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MangledMess's Achievements

Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. I think I might take sketchley's side on this. For those who've been doing nothing but complaining non-stop about this kit(some of you, not all of you), why don't you show some pics of your finish builds so we can see how much effort you put into this? I'm really sorry if I sound irritable in this post, but I've been seeing more noisy b*itching rather than constructive criticism. At first I was about to accept the bad news about this kit, but the more I look through these post, the more I'm getting irritated, which finally leads me to think some of you guys might have just rushed this kit, no matter what you claimed. Thanks to that, it encourages me to do the opposite: I'll be buying the kit, but will be buying the Focker version later. Whether it's frustrating to build & transform, or decently made is for me to judge. Even Dalong's review admitted the build was flawed, but at least it was constructive enough that it wasn't painful to browse through unlike here. Some of you REALLY need to calm down.
  2. You know what? I should have waited for the Alto Super packs, but somehow, the urge to get the bare VF-25 was too much for me to resist *slaps himself*. Thank goodness I'm skipping the bare Ozma VF for the fully armored one... I hope. *resist....resist...* Anyway, some comparison shot between the 1/72 VF-25(unfinished, will put the decals later once I get myself a gundam marker or two) and Yamato's 1/60 YF-19(no decals for I'm scared of tearing them. Damn water decals): Can a Bandai stand hold a Yamato 1/60? Just curious. EDIT for better image.
  3. *Puts that into his Definitely Buy List* Hot damn.
  4. Brilliant! Thumbs up!
  5. Ok, sorry if this may seem old, but I finally got around fixing that cracked left bicep. Seems superglue was enough instead of getting a special glue. *slaps himself hard* Gluing it back was easy enough, but two obstacles got in my way: the shoulder cover and the sleeve. Took me awhile to find out that I don't need to take it apart, for I could just pivot the cover 90 degrees up. But the bicep sleeve was annoying me. Only glued back the last broken part after I put the sleeve back in. Yeah, it's a mess. Let's hope the superglue doesn't crack in a few days. *crosses fingers* Will fix the right bicep next time, as that old nasty crack is still there... Sorry if the images(yes, I haven't invested in a digital camera yet) aren't detailed in fixing the bicep. Sacrificed sleep to get this problem over with, so forgot a few details. In the meantime, here's my -19 standing tall among my small collection(and might keep it that way. Don't want to turn toy-collecting into an addiction... ^^; ): Later.
  6. Watched TDK two days ago. Yeah, better late than never. All I can say is... I'll never look at Batman, the Joker(Especially the Joker!!!), Harvey Dent, and the rest of the cast of the Batman mythos the same way ever again. And I meant that in a good way. It was that awesome. My God, the Joker sends shivers down my spine. Hell, I'll never look at even the Batmobile AKA Tumbler the same way as well. I mean, it knocked a garbage truck twice its size off the road, head on, and survived as if nothing happened. I hope they'll use the other Tumbler again for a possible third movie(in Batman Begins, Lucius Fox mentioned that two were built. Is that correct?). I cannot imagine a sports-car Batmobile in a Nolan Batman movie, at all. Tumbler's more road-warrior worthy. I don't know how the heck are they gonna top this. Seriously, the story is God-damn fantastic.
  7. Practiced Kendo for two years in high school. Haven't been practicing for 10 years after graduating, for I can't find a dojo or training centre for such since then. Also trained in Kickboxing for 1 year and a half, and stopped when the gym near my place have to move back to it's HQ, which is WAY out of reach. A year ago I went to this martial arts centre where they offer various martial arts(wushu, aikido, Capoeira, kendo, among others). Before this, I never did signed a contract to train in kickboxing for the last gym I was in, and never knew the consequences of such action, so I signed up, and the guy(lets called me Mr.B) who helped sign me in told me I could pay by cash monthly when I asked. But apparently a few weeks after I signed up, problems in regards of the contract began popping up. The classes were great, but a few weeks into the thing, I was asked to pay a fee of 6 months in advance, which shocked me. When I asked the lady why the sudden change, she told me it was gym policy. When I told her I signed a contract with an assurance that I could play monthly, she told me she hasn't heard of such thing. It was a back-&-forth affair, so I asked her to refer to Mr.B about this. Next day, I talked to Mr.B and reassured me that I could pay monthly. I was relieved... until the next day I got a call from ANOTHER guy saying I have to PAY 6 MONTHS in advance, and by CREDIT or ATM bank card. Reason is they don't want to deal with cash. What. in. God's Name? I've been getting different stories every time I go there, and honestly I was so befuddled with this management crap, I couldn't enjoy