "F" key, or select two faces and press the "F" key to make a polygon. The knife tool was available in 2.42, which was really required to split up the aircraft into pieces. Blender 2.46 did have the "snap to vertice" feature which helped in hiding the seams of the pieces. Truthfully though, I really do feel like I am only scratching the surface of what Blender can do. I do feel guilty about that but I do not have time nor work on a lot of 3D based projects to fully experience the depths of Blender. From my experience, I think that Blender is a lot better than 3D Studio in terms of low-polygon modeling.
  22. Wow~! Your model looks really nice. I am very curious about the renders though. Besides texturing, how did the model on the last picture eventually became what it is on the other pictures. The model looks a lot smoother on the post-textured pictures. Also, I have a certain appreciation for the VF-2SS and was wondering if you are planning to make the fast-pack for the valkyrie?
  23. Yes, I do, infact, have the Yamato 1/60 YF-19~! Sadly, I do not have the fast pack attachments, but someday, I do hope to get them whenever they are really cheap. Is the VF-4 Lightning that you are making transformable? It seems hard to find a good reference for that aircraft and the majority of the ones in Macross M3. Even though I can rip the 3D models from Macross M3, I rather not. That reminds me! For consistency sake, does any of your aircrafts have transparent glass and a cockpit inside?
  24. Pro-Engineer fun... I think that all parts are finished except the fists. Showing the money maker~
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