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Everything posted by Spiff

  1. Sheesh, is that something you own? Is that a resin kit? Very cool looking. It would be awesome if yamato makes the monster even if not in 1/60 scale. Although I was ready to shell out the $300 for it back when. Now, egads it would be a pretty penny with the exchange rate!
  2. I was carrying my 1/48 roy in battroid with FP on from one display to my new detolf and I don't remember why but it dropped about 3 foot to the tile floor and exploded! The only damage was one of the pegs on the leg armor that plugs into the valk leg broke off and got lost. I am curious how many of us have those ikea detolf display cases. I really like it and am thinking I need to get a couple more..
  3. If you zoom into the left nipple on that pic there is a U.N. Spacy kite symbol covering the nipple so it is a totally legit photo for MW! What a nugget for post #250, eh!
  4. That Ozma is just too cool to pass up, the paint scheme and the cow skull just rock. F alto's, it's just too plain. And I could really care less for the fast packs. The vf-25 is a pretty bird all on its own, no need to mess it up with anything else.
  5. So when is the damn weathered Tomahawk coming out? I am holding off for that one.
  6. Very cool, gotta love customs! And show some props to those that do them...
  7. He says as he is placing his order for the tomahawk....
  8. VF-0D and Reactive Armor! The story was kinda weird but the mechs were cool. I don't think M0 will reach the status of Macross II, nor be forgotten.
  9. BLAH! They are still cheating. Pass....
  10. Spiff


    My fav is fighter, I haven't even transformed it yet. Not sure that I will either. I may try gerwalk some day, battroid is not my favorite from the pics I have seen. It might grow on me, the pointy head is what kills it for me...
  11. Planes, trains and valks, oh my! Cant wait for the pictures!
  12. So if I requested four different parts for four different yamatos they are not going to reply!? That should maybe be noted on the form! So do I need to re-submit my request?
  13. Version 1 all the way!!!! No really I do still like my version 1 Yamato's (maybe I am the only one), I have 4 1/48's and really dont feel like I need more. And I really thought I would get the V2 VF-1J Hikaru but after the arm scare and I dont think it is all that great looking in battroid (battroid guy). Plus I have it in V1 1/60 and 1/48 already, so I decided not to get it. I am grateful that they have strayed away from the vf-*, love the vf-* to death but I have now loved it to death! Keep the other birds and mech coming Yamato. I do have to admit though if they make a good looking vt-1 and ve-1 I might have to get them. Maybe, if the arm problem is fixed perhaps, ugh its hard to justify more of the same...
  14. Urkel was a stereotypical geek/nerd, with large, thick eyeglasses, "high-water or flooding" pants held up by suspenders, multi-colored cardigan sweaters, and a high-pitched voice. Urkel was originally a one-shot character on Family Matters, but, because of audience and ratings reactions, he became a main draw to the show.
  15. So took a couple of comparison pics. Yamato vf-1d and my custom vf-1d. Birds are the same over all length, cockpit extends further into valk to accomodate additional pilot. The way it should be.
  16. Yep, just might have to wait for the weathered version.
  17. I think I pee'd myself reading this!! Nicely done!
  18. Heres how I remember it, in order of release. vf-0a bad shoulders vf-0s bad shoulders vf-0a with ghost 50/50ish mix of good and bad shoulders vf-0s with ghost 100% fixed I have a 0s with no problems, and a 0s with ghost and no problems. I want a 0a with ghost but I have not bought one yet because I cant be sure if it is a fixed version or not.
  19. Well the debate over it has certainly been epic! But then this would not be macross world other wise....
  20. Any one know of a online resource for pricing the MSIA's that I have? The mostly all came from the US wal-mart release years back. I have a huge gob of them I am going to part with and need to put pricing on them. If you dont mind PM me the answer also! Thanks.
  21. The defender is my definate fav destroid and it looks HOT. Cant wait to get it!
  22. I support enemy mech!
  23. Spiff


    I gots me the Nora! The Ivanov is cool but didnt want to deal with the possibility of getting a bad one. Besides the Nora paint scheme... ROCKS!!
  24. I took a v1 1/60 and made it into a vf-1d long before yamato made a 1d and in all my research hasegawa got it right with their version of the 1d where the vf is the same size as any other. The difference being that the cockpit extends further into the body than the other vf's to accomodate an additional seat. If the 1d had a longer fuseloge the 1d would be taller than the other vf's and its not! Now for yamato to make the new 1/60 v2 PT I can see where they would have to make a compromise and squeeze the second pilot into the standard frame so they could keep the hidden canopy cover gimmick. Sucks they had to make that compromise but anime magic is really to blame... On the version 1 yamato could have done it because those use parts swaping and are not PT they just went with what was economical and used the same molds and just changed the fuseloge to accomodate two pilots. I was really hoping that they would make a correct version but alas they cheated just like they are on the v2 1/60. At least I have my custom! I will have to dig up some pics of it if any one wants to see it.
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