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Everything posted by dr_vandermeer

  1. Been waiting to see this for a long time! Excellent!
  2. Wow! Snake with the skull facepaint and croc head are awesome! Still hoping for those Kerberos Saga figures figures.com announced... http://www.figures.com/databases/action.cg...show_article=62
  3. Medicom Jin-Roh/Kerberos 12" figures, baby.
  4. mmm...destroids...
  5. Even better with the TV hands! So cool!
  6. I'm more surprised that these haven't been knocked off. Must be a lot easier than knocking off the Kawamori book, no?
  7. Nice incorporation of the logo into the Kubrick form. They did good. Who oversaw it? Kyle Cooper? Someone else?
  8. WOW. Look at all how that giant gun breaks down into the other components! Awesome!
  9. This is the same guy that did the variable Monster, the GGG, the Ingram and the Dancougar?! Man, I like this man's work A LOT. He's a damn stud.
  10. damn, damn, damn! that car's niiiiice.
  11. hmmm, i'm sure some enterprising person will find a way to make these, yes?
  12. Very nice!!! I also like that he's got cannons for arms like the Tomahawk.
  13. About 4"2'?
  14. didn't even notice the skulls! that's awesome!
  15. 4 I'm excited to see this story in cinematic form too! 2 Never saw the BBC series though. I'll have to look around to find out more.
  16. Not bad. There's no way they would've gone with the animated outfit. I'll wait and see what the footage looks like. It's not a huge misstep at least. I really enjoyed Aeon Flux, enough the get the (lame) DVD collection.
  17. Nice Windcharger pics, Nick. Give us a review!
  18. Looks cool! Any better pics of it anywhere else? Are there more in the series?
  19. http://home.comcast.net/~adampsyche/poodle_fitness.mov
  20. Here's a recent and thorough look at what is known from a factual standpoint: http://www.newsarama.com/forums/showthread...&threadid=23737 Some interesting points brought up.
  21. Fantastic!!! Stickers or not, this bad boy will be MINE!!
  22. Looks VERY cool.
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