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Everything posted by amptor

  1. Nice, So does that mean it is fully stainless steel? I still have a $10 watch I used to wear and the plating is turning green on the back. I should get this banpresto watch in the mail soon, if not today. I'm thinking about getting the blue one too. Wow you guys got good deals on these watches, I've never seen them for much less than $15 + s/h from china.
  2. I finally bought one of these off ebay and was wondering if anyone remembers if there's only 4 different models. I only saw two on ebay that looked decent, so I decided to go with the skull & macross logo model. Pretty cheap watch, so probably going to end up leaving it boxed so it doesn't get ruined but it's pretty neat.
  3. amptor

    Yamoto check list

    That GPB isn't out yet? Man oh man. Well they never released the super armors either I can tell. But I'm missing the last 6 1/60. Gotta get em some day, as I have complete Bandai re-issue set in duplicate plus one extra VF-1S. Once bandai quit issuing, I started to lose interest though. Looks like Yamato flooded the market with VF-1S Strikes, since they reissued that one already (not very good for collectors imo but actually they should be able to issue as many of whatever they want and not hold to limiting things) Come to think of it, I don't think Bandai was really into intentionally limiting production on reissues, just wanted to make what they thought would sell.
  4. amptor

    K&M series 2

    FINALLY I GET GPB-1S ARMOR ! well anyway if i would've known how tiny these were I probably wouldn't have bought them. But they're nice anyway. I bought a spare Millia so I could just keep the rest in the packaging. I saw the Millia and was like WOW I need it. I like the color a lot. Nice bright red. But I'm happier with the purchase now. I really like the detail on the gpb-1s and Millia is fun to play with (wouldn't any guy agree? Anyhow, Millia is about 3" long in fighter mode. not exactly sure cuz I have her in gerwalk mode now. Transformation leaves you with quite a few little spare parts, but it works out ok. It is a bit tedious to try to keep the thing from falling apart while transforming it or setting it down sometimes. Would've been cool if they were a little bigger but they're cool.
  5. Yeah... I remember preordering the yf 19, yf 21 and the vf 11b for $40 bucks each. Everytime I think of those days and compare to the prices I pay now, it just makes me wanna go ballistic on HG. Also, looking at the quality of Macross plus valks they made then and comparing it to the 1/48's really make me feel optimistic about what yamato will do with another try at Macross plus. Anyway, gosh am I the only one who feels yamato will release more than just another yf 19 FP? or am I being too optimistic? I remember preordering them for $30-$40 each somewhere around there off valkyrie exchange. That was a fiasco, I bought my first valk off Robozone and really never bought anything from VE since they didn't do anything at all for their preorder customers. Their prices tend to be average to too high anyways.
  6. I'd agree to some degree of it being expensive. I don't believe that stuff made by Yamato is very expensive to manufacture, possibly even cheaper to make than some $10 Maisto 1:18 scale model cars that you can buy at Costco. What upsets me about Yamato is they will produce a valk for a while then stop. Then if there's enough demand, they'll produce a lot more of that valk (I heard this happened in particular with the VF-1S Strike with full armor) So I was about to buy that one, but I still haven't yet. $80+ for that is rediculous because it isn't very collectable and the value just virtually is nonexistant unless for personal sake. Now I'm missing a few Yamato and I have all Bandai (I think Bandai were all worth it, even though I spent too much on a few of them) But at least Bandai manufactures a certain amount to sell based on sales figures and projections then stops. They don't seem to purpousely make "limited edition" stuff (e.g. Yamato VF-1A TRU CF) and they don't seem too interested in really making valkyries ever again to begin with, sadly. I was hoping for the VF-1S Hikaru Strike and the other two like the rest of you people. I suppose the VE-1 and VT-1 weren't reproduced because there's really no reintroduction of the movie into Japanese theatres or something. Just my guess. Could be a licensing issue too. Well I've just been waiting for the Yamato to come down in price. I got a Hikaru DYRL VF-1A off ebay for about $30 shipped a while back, I can't see paying much more than that for a VF-1D, since they are not rare by any means. So I figure if I wait a bit, the price will fall. They sure used an ugly shade of orange on their valks didn't they. I used to possess a VF-1D but the guy who sold it to me made it seem like it was misb, when it wasn't so he got it shipped back to him
  7. amptor

