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Everything posted by Spiff

  1. As far as the shoulder articulation I am talking about the joint refered to by the pink arrow in the picture below. When I say shoulder I dont know what else to call it, the upper arm shoulder joint? If the shoulder holds the horizontal plane (blue line), and the arm holds the vertical plane (red line) when you move your arm up from your side that would be the shoulder joint to me. Now if you bend your arm at the elbow that would be another point of articulation. All other vf toys have a shoulder joint, IIRC. Did bandai over look this joint? I just dont understand how there is no articulation there. Yes I see all the articulation in the whole shoulder aparatus. But it is still not the same as what I am wanting/expected a shoulder joint.
  2. I appreciate the input from each of you. I must have got a lemon. If I were to rate the firmness of the groin tab locking on mine on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being "good god I am going to break something trying to get it apart again". Mine is maybe a 1. Possibly a .08. When the tab goes into the hole there is a slight hint of connection being made. But any slight movement or pressure makes it pop out and turn into a floppy mess. I am going to have to do the nail polish trick or get in there and wedge something on each side of the tabs to give it a positive locking grab on the tab. I figured out what you guys were saying about the hip bars and moving them forward which helps with keeping the intakes from rubbing on the fuseloge.
  3. I love the vf-25s design, in all three modes, it is the best thing since sliced bread! Now that I have tried transforming the dx I just got, I am seriously disapointed with it. Talk about a floppy mess. The waist lock does not lock in and unless I lean the battroid way far forward it flops apart......... What is up with the shoulder design? Why is there no articulation in the shoulder??? It is a solid piece until you get to the elbow. The lack of shoulder articulation is really super disapointing. If they had just made it so the hips could slide down to the anime position the dx could have way better posability and not have a problem with paint rub on the fuseloge. I am seriously torn about this toy right now. I want another to display one in fighter mode and one in battroid. But after paying $150 to HLJ to get this toy I am thinking it is a $80 to $100 toy and not $150. I may try a 1/72 model version. I really dont see how through all these pages there has not been any complaints about these issues (or I missed them). If I had seen those issues I might not have bought one. Did I just get a defective one where the hip mechanism doesn't lock in. Also has anyone translated the instructions? That might be of some help to some me.
  4. I can totally see myself ordering this when the exchange rate goes to like 300 yen to a Dollar! Other wise, meh! I will stick with my Matchbox version. It does a totally cool daedelus (?) attack pose! For those mathmaticaly challenged that would be 50,000 yen divided by 300 = $166.67.
  5. Got my DX Ozma today, yea, have a couple of questions. 1. Is the knife supposed to stow in the shield? Or is that a 1/72 model feature I saw? 2. There is a card included in the manual showing a stand with a release date of 12.25.08 (I think). Has that come out? Is it for the 1/60?
  6. Spiff

    1/60 Regults anyone?

    So how many of you saying you want a 1/60 Regult own a 1/60 Q-rau? If you don't and really want a Regult, go buy a Q-rau now and prove your sincerity to Yamato.. You do realize the size of a 1/60 Regult? about 2.5 X the size of a valk in battroid........................ Standing fully erect! On its tippy toe's!! Dont get me wrong, I want to see more enemy mechs too (yes I own a V1 Q-rau). Had a Matchbox one (meh) got the Revoltech one (very cool). Just not sure they should be in 1/60 scale, they are quite large.
  7. Doh! Totally forgot.
  8. Pictures of the collection that is out on display as of today. Really liking the Detolf display cabs. I have a third one I am going to press into action soon. Since I have some new items on the way.
  9. Nice! So when are they anouncing the full armor version?
  10. Welcome to the board! That is an awesome pic.
  11. Bandai has always seemed to be hesitent at best when it comes to macross. This is just another example. If that is the case it makes sense that they created the vf-25 mold without planing ahead because they did not have any real hope for the line to sell. Now that it is selling well they are willing to go back and retool the original mold. Just my 2 pennies. I just ordered the plain jane vf-25 ozma from hlj... Yeah I saw this news and yeah I still ordered the plain jane. I am just not a fan of the super or gbp parts for these. So I have no regrets, the ozma looks plenty beautiful all on its own.
  12. The cheese would be what holds it in right? So to get your new toy out of the rock and broken glass packaging you would have to cut the cheese! I sincerely appologize for the preceeding bad pun.
  13. Big! Ooo almost too big! 2ft... Wouldn't fit in the detolf. That's twice as big as my matchbox sdf1. Correct me if I am wrong but that would be a DYRL and not a TV version correct?
  14. You might clarify which "1/60" you are talking about and maybe add a picture or two. VF-1x Version 2, VF-0x, SV-51x, YF-19 Yf-21, Que-Rau, destroid? I know those last four dont have hard points! I dont yet have a 1/60 V2 but I would imagine they are like the 1/48 hard points and they just snap on with a little rocking motion. No swiveling/rotating involved. Hope that helps.
  15. Congrats! I'll be 37 in a couple of weeks myself and I think I have convinced my wife to get me a Bandai 1/60 VF-25f Ozma. Been trying for years to get her to get me anything macross for me birthing day. She doesn't mind my collecting macross she just wishes I didn't have sooooo much! I have been thinning out the heard so she is happier now. Plus I have gone out and bought some of the Ikea detolf display cabinets and she likes those and doesn't mind my collection displayed in them as opposed to scattered about the house on shelves. Happy Birthday! Lurk don't lurk it's all good.
  16. Ebay! You are looking at about $175.00 shipped if your in the US. I may have to order an ozma from HLJ, want to get it in time for me b-day. Now just to convice the wife to buy it for me!
  17. Spiff

    SCOOP thread!

    Possible scoop! MegaHouse Macross Frontier keychain type figures. Yeah? CLICK!
  18. More new Macross frontier figures from MegaHouse here.
  19. Thanks guys for your replies. No news of new news! Dang... You gotta think the MH fouquet can't be too far off, right?? I hope they have had good enough sales to justify making a new mold for her ride armor. Any one know how they have done?
  20. I posted this a few pages back but every one is so busy flapping on about the beagle! So here is my question again: Has there been any news on when MegaHouse will be releasing the Fouquet / Rook ride armor? I tried looking up some info on the MegaHouse web site but it is all in Japanese and google translate wasnt much help.
  21. Has there been any news on when MegaHouse will be releasing the Fouquet / Rook ride armor? CM's has had their's out for a while now. Need to complete my set!
  22. I think I have read that there will be more releases of the alto and ozma valks. I really want to get the ozma but the prices have gone through the roof! I am betting pricing will come down again.
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