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Everything posted by amptor

  1. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    That's where I got mine. Thanks to the seller for not price gouging. I'll definitely be leaving him positive feedback.
  2. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    Any word on VT-1 and VE-1 valkyries? Or is there another event we might get more information from?
  3. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    I managed to grab one. sheesh what a pain. wasn't difficult at all to score 1/55ths.
  4. Good info in this thread. Thanks guys. Now if only the Hi Metal R ones were easier to get... Too much of this 4am preorder running out on HLJ I'm reading. Well I'll hope something good happens in the future. It would be nice if Bandai would release the remaining 1/55ths though but I'm assuming the cost is too much for them to bare for the ones I want. The original molds for the strike, super o, and elint are probably lost or ruined so they'd have to make new ones. Anyway I'm too far off topic. I was hoping that Robotech.com would get some stuff from Bandai for the 30th anniversary. Looks like that isn't happening. They were going to have 1/55ths out a few years back.
  5. I'm still hoping for more 1/55s. 1/100 is pretty tiny and too many models are scarce, even on preorder.
  6. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    I'd like to buy a max but not at scalper prices.
  7. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

  8. amptor

    Hi-Metal R

    Does anyone know if or when they are coming out with the ve-1 Elint seeker and the vf-1d trainer?
  9. Bandai valks are not "grown". The metals come from under ground and the plastics also come from under ground (crude oil). Hopefully this guy isn't referring to Oaksterdam which he apparently lives nearby. That would be sad, schedule 1 *ahem* doesn't belong on this type of forum at all. Entirely off topic and random. Moving along, I like Bandai's products just fine. I just hope they continue to come out with more macross stuff. It looks like the only way to get 1/55ths of the variants that were not reissued is to purchase the originals. That isn't too bad though as it appears they aren't rare. The only thing that bugs me about this hobby is that, not just Bandai, all good quality robot stuff is pretty expensive these days. Even all plastic stuff that they currently sell at toy stores, small reissues of transformers, as well as deluxe kits and other reissues. I mean it costs over $100 for a KO transformers combiner set and that isn't even an official release as far as I know. A bandai valk will run you around $100+, depending on which one but I can imagine that if they reissued more with armor packs, they will be $150-$175 at minimum. That is a lot of coin for a small toy. However I haven't researched and adjusted for inflation comparing early 80s sets from Bandai to current dollar values. I'm not even sure how much a strike originally cost back in what year was it 1984? I have compared other things and there are other hobbies that were very expensive at the time, so it could possibly be even. I don't think Transformers were expensive in those days though.
  10. V1. I have another brand new one in the closet. Those were way overpriced when they camoe out. I think I paid $80 shipped form Robozone and the second one I got was only $25 shipped on ebay BNIB... Waste of 80 bucks though, not a waste of 25 in the end. I wonder if anyone would buy the valk off me if I tried to sell it. I have box manual all for it. I just don't need to keep a valk with one yellow wing :/ I guess I could probably take it apart and repair it though.
  11. amptor