    K&M series 2

    They look a lot better in your pics than other pics I've seen (like in package). Real cool stuff. I bought set 2 but I need to get set 1 still. I noticed there's Bandai Gashapon on ebay, but I dunno I thought bandai quit making macross stuff? Seems kinda silly if they do since they didn't put out all the 1/55ths that everyone wanted.
  8. actually, the civilian puplic of japan knew invasion was iminent, the japanise government was training them for hand to hand combat. even women, children and the elderly were prepaired to fight to the death. this is why the predicted cost of life was expected to be so high, the actual japanise military had been desimated, all their seasoned soldiers were dead (just ask ww2 pacific allied fighter pilots) imagine allied soldiers having to fight heavily fortified strongholds every couple of miles, and when finally breaking though, having to slaughter women and children because none would surrender, and would continue to fight untill dead... its easy to take all these reasons and try to defend the a-bombs as having been dropped on a 'kind' of military target since the entire japanise populace was consider hostile and had proven earlyer that they would not surrender, choosing fighting or suicide instead. this isn't the case though, the targets were selected more to test the power of the bombs, wich is something i'm not proud of. before you judge the americans of the time however, you have to remember that all through europe, city wide carpet bombing from both allies and axis was common practice, and had cost far more lives on both sides than both atom bombs combined. it was the way war was conducted, true persision bombing just didn't exist. times have changed though, and for the most part the US doesn't do that sourt of thing anymore. we do have tactical nukes aimed at enemy citys, but these are retaliatory defence systems that i don't think anyone seriously plans on using. one can hope anyway. ...not to mention that the japanese did have underground bunkers throughout tokyo and such..which I think my dad said they used as machine shops when he was there in the 60's during vietnam times. I just wanted to post something on topic, I think your icon is hilarious
  9. I was checking out my 20th anniversary DVD today and noticed an intro to a sd macross series. Did this ever exist, or is it just fan flair they put in the dvd? Thanks
  10. I think that if I wasn't a macross fan and I came across this movie, perfect edition or not, it would still be my favorite anime movie film ever. Great story, superb artwork, and the FX english subbing is cool. I would prefer english dub (cuz I'm not a pure hardcore anime fan) but of all the bad things I heard about the dub, I am fine with the subs.
  11. I just got the DVD today and watched it, it's great. FX version.. I like it a lot better than the full screen version I have. The animation is very crisp and looks like something that would be made recently, besides that you can really tell that the artwork is very beautiful, non cg. It's a great dvd. The FX box is transparent plastic too, pretty nice looking bootleg box and all. Plays great on my 27" sony wega And I'm just using the ps2 to play it.
  12. I hope this doesn't sound too dumb, but I still don't understand why the quality is close but not equal to (it says that on VE also on their product page) But I'm just curious, I'm sure I'll be happy with it. I'm hoping it's at least as good of a remaster as they did with the TV series for the US release of that. Too bad there's no decent english dub. Yeah I know english dubs aren't for the diehard anime fan but some dubs are real good and neon genesis evangeleon is great because you can switch between english and japanese speech and have subtitles as well. I guess maybe there was too much quarreling over the rights to this movie in the US because of harmony gold or something.
  13. Ahh cool thanks. Well I just tried not to be rude with my reply to ali. Maybe he/she speaks Japanese? Well how close would you say it is? Seems like a rip should be pretty much identical since it's all digital. I'll check that site out and thanks for the heads up about those dvds being expensive. I think my PS2 is region free or something (there's always a way around that anyways). Hopefully the FX version plays well, I had a problem playing my Macross Zero Ep. 2 dvd on my ps2. Why I use a ps2 to play dvds is another matter off topic Just less clutter I suppose. I have the older release of DYRL that I bought off of VE. I'm really hoping the FX quality will be superior to it, as I was a bit disappointed (especially that I think the dvd case says it is a DVD9 but my DVD-R says the disc is 4.3 gigabytes as I recall). Thanks
  14. tyrey japan cd what?
  15. Hi, Is there any difference between the bootleg and official widescreen version of this anime? I have seen copies of it floating around particularly on valkyrie exchange for about $8-$15. The official version costs $80. What's the deal with that? $80 is quite a bit excessive for one movie no matter how good the quality (though this is an excellent movie, I've probably watched it at least 10 times whereas I wouldn't bother purchasing most stuff that comes out in theatres) Also if anyone knows a place selling the official version for a decent price (below $30 I'd say is fair) please let me know. It's doubtful though.
