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Everything posted by dr_vandermeer

  1. NICE! Congrats Phatslappy! Any big surprises? Any incredible hands?
  2. So how was the con? Everyone have a good time? Bummed that I missed it, but excited to hear about it.
  3. Just saw the movie and thought it was good. Some problems I had, but overall incredibly satisfying. My wife, who followed absolutely nothing about the film's development, or even anything regarding the comics, thought it was great too.
  4. Excellent and thorough review, Graham. Thanks for taking the time to go into all that detail. Looking forward to (hopefully) flight suit versions down the line.
  5. Okay... and what are your plans for them, exactly? It sucks that there are quite a few people out there who missed out on the release (I'd be happy to just have ONE), and yet you're apparently sitting on hundreds... 412477[/snapback] if not thousands! or maybe even MILLIONS!!! 412479[/snapback] [spacey Luthor] BILLIONS!!! [/spacey Luthor]
  6. What do you think the issue is, Graham? Stubborness? Politics? Something else you know about but can't say? I too would have loved to see artwork like that on their Macross products. There's something to be said for the clean, modern aesthetic of their current packaging (the Koenig Monster being an exception to that rule ) but painted artwork like that would just make it incredibly classy and add so much value to the end product. But it sounds like you and others have already done your best and it's a lost cause, which is a damn shame...
  7. Killer anime. Loved that car. I too always wanted more episodes.
  8. Congratulations Tony! Well done!
  9. But you do see that THAT symbol in THAT configuation looks NOTHING like the nazi symbol? Similair in nature but different in presense. That is all that matters. I do not see that new avatar causing a problem in the near future and that is all I wanted you to think about. Thank you. Now Doc, your point has been made please put away the devil's bowtie. 389368[/snapback] Done.
  10. I think I see Liottel's point now.
  11. In the 50's an image of a bloody child would have been universally offensive, but now it's commonplace - and I really rather enjoy it I figure it's fine. People will figure it out. Or eventually I'll just get bored with my movie screencap and get an avatar of a Finnish swastika
  12. I figure you're really good at playing dumb.
  13. Long time lurker. Joined when the last switch happened I think.
  14. Great info here, including discrepancies and the ending: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_Leap
  15. HA! These are great. Love the 3D fire effect. They're all very very cool.
  16. Episode in 4 parts. Catch it before it gets taken down. Warning, Part 4 is incomplete. 1. http://youtube.com/watch?v=ejOJkcs-a7s&sea...h%20park%20chef 2. http://youtube.com/watch?v=dsvKWTekuhY&sea...h%20park%20chef 3. http://youtube.com/watch?v=H1CidxA8Z5U&sea...h%20park%20chef 4. (incomplete) http://youtube.com/watch?v=A000gj7Q4I8&sea...h%20park%20chef Hilarious death scene... http://youtube.com/watch?v=pBfQKPAXCwo&sea...h%20park%20chef
  17. Pilot figs!
  18. I can see how it might seem a bit like making too fine a point, especially in these modern times, but Catholic guy and some of the "enlightened" gay characters were in the book from 15 years ago, when pedophile priests weren't all the rage they are these days, and homosexuality wasn't as talked about as it is now. I also personally didn't feel that the final fight was Matrix-y, just slow motion and hyperreal. Really liked the movie myself.
  19. Interesteing, I'd never seen the black triangles on the GBP before.
  20. Pretty damn cool. Very impressive.
  21. Brilliant. Wishing you guys the best with this project. And signing up now!
  22. Stealth w/Strike Cannon... Edit:oops. nevermind. TONS of pics of that already.
  23. Also, if people hadn't noticed yet, in the display stand pics, it looks like the Stealth w/packs also comes with a Strike Cannon.
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