the classes, and wanted to terminate the contract. WANTED to, but can't, for it states I have to complete 6 MONTHS of payment no matter what. That I knew, and I wanted to stay on those 6 months and more until all this fee crap felt like a macronized Zentradi was nuclear-farting at my general direction. On my second-to-last month, another guy helped me clear up everything, and apparently this wasn't the first time it happened. Mr.B was the main reason for those horrible, horrible mess-ups, misinforming people about the payment scheme. My situation was the last straw, and he's no longer working there. Thank God. And I didn't continue after that because of the actual payment scheme(pay by bank card or credit, no cash. Pay lump sum of 6 months in advance. Sheesh). All that crap overshadowed my enjoyment with the capoeira and wushu classes that I attended, and that feeling prevents me from going back. I mean, whenever I try to go back in, all I get is this feeling of dread not from the sessions, but from the management. I'm sorry, but for those 6 months, it got to me, and I dread it. How am I suppose to attend this classes if the terms and conditions of paying keeps slapping me in the face?!? I don't own a credit card and I prefer to keep my budget in check, and the terms and conditions there was something I can't keep up with payment-wise. Hell, if I give them my account number, God knows how much they'll take out. Possible situation if I give account number: "Oh, to make it easy for you, we decided that you'll pay for a YEAR in advance." "HOW IN THE BLUE HELL AM I GONNA EAT?!? OR PAY THE BILLS!?! YOU JUST PILFERED MY WHOLE SAVINGS!!!" TL;DR I was misinformed about the terms and conditions of joining the martial arts centre, contract terms prevented me from getting out, different stories about how I should pay keeps going back and forth, giving me a massive headache and makes me dread going back there. A good guy clear things up for me, and was given the clear cut truth. And no thanks to Mr.B, the culprit who signed me in and screwed me over. Good luck finding another job. Never again will I ever sign another God forsaken contract.
  8. Dammit, I wish I was at SDCC!!! I'd love to use those joints to modify my Revoltech Prime's shoulders, or even for my scratch-built wanzer(which is still in progress). ;_; VA, this modding is awesome! I'd do the same to my YF-19 1/60 if it wasn't so darn big, or if I was heartless enough to leave my Revoltech VF-1S arm/legless ... Keep it up. A variable Valkyrie kit with revoltech joints... that's just awesome.
  9. The Red Alert series was never serious to begin with. Remember the dolphin unit from RA2, anyone? Or, heck, the Soviet Squid? I still think those Kirov Airship zeppelin are still goofy. Seriously, look at those blimps! LOL! Guess Empire of the Rising Sun will be the first faction I'll play when I try my hands at the game.
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but was Eagle-1 the callsign Isamu used when he's still flying the VF-11B?
  11. Ah, damn, that's a huge box! But seeing how the ARX-8 has a lotta accessories to play with, I couldn't see how they'll fit them in the regular Revoltech box. Looks like I have to clean and rearrange my room for it. I'll probably get the Red Spectacles as well as Revoltech Ryu & Chun Li as reference for drawing. Trying to get the desired poses from Revoltech Revy as I sketch my OC is starting to get annoying. The V-cut hip swivel leg joints is not one of my fave use of joints, ever. Which is why I'm a bit annoyed that the Hokuto no Ken Revoltechs are using the same thing. Gah. At least they'll have more revoltech balljoints than Revy. Still want a Motoko figure(GITS version for proper body proportions. I hope she doesn't go Fraulein or use the same joints as Revy...). On a semi side note, that HNK Exploding Guy(is it Spade?) is an awesome figure with an awesome selling point. Must buy!
  12. It's actually from a tactical strategy game called Front Mission, where it's considered the poster boy mech(or wanzer, FM's term for it) of the series, and made by Square So... er, Enix. They released the toys several years back... and now considered a rarity. Darn. ;_; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwVuYu9AJww http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs28/i/2008/101...SealSlammer.jpg http://frontmission.info/wiki/pmwiki.php/Main/About
  13. Poor Regult. Kaiyodo, quick make the other Zentradi units. The Regult looks so lonely... unless you buy bulks of them. O.O Good stuff Omegablue.
  14. Wait till I get the -21 and Regult, and I'll be swapping parts like nuts. XD I've been clamoring for those revoltech joints set for months. Can't wait to see pics. I heard they only sell them at specialized Kaiyodo stores? It'll be so awesome to use them for scratch-built figures. That would help me finish my my scratch-built Zenith faster.
  15. I still think it'll be an interesting idea, but I can see they'd want to concentrate on the Battroid versions, as they're more recognizable. But I understand if you're not keen on them. Heh, first, Kaiyodo shouldn't neglect the VF-11B. I mean, come on, make it a trio for the Revoltech M+ series.
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