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Everything posted by MangledMess

  1. Hmm. I admit, I'm as much as a Transformers fan as I'm a Macross fan(Optimus Prime is still the One in my books as with the YF-19.), but I did not expect that much from an adaption directed by Micheal Bay*shudders* where plot is concerned. But a good action movie I was expecting, even if it was from that hack director himself. Ok... This could be a rant, so be careful with me... ---CAREFUL FOLKS, THERE COULD BE SPOILERS! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!--- Pros: Bumblebee: Skeptical at first with him being a Camaro, but found myself liking this movie version more than the G1 version. Made me want to get the Camaro Concept toy of him(if I can find it). Love that judo throw that he did on Barricade. Sam Witwicky: The ONLY human character that I routed for in the movie. I mean, Shia Lebouf practically carried the WHOLE damn movie by himself. The rest of the human characters didn't add much to the film(I wanted to like Lennox, but he didn't do enough to make me like him). Good job, Shia. Frenzy: Two words: Complete spaz. Lol. The part where the Autobots show themselves to Sam and Mikaela(Or, AUTOBOTS ASSEMBLE!!!): It almost made me feel some sort of... mystical joy when Optimus Prime and gang showed up and the camera pans around the kids while all 5 of them transformed. It was like seeing old friends. Although they look too different(Ironhide and Ratchet too). Starscream doing Jet Judo on the F-22 squadron: Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, eat your Sparks out. Optimus Prime: Voiced by Peter Cullen. 'nuff said. The battles: They were good. The part where the A-10s(I think) were "bringing in the rain" on Scorponok was great. The latter battle sequence was good too, but also bad. See the Cons down below. CGI: It's quite good. ILM doing their usual magic. But then... CONS: Almost the first hour of the movie before robots come a tumbling(well, it felt like it): An utter complete waste of time. Did not feel important at ALL. Geez, do something about this if you want the public to respect you, Bay!!! The human characters: Ergh. Only Sam was worth watching. Even the eye candy *cough*Mikaela*cough* could not do much for this sorry excuse of characters. Yeah, the first hour were about them too. The Cybertronian cast: This guys aren't spared either. Ironhide, despite being the badass weapons expert, was somehow treated somewhat like a shmuck somewhere later in the movie. Sheesh. Starscream does not SAY much here. Jazz gets the "Hollywood black dude" treatment, even more so later on(whoops...). Brawl is called Devastator in the subtitles(stupid screw up), while the credits labeled him Brawl. Other than that, they needed more of this guys and less of the human cast. The CGI: ... the sentiments I had with the bots' designs from the first time they were revealed is still here. They look scrawny, fragile, and WAY TOO busy. I seriously wanted to like them. I REALLY do, but this movie did not change my sentiments at all. I sorta like Bumblebee here. Hell, I think I sorta like the way Prime(though he f****** looks like Nicholas Cage to me, with that long face) and Ironhide looks. But it does not save them from the fact that they were OVERDONE with all those gears and parts popping out here and there every time they transform. It was just too much. How could I believe they were tough, battle-ready mechs when they look like advance Legos popping around? If ILM and Bay had cool down a bit, and designed them in a way that they look like sturdy, battle-capable bots instead of looking like brittle Bionicle wannabes, then I'd like them more. But now, it's only Bumblebee that I like(because of his Camaro concept mode). Sure, they are aliens from another planet, but can't they be aliens with STURDY, hard-ass armor that protects them and their transforming sequence better? The Plot: Well, aside from that silly Frenzy escape sequence, I think I said enough. Oh, wait, I thought Sector 7 were some serious shadowy organization with scary-looking MIBs, but all I found were a bunch of clumsy-ass clowns. ... the f***!?!? The AllSpark thing was ok, though. Those stupid wobbly hands on the Camera: Gah, if they stop this new-age trend of headache-inducing shaky motions, I'd enjoy the later battles even more. It only worked in some movies movies. "Bourne Supremacy" had a few annoying scenes, but it was bearable. Here I could not see if Prime punched Megatron square on the kisser or not, or where Ironhide and Ratchet. Did not help either when they transform. The battles: see "Those stupid wobbly hands on the Camera". EDIT - The advertisement: Geez, I see GMC vehicles EVERYWHERE!!! Personally, I wouldn't mind advertisement here and there, but here it was too BLATANT. Doesn't help either when... *MASSIVE SPOILER FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT WATCHED IT* *END SPOILER* *sigh* Ok, I think I over-ranted, sorry about that. I liked the film, but that's not saying much. In the nutshell: It could've been better if Bay changed the way he does things. "The Rock" was the ONLY film from him that I like. After that, I sighed stayed away. I'll probably edit this if something changes. Well, that's my opinion on the film. -MangledMess-
  2. Always loved the music in the Ace Combat series, especially Ace Combat 0. Judging from the recent trailer for AC6, the music's gonna get me awestruck like "Zero" did in AC0. Not gonna say much about the planes, as I know the line-ups' gonna be good(Hoping for the Berkut). I still wonder about that Superplane in the game though(the one that was being escorted by Sukhoi Flanker jets, I think)...
