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Everything posted by Spiff

  1. Cool Project! Put me on the list. If it can get made in 1/48 scale that would be awesome! John is such a kick butt sculpter this should come out great!
  2. Spiff

    VF-11b skull custom

    The skull squadron paint scheme came out really cool, I may have to paint up my VF-11 that way when I get the full armor set done. Great work!
  3. Spiff

    VF-11b skull custom

    Not finished yet, been too busy starting my new business. But I would say it is 95% done, just need to find some time to finish it.
  4. Yeah it's sooooooo funny, I'm still NOT laughing................... Grrrrrrrrrrr!
  5. I am sorry for yours, your daughters and all your families loss. Life throws us these curve balls but there is always some good to be had in the end, so dont give up. While the immediate seems impossible, I am sure your wife would not want you to give up. Stay strong for your daughter, the others around you and just as importantly for yourself. Cory
  6. SIGH....................
  7. I was thinking it might be cool to have a catagory devoted to what we all do for a living! Kinda like a business directory. It might lead to some new business, partnership, aliances, mergers, hostile take overs or what ever. Just a thought.
  8. all your questions can be answered here: The TRUTH
  9. Ok Links and pics have been updated! Just go to the first page with my original post to see them again.
  10. Spiff

    My collection

    Holy cow!! I run two monitors with a resolution of 2048x768 and that first pic still didnt fit on my screens!! The pics look great, but you should try to keep your images 800x600 or under. If you edit your post you can swap out the images with smaller ones. My self or another kindly soul here can do it for you if you dont have a photo editing software.
  11. I used my address latitude 33.6347 33° 38' 4" longitude -112.1693 -112° 10' 9" Glendale AZ
  12. I have the pics That server is gone now so I will have to upload the pics to the new server or my website. Not much progress to report right now I have been here and there working on the details of the boosters. Really all I have to do now is finish all the detail work then I can start making molds. I would imagine by the end of the year I will have it to the production stage. Thanks for all the support and praise, I didnt think everyone cared about it so much.
  13. Man that is really cool, I really like the M-0 mechs. I'm pretty good at customizing stuff but that much work would take me a lifetime to even come close. Kickass stuff!
  14. This oughta be good stuff, cant wait!
  15. Here's the babel fish translation,
  16. Sounds like a yes to me! IMO I would much rather Yamato make Destroids, and other enemy mechs than a VB-6. Whats the practical purpose any way of a craft that large being variable? I dont see one, which to me detracts from the likeability of the show, but it is from the VFX game so its not really cannon so much.
  17. You should try asking Kev of Valk Exchange, he might have a "extra".
  18. Rediculous the removing times must be for any type of wear. Resin will weigh same or less as the original. Resin is essentially a plastic. Like anything else it would wear with enough use.
  19. That is a truely classic qoute!
  20. Hrmmffff! Its so hard to make heads or tails of his note. But if the tone was correct sounding to me he may yet pull through. But I am not going to hold my breath or put a stay on the boycot, not till he comes through. Even then I will never order direct from him again. What a frickin mess this has been, I just wanted some SD macross........ And of course many thanks to Jesse and Rob.
  21. I would appreciate us not talking of "Recasts" ESPECIALLY in this post, please. We are not trying to cheat him as he has cheated us. This is just an attemp to make him honest and complete his deal with us. PLEASE EDIT YOUR POSTS REGARDING RECASTING. Thank you, spiff
  22. I have started a petition/boycot against Tanmen models, if someone would please pin the topic I would be most gratefull. I also posted a redirect in the toys section to ensure exposeure to our petition, if you would please pin that in the toys section for a little while also. Thank you irspiff spiff Cory
  23. Jessemyers Wrote: Quoted from HERE in the Tanmen order Post. For information on the deal please visit this link. All this talk about US foriegn policy is crap! This was a international order, not just a US order. Just like macross world's membership is international. Tanmen is just trying to rip us off because he feels he can! Mr Tanmen we may not be able to sue you but we can affect your bottom line! Macross world members I am calling on you all to stand with your fellow members and sign this petition by clicking agree and then boycoting Tanmen models. If we all make a stand he cant get away with this. This situation has draged out for over 1 year! And there is no promise to clear it up any time soon only vailed threats to steal our money. Well I say not another order, not another bill (in any currency) should be placed in his hand for a new order till he fulfils his obligation to us macross world members and humbles himself with an open letter of apology to all macross world members. If we can get all of macross world to pledge to this petition/boycot I believe he will have no choice but to do the right thing. Once we have a number of signers I will send him a link to this page so he can see that it is in his best interest to fulfil his commitment to us. See, we dont need to sue you Mr Tanmen, we will just stand up united against you! I would appreciate us not talking of "Recasts" ESPECIALLY in this post, please. We are not trying to cheat him as he has cheated us. This is just an attemp to make him honest and complete his deal with us. PLEASE EDIT YOUR POSTS REGARDING RECASTING. Thank you, spiff
  24. What kinda chicken crap is that! I cant stand some people's philosophy either, but that doesnt justify me riping them off! I dont care what his beef is with US foriegn policy, his actions are reprehensible. So much for Japanese being honorable, I could go off more but its late and he sucks.......
  25. Very nice, very very nice!
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