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Everything posted by dr_vandermeer

  1. Not just the paint shceme, but Downshift's face looks like Wheeljack's, also.
  2. No, a real woman like Marylin Monroe. Actually, I'm curious who else The Duke thinks is a real woman that has curves. Women from recent times, not the past, though. Got a top 5, Duke? Anyone else? Sorry, mods. Just had to add MY $.02 to the mix.
  3. why not? compared to the decal work on Smokescreen, hood flames are a small thing. The hood flames are really an 80's thing. However, I do believe random performance stickers are all the rage now. Yea, I know it's the Sub race car, so the stickers are okay. Seeing as the BT/Alternators series are updated versions of the old bots, I SERIOUSLY doubt we'll see them on the C5. Personally, I think they'd look rather tacky. Nope. Exactly. I just figure it's too much of an 80s thing to put those flames on a car of today. It worked really well on G1 Tracks because of his old car style, but on this updated BT/Alt version, I just don't see it. He'll probably be really clean like Sideswipe, Silverstreak, and Hound, who I think should've been designed to turn into a military jeep from the get-go. I wonder if they'll do any Skylines. Now THAT would be a winner!
  4. WOW! Very cool. Tracks was definitely one of my favorite transformers. And I love that they gave him those shoulder missles! It also looks like they maybe can be swung away and hidden? I don't know, maybe it's just me. He does look a little stiff, but keep in mind that's also how the seller positioned him. With all the articulation we've been seeing, i'm sure the FINAL will look much cooler and in a cooler pose. Yellow is most lkely just for the prototype. Almost certain that he'll be dark blue. And as much as a part of me wants it, I forsee Takara/Hasbro not putting any flames on the hood.
  5. C'mon Graham, don't let us down! Daddy wants more Macross stuff to buy!!!
  6. Cool! Sure seems like a lot to me, but how does 1,500 compare with other related fan sites? I wonder...
  7. And yeah, Targetmaster Hot Rod?! C'mon! With Binaltech/Alternator Hound coming out, he seems like a much better and logical choice. Bizarre selection process. Were people really clamoring for this guy? *sigh* I'm still personally rooting for Blitzwing in the future, myself.
  8. Love the Frenzy/Rumble figs! I wonder how much each of these'll be?
  9. Here's a good find for you Appleseed fans. Don't know what the going rates are right now, but it seems like $60 for Book 1 S&N is a steal to me!!! http://www.mothcomix.com/html/productdetai....asp?prdId=2000
  10. SWEEEEEEEEET!!!!! just outstanding...
  11. Gotta go with the VF-1S.
  12. one word. Destroids!
  13. All Hail APPLESEED!!! BTW, has anyone seen this LIVE ACTION Appleseed video? http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Towers/1073/apple.htm (bottom of the page) I've seen the Film Comic book (by B-Club), and it rocks, but I want to see Briareos move!!!
  14. I was wondering what was going on with that myself. Wait and see I guess. Patience...
  15. Kids will be kids. Things happen. I'm sure he feels horrible about it. Sorry for the loss, but at least it wasn't your son over that balcony. You can always get another toy.
  16. Actually, I'm curious myself. Not planning on getting them of course. I just want to know what they're like as well. No one on MW got them? Not even the Toynami supporters? Bueller? Bueller? (crickets chirping)
  17. Great to know. Now I'll REALLY be on the lookout!
  18. MUST. HAVE. MMs!!!
  19. Yeah, I've got a feeling they'll probably released be only w/FPs too. But who knows, they released the VF-1J w/o FPs so anything can happen.
  20. THAT I HAVE: MACROSS RELATED: 1. 1/55 Strike Valk 2. 1/55 Elintseeker NON-MACROSS RELATED 1. Monoseed from Spiral Zone (Japanese) THAT I WANT: 1. 1/55 Superostrich
  21. yum , yum, give me some!!!
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