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Sakura Shinguji

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Everything posted by Sakura Shinguji

  1. Wow... I am blown away...
  2. Ugh... I will just email you....
  3. Marked and noted for future reference~! Anyway, I think that the amount of detail for the SV-51 is fine as it is. The nose cone already abuses some polygons as it is now, but that is only a minor gripe that I can see past. I still think that you should work a bit on flushing the edges of the parts so that the plane looks smoother. The area of concern is where the head area is and the shoulders on the side of variable fighter. Then again, I do not know if it is your intention to make the parts as they are now. This is a pretty picture; I am not intentionally comparing your work with that person's work, but I wanted to point out that Semin has gotten the general shape of the SV-51 done on his 3D model. I am sure that with textures, visually, the aircraft will be a lot better.
  4. Neat~! I think that your scanned cover came out quite nicely. You should be proud of your efforts. ^^
  5. I am very capable of it, but I wanted to model for the purpose of games~!! High polygon models can only be used for pictures and movies which are one-time experiences; games would help leave a much longer lasting impression. I think so anyway.
  6. Really lovely looking aircraft so far~! The landing gears are really nice looking; much better effort than the ones that I was willing to put fourth.
  7. To Star Dragon: Whoa~! The lighting on the VF-11B looks very nice and smooth.
  8. To SeminNV: How did you managed to get the faces' normal to show up properly? For what I can understand, this occurs to others who used a previous version of Blender and then upgraded to a more recent version. Some people suggested me to "Clear/Apply Transformations to ObjData" but that does not work for me.... Also, use my new texture that I sent you on an email some time this week. You can also show the cockpit by breaking the object into triangles. The game engine will load a lot longer if you did that though. Select an object, go into "Edit Mode", select either the glass or the whole object and then control+t to break quads into triangles. To StarDragon: That screen capture looks really nice... Macross on the Forefront~!
  9. Okay, there are way too many YF-19 pictures in a VF-11 thread, but really! I do not think that the texture looks like plastic. It is definitively not real, but then again, I do not know what else I can do to help the situation. I added nice details and added some nice shadowing. X_X After posting, I realize that the model just really looks like my Yamato model... Boo hoo...
  10. I can perform this, but I think that this modifier is only applicable for Blender related applications. If I were to export the mesh into 3DS or onto another game engine, I do not think that the edge data would carry over. Regardless, that would be great for making pictures. As for the material, I think that it looks nice but a bit too video game-y. I baked some ambient occlusion onto the texture using Blender, and the results are really pretty. To use, simply go to render, then bake render meshes, then ambient occlusion. Get that result and make that a multiply layer for your texture.
  11. I love the Macross Mecha Manual site a lot~! Its a great place to find a good amount of data for the valkyries. The VF-17 looks nice. I hope that I don't end up doing every valkyrie~!
  12. The pictures of the SV-51 are looking really impressive everytime you make an update... Keep it up~
  13. Cool beans~! I will be doing some research on what is Homeworld 2 since I have never heard of that game before... The screen captures look nice though.
  14. To VF-25 Messiah: Whoa~! That is very beautiful art~!!!
  15. To Star Dragon: To be honest, right after the VF-11, I will help out on creating a VF-4 or the YF-21. I will, however, try to make my UVW map compatible to the pictures from the THE UN-OFFICIAL COLOR SCHEME THREAD so that the fighter mode will be easy to make textures for. I still need to make my own YF-19 unofficial color scheme for fun too... As for a VF-17, I am not really sure since I do not know how that transforms yet. I am actually quite clueless on any Macross universe outside of Plus. If anything, I really think that I need to find either a game to modify or a programmer to make an engine, or just stop being lazy and make my own mech simulator using the JMonkey Engine.
  16. To SeminNV: Keep working on that SV-51~! I hoped that you rigged the model so that you have the battloid (I wonder if Anti-Valkyries use the same terms as the Valkyries) mode showing. If not, it is very painful to keep on shifting the parts around just for pictures...
  17. I was kinda bored, so I feel like placing more pictures~!
  18. To akt_m: Everything becomes better though the test of time... I think so anyway... Again, I still think that your VF-11 is pretty. To Chronocidal: Awesome~! Thanks for the information. I want to have my cake and eat it too, so I will try everything that I can imagine to get my large tail fins... DO WANT...
  19. Every 3D modelling program have their ups and downs... I would say that it is better to use whatever is comfortable to the user. I think so anyway... Ironically, Blender happens to be the modeller that I like the most, but I am sure that everyone else have their own favorites.
  20. To akt_m: My my~! I am soo jealous. Your model looks really really nice. I do not know the proportions of the parts yet either, but I will just just "play by ear". Thank you for the heads up though because I am using the fighter mode lineart.
  21. Ha ha ha... I kinda like the V-11B too much than to just wait for the Yamato model to come out. Besides, I can always tweak the model when it does come out>
  22. Anything goes martial arts~! Lumiere from Kiddy Grade, Sode no Shirayuki (Rukia's sword) from Bleach, and a Lamboghini Murcielago
  23. Thanks~! This is very useful information for me... ;
  24. I am not a sir... *smacks you!! You might want to place your SV-51 picture on the first post too...
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