  3. Hmm... I wonder. I always thought that the ACE series was suppose to be Real Robots-only (well, except G-Gundam. That's technically a super-robot show. Hmm...). Looks like they decided "Oh, what the heck, lets shake things some more!" with Shin Getter Robo's entry. Not that I'd be touching Shin Getter Robo. For me it's gonna be YF-19(You don't how God damn hopping-mad HAPPY I am that M+ is included) vs. the Whole Game. As Beast War's Megatron would say: Yesss... Only thing I hope is that they tweaked the transformation controls for the variable mechs. I felt kinda disoriented when transforming like mad(using Shift Mode) with the VF-1S during missions. EDIT: I just noticed that there's no VF-11B in the game. God, that fighter is so unloved. ;_; Well, maybe it's sorta early, so maybe they'll put it in the last minute(which may be unlikely due to Banpresto whoring various Gundam series in the game.)
  4. Hey, long time no see. Golly, I never thought I'd reply to this particular old-age dilemma. o.O Heh, after reading a few replies here cements the reason of why I stayed single(even though I failed in a relationship or two, but I think that's a blessing in disguise). Them femmes will always try change you the way they see fit. Sure, girl will love the guy, but will want some adjustments. Sometimes the compromise would be fair, sometimes it gets ridiculous. Try to stand your ground, and there comes the heated argument. That also goes to show that I do not like control freaks. :/ See ya later. *Mangled Mess.
  5. Thanks! Mog: The removable gunpod cartridge was begging for it. Too bad I can't do handstands with the -19... yet.
  6. Strike a pose, huh? As I'm guilty of loving the YF-19, let me show you the exhibits(I apologize for the poor photo quality. Took it with the cruddy Motorola L6 camera phone) : Exhibit A: First time I took it out of the box, and took quite some time to transform it. Harder than I thought. Took this at office. Exhibit B: YF-19, checking out the surroundings(sorta). Exhibit C: Dynamic pose #1, with cancer pod attached to forearm. Hehe, Cancer Pod. Exhibit D: Dynamic pose#2, almost the same, adjusted the pose a bit, and GUNpod held Exhibit E: Boy, does he feel like shooting someone today... not the face. Exhibit F: Checking condition of gunpod and ammo Exhibit G: Zoom out of Exhibit G pose. Looks surprised, don't you think? Exhibit H: Take cover! (If there is a 1/60 YF-21 now, I'd complete this scene T_T ) Till next time.
  7. Ah, yes, quite true. I might be just too used to the fewer VF-1s in Macross to appreciate the VFs in M7. I just thought they would have kept it simple, but with the theme that M7 is going with, I was disappointed, but at the same time I shouldn't complain too much. Personally, I just found some of the latest VFs, especially the Sound Forces, a bit too much for me to take. As for the production and resources, I admit that I'm no expert in those. As I said, I tend to like things to be simple and practical as far as Macross is concerned in terms of production. As with Gundams, how did they get out that much variety that may or may not be expensive to mass-produce? Then again, as much as I'm a mecha fan, I'm sadly lacking in things such as details, as I'm in the dark on some knowledge.