  16. It's not hard to bootleg dvd5's, I have the whole macross set that was selling for an ungodly amount (what was it $500+? wtf) on pioneer dvd-r media. Yeah I know that's just burns but think about it, there's a ton of silver pressed stuff in asia that's real easy to get.
  17. I thought people were just transforming it with the heatshield on when these things first came out. I'm trying to transform mine now, but it looks like I need the instructions. I think I have a copy on my hard drive somewhere
  18. What's this mean? I can interpolate here. They now, I believe, posess the Robotech/Macross liscence. They also have the code to Crystal Dreams. I wouldn't get hopes up, but do you suppose we will see more Macross games over here in the states? That last one, another thread, comes to mind. From what I have seen of this company, they are fairly aggresive as far as titles are concerned Well crystal dreams beta stinks. I've checked out a couple different versions and remember the video is on one of the robotech box sets. Their beta doesn't look so great either. But it's an N64 game so what do you expect. Robotech Battlecry is a much better game, although very flakey and having some bugs on PS2. Hopefully all this means is POSSIBLY we won't be seeing another Macross VFX clone (Battlecry seemed like playing VFX even though you could actually MOVE AROUND god bandai sucks at making macross video games)
  19. Um heh this person didn't actually win that auction. See: Reserve Not Met. I'm not sure what's the most I've overpaid. The prices on Bandai VF-1J Hikaru TV version have fluctuated a lot. I think I got those for $70 each. I forgot. But the first valk I bought was the Hikaru VF-1A DYRL Yamato for I believe $70 as well. I just picked one up on ebay for $30.49 shipped last week! It is in my closet right now. The first one I got, I let it sit on top of my PC for 3 weeks before deciding to go to Graham's pictures to apply all the decals (great pictures, way better than those stupid Japanese instructions which I don't believe give you hardly any clue even if you can read that language) Hmm I'm not sure what else. Right now, I want a bumblebee original transformers mint on card. I think a place nearby has it for $135. My mom bought me one when I was a kid for maybe $3.50 when King Norman's was closing. I remember they used to sell small transformers everywhere I went, even at small hobby stores. Macross stuff was probably at a few small toy stores, maybe even King Norman's (I think they sold a bunch of Takatoku stuff there)
  20. Yeah you need a solderless mod chip. For less hassle, I'd suggest getting something like a magic 3.1 or dms3 chip. Or wait for magic V that should be the best one.
  21. so.... where can I see pictures of the masterpiece edition? I plan on buying one of those because I doubt the original company (I forgot the name) will reissue it. Original molds probably were destroyed :S
  22. Well, Transformers Collection don't come in original packaging. They're book style, sort of like the Japanese "Volume" collection, which aren't really any better. I wish all the Japanese issues still came in the original style Japanese boxes, but I guess they already did that and that's done with. I just ordered a Hot Rod TRU reissue, hopefully it is the same as the original which I never owned. I'm not sure if that had any die-cast content at all. I thought all the TRU Transformers Collection had all original die-cast metal content as well as everything else like missiles, guns, etc. If that isn't correct, I probably should just rush out on ebay and buy the two in Volumes Japanese that I'm waiting for TRU to release. It costs roughly the same anyways.
  23. Oh, how sweet! I just won on ebay a Hikaru VF-1A mint in sealed box for $30.49 shipped. I think the one I have on my desk here cost me around 70 bucks when they first were released. I applied all the decals to this one and later thought maybe it wasn't such a good idea. This more than makes up for it I think they probably flooded the market with these things though haha. But back on topic, I really like the cf vf-1a's light brown color that I have. So I'm probably much better off with this one then heh. I was admiring it when I took it out so I could wrap it with cellophane. man I wish I had a shrinkwrap machine for my Yamato and Bandai valks.
  24. Anyone know if Bandai is re-releasing all the MR Machine Robo series robots? I'm trying to get mint in box of all the ones I had when I was a kid. Thanks
  25. The type 2 does have holes on the legs (which I don't like, I should've waited for a TRU one to show up for a better price. remember when TRU ones were fetching upwards of $120?) And people were saying the type 1 and 2 had a different shade of brown.
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