    Vf-1D vs. VT-1

    VT-1 no question. I like the VF-1D although the colors aren't very striking on it but I like the VT-1 better. VT-1 and VE-1 are really nice kits.
  12. My 1 wish would be to use the proper plastic chemicals when making white plastic. I have one VF-1A from Yamato that one entire wing and some landing gear parts are yellowed from being exposed partially to sunlight. I keep all the rest of my Yamatos factory sealed in a dark closet with each window facing eachother on a shelf so that no light will get in. Bandai reissues I have never had this problem with.
  13. Is this a useful addition to the conversation? I see you're from the bay area as I maybe I bought your Yamato VF-1A BNIB valk off ebay years ago for 25 bucks shipped Oh cool I see this site does actually have an ignore feature so that is in place. This kid is over 10 years younger than me so yep, another good example of bad parenting. Anyway,
  14. I second this. These are the only Macross toys I am interested in buying. Everything else coming out from Bandai and Yamato is overpriced price gouging junk. Super Ostrich is what I am mainly interested in but the Elintseeker is awesome and the strike is alright. It's too bad the housing market crash impacted this hobby so much. I was looking forward to these releases. The newer series models, not so much. At least, if the prices were reasonable on all that plastic they put out I might have been a little more interested in the newer stuff. Also they were suppose to release a VF-1D 1/55 for Toynami. That never saw the light of day. That would blow away the 1/60 Yamato variant (I'm a Bandai fan, not so much on Yamato fragile toys but I do own most of the Yamato 1/60s. 1/55 is pure nostalgia and much much more durable for transforming).
  15. Well I for one didn't get in on the v2's because i already started the v1 collection so I decided to go all v1. As far as value goes, if i was concerned about that I'd own doubles of all the v1's and then be like DOH! and then start collecting the v2's. I own doubles of all of the bandai reissues except for the last two which were kinda inflated in price from the start. As far as bandai goes I just want a super-o some day but an elint would be nice. the elint seems like a lot more of a beast of a bandai toy
  16. It's a V1 1/60 And to the other poster well it wasn't off white before it yellowed.. the movie version VF-1A is snow white. This isn't the cannon fodder.
  17. Hello. Well I didn't know this would happen, and it happened a long time ago as some might remember from my posts. But my first issue of a Yamato VF-1A (the first of the Macross DYRL series that they released) yellowed on one wing, the head, and one of the landing gear doors. I'm wondering if anyone on this forum knows how I can acquire replacements. I think there used to be a thread on here but it was for 1/48 parts and I only buy 1/60 fighters. Thanks
  18. Graham, any word on more bandai 1/55 reissues either from Bandai or Toynami? I've been waiting years for that VF-1D Not to mention strike/vf-1t/elint Anyway back on topic, check the trades section on this forum and a nice man is selling a 1/60 elint there.
  19. I have a super ostrich 1/60. should have got the elint I guess but I always liked the super O the best on bandai so since the price is still up there i settled with teh yamato instead. seems like the prices on reissues and all are becoming too inflated so my interest has died down quite a bit even if they come out with more, they will cost more than they started out. ah well.. I still would like to get my hands on a VF-1D but not for $100+ that they command now.
  20. Imho.. since I keep mine boxed mostly these days and even with updates Yamatos are kinda fragile and more than likely will yellow if set out in the sun accidentally.. I just buy what I find a good deal on. I recently picked up a v1 Yamato VF-1S Fokker 1/60 open box for a decent price, as much as I was wanting to pay for a VF-1D as I recall. I'm still missing some 1/60ths and just kinda bargain hunt not too concerned with what version it is. I think I was reading somewhere that the V2 Fokker with upgrades had shoulder cracking problems that the V1 didn't have anyway. I forgot. I might be thinking of the Super O or some other model. I also found that locked "toys" thread on here rather entertaining to read I prefer the toys because they have more nostalgic / sentimental value to me rather than building something out of styrene that is brittle and flimsy. I've built model cars and model jets in the past. They look/feel cheap compared to these Yamatos and Bandais we are collecting.
  21. what's to improve? bandai is king of quality control. re: Japan pride in quality.
  22. nice articulation on this strike. I hope this means that there's going to be a super ostrich up next this is actually a better price than getting an older 1/55 strike from the bay. but I know 1/100 is kinda small. I have 1/55 super sitting on the nightstand next to me as I type this so I feel pretty evil edit, vf-1s foker boxed right next to it double evil feeling.
  23. speak for yourself. I have always liked the looks of the 1/55ths ever since I started seeing them in hobby stores back in the 1980s. Yamatos have little value to me. I'd actually consider selling them and holding on to the 1/55ths. Plus the yamatos are so mass produced that they are most definitely not worth the money that we pay for them. Best value I got was on that spare 1/60th Hikaru I bought. Yamatos are flimsy.
  24. 1/60 Yamato VF-1A Hikaru. I think I spent $85 on this when it came out. One of the wings is yellowed and also one of the landing gear openings. Yamato uses cheap plastic. I did acquire another one from ebay for $25 I think it had free shipping brand new so I'm good on that. Thus ended my Yamato collecting. edit: also had remorse over buying Yamato 1/60 VF-1J Fokker non strike edition. I sold it to my friend and haven't seen it since. I'm guessing he has it tucked away in his bedroom somewhere. I wanted to strike version but never purchased it which is actually lucky too because Yamato literally flooded the market with reissues of that one. Yamato collector value is - (negative) imho. NO remorse at all over Bandai 1/55 reissues. They are better than Yamato and even hold nostalgia value which all Yamato toys plainly lack.
  25. I'm doing fine economically but I just have more bills now so I can't really buy any. Also I've been seeing that reissues don't tend to gain any value, so you pretty much should only be buying these for if it is what you want. If I was to start buying again, I'd need to finish out my 1/60 collection not worrying about stupid variants since these things aren't worth that much $ to begin with and also would need to get the new 1/55's with boosters which I find to be overpriced. I was hoping for at least a VF-1D 1/55. Now I don't know where that is going, probably nowhere. It'd be nice to have a super ostrich some day too but I doubt they'll ever reissue that the way things are going.
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