  8. I gotta agree with Graham and Mr. March here. Seeing so many designs of Gundams(despite the fact that I only like 3 designs in the Gundam franchise, which is the Sentinel, Hi-Nu, and the Gundam Astrays) in one show sorta gave me a headache. Where do they get the resources anyway to build them in such speeds? That seems to bug me at times. I was once slightly disappointed that there wasn't some variety in terms of design for the VF-1 (just the heads), but the more I think of it, it seems Kawamori was trying to be practical in a real world sense, so I didn't really mind as long as the Valkyries did their job instead of being fashionable super-mechas . Maybe this is another reason why I personally(I stress, *personally*) don't like Macross 7 at all. It took the Gundam route with so many designs in one show. But I think it's the loud colors of those rock star Valkyries, PARTICULARLY the VF-19-kai Fire Valkyrie, that nails it. Oh, my virgin eyes... X.X.
  9. I really do not have any problems with the neck hinges of my YF-19(transformed it for a week or two everyday. So far so good... ), but since freak accidents always happens(especially with ME. *sigh*), Put me on the list if you decide to sell them. But since I live in Malaysia, there's probably shipment cost involve, right?
  10. ...Oh, man. That sucks hard. Which means I was lucky not to get a Temjin from that line, then?
  11. Hey Sakura! Don't let that part of the YF-19-Fixing thread scare you. The demands and over-hype for the 1/60 YF-19 to be extremely perfect is too ridiculously high. I just got mine(was lucky that my sis was going to Japan for work, muahaha), and oh, man... do I love doing extreme battle poses with it. Guess I don't need to buy those super-poseble VF-1 battroid-only figures to do those things. Just adding to the easing of your fears. I was a bit scared too, but as what everyone has already mentioned, the crooked gunpod and the tab thing isn't too big of an issue. Granted, unlocking the neck part of the fighter is tight due to the tab, but not irritatingly tight. The trick is to know where to push, pull, and a correct amount of pressure. It isn't too hard, though. I love that thing to bits, and almost thought of bringing that thing to bed like a teddy bear, but alas, my rationale side prevented me from doing so. Damn, I need a cabinet for the YF-19 and Koto's Armored Core's 1/72 Oracle (001-Mirage). And speaking of Virtual On's transformable Cypher... there's a toy that ACTUALLY exist!?!?
  12. O.o Oh dang! Now I'm scared. I got my 1/60 YF-19 yesterday from my sis (straight from Japan. Woo!) and that section was freakin' hard to open up(even though I manage to transform the thing 3 or 4 times, I was trying to be as gentle as possible with that part, at the expense of my fingers and time. *sweats*). I even saw Graham's video and saw him struggle a bit with that section. Is there a way to loosen that part without modifying? *Is really, really scared now for his YF-19...* EDIT: Hmm, I got an idea.... maybe someone should make metal versions of those parts. Ya think that'll solve the problem? Mistress of EDIT: My fears are now gone. My YF-19 is fine for now. Sorry.
  13. Hey, new guy here. Hmm, let's see...(I'm listing old shows that I've seen, and partially seen. Not all of them are from the '80s) 1. Macross -I love this series. Obviously, Super Dimensional Fortress: Macross was a God-send. Never caught a glimpse of Macross II(which is considered an alternate storyline), loved M+, even more for those kick-ass prototype Valkyries. Macross 7 is the ugly duckling in my opinion. That red Basara VF-19 valkyrie... irritates me. 2. El-Hazard: The Magnificent World - How I LOVE this OAV. The only pseudo-harem anime that I like(I hate harem animes with a passion), which also became obscure. Pity. 3. 3X3 Eyes - Never read the manga, but found the first and second OAV interesting enough to have me glued to the idiot box a little more. 4. Key the Metal Idol - This, in my view, is one of the more obscure animes around. I have not heard anyone talk about this one. Maybe because it's so dialogue-heavy. Who knows? :/ 5. Ariel Found it pretty ok. Thought that giant chick-mecha was sorta funny(Anyone remembers the end credits of the last episode, where Ariel(I believe that's the chick-mecha's name) took a 'bath'? lol) 6. MADOX Thought it was sorta short, but what do ya expect from an OAV, especially an obscure one? That powered suit... so cool. Wish I had one. And that's about it. The shows that I really loved are either the original Macross, Macross Plus(Macross Zero is okay, but I think the mystical parts of the story was a bit overboard), and El-Hazard. Guess my taste is too darn high, as today's anime has become... repetitive. Ok, maybe only the Read or Die OAV I like, but the rest? With so many emphasis on invisible bishie mecha pilots, colorfully dressed kid ninjas, and ghost-hunting samurais, I feel like as if the magic has... gone. Guess it really is a matter of taste after all.
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