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Everything posted by amptor

  1. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    I just got my SAL package today so now I have 10 VE-1 Elintseekers.
  2. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks yes I already preordered that in December.
  3. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    My SAL package is out for delivery, that took what 11 calendar days? Not bad, especially considering I already own nine of them so no rush. Also any speculation on when the next toy release date will be made?
  4. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice! Thanks for this photo!
  5. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    My SAL package just arrived at LAX so it won't take it very long to get here from there maybe a few days.
  6. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    Nah just keeping people updated that want to know how long SAL takes. I already have 9 valkyries on the shelf so I can definitely wait, even 2 months if it takes that long
  7. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow not complaining at all but SAL is sort-of a little slow February 23, 2018, 12:20 pm Processed Through Facility TOKYO INT D, JAPAN February 15, 2018, 6:53 pm Acceptance JAPAN
  8. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    Anything more to support them releasing more valkyries is 100% ok by me!
  9. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    I would assume that they are producing VT-1 next, hopefully anyway Would be nice to see a VF-1D also.
  10. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes I think so. Just as long as transforming it back into fighter mode doesn't disturb your work, man. It looked great
  11. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    My SAL shipment from MyKombini has shown as accepted since the 15th. Not worried about it, just giving you guys an update on SAL to California
  12. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    I want to see what sh9000 does with his new valks also still want to see that custom Max that he was working on
  13. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    C'mon Bandai with those VT-1 Super Ostrich preorders! I'll order as many as I can
  14. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah I still need to buy a V1 Yamato for my collection. Thinking about selling my spare VF-1J super and buying it.
  15. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    I like how you can remove the engine covers from the VE-1 This is such a neat toy.
  16. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm going to be more than ready for those VT-1 Ostriches.
  17. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    My last VE-1 shipped yesterday. I had to create a new account to purchase one more lol.
  18. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    I really like how they package these from Japan. Very clean, organized, and enough packing material. I haven't ever had anything come from Japan damaged.
  19. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    I ordered one more VE-1 from MyKombini SAL. We'll see how long it takes to get here. I'll let you guys know Now I have 10 of these.
  20. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not really concerned with Arcadia and their overpriced valks *chuckle* If they do I likely won't buy unless it is under $200 wishful thinking. I am guessing a 1/60 would be over $300.
  21. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah those V2 are expensive. I collect V1 and don't really get too into the differences. I'm missing 3 models though afaik.
  22. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice is that a V1 or a V2 super ostrich? I own the V1 but never took it out of the box.
  23. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    I just want VT-1 Super Ostrich. Not really planning on buying anything else.
  24. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    Feb 1, MyKombini order, Feb 10, AE order.
  25. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    One package I used EMS the other I used SAL.
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