This is probably more for people to get an idea of what the final will be, and not the final itself. but there are things to speculate/comment on, for example:
1. when you're looking at the gestalt form, there's a lot of details that make you go hmm - no swivel in the arm/chest of the black lion. yellow and blue lion tails don't seem like the yellow and silver stripes of the legs in gestalt form, no fold/hinge on the red wings on the back, etc...
2. when you're looking at the black lion, his gold shoulders are completely solid! how does toynami plan to make the red and gold lions connect to become the arms? big black bars? maybe they plan on magnets like the MPC VF armor?
3. the red and gold lions have pretty normal looking tails too in lion form. but they look like little stubs in gestalt form. i wonder why? where do they go?
4. what action features will be included?
that said, it's nice to have another golion/voltron robot to look forward to. i like the proportions, but i doubt that it'll be as hefty with diecast content like the OG version. You'd probably get a truer 'masterpiece version' if bandai were to do it for their soul of chogokin line.