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Everything posted by dr_vandermeer

  1. AWESOME. too funny!
  2. GOOD GOD!!! is it supposed to be insanely combined like that? is that the feature of these robots, to be infinitely combinable, limited only by your...*ahem*... "imagination"? it's funny, the further down you scroll, the first top images don't seem as challenging anymore, do they? Gerwalk25, yeah i noticed the interesting placement of the drill bit too!
  3. TEASE!!!!
  4. by the way, thank you everyone for keeping this macross/robotech thread professional, without any anti- sentiments one way or another. it's quite refreshing.
  5. I will be yet another to add to the chorus of admiration... Utterly FANTASTIC! What is most impressive is the obvious amount of preparation, planning, and pre-production you did before even starting on the project, not counting the man hours in production! Excellent and seamless transition of graphics across all parts, from valk to missles to separate armor pieces. GREAT JOB!!!
  6. yes! YES! YES!!!! can anyone translate?
  7. *stunned* great collection and customs!
  8. This is probably more for people to get an idea of what the final will be, and not the final itself. but there are things to speculate/comment on, for example: 1. when you're looking at the gestalt form, there's a lot of details that make you go hmm - no swivel in the arm/chest of the black lion. yellow and blue lion tails don't seem like the yellow and silver stripes of the legs in gestalt form, no fold/hinge on the red wings on the back, etc... 2. when you're looking at the black lion, his gold shoulders are completely solid! how does toynami plan to make the red and gold lions connect to become the arms? big black bars? maybe they plan on magnets like the MPC VF armor? 3. the red and gold lions have pretty normal looking tails too in lion form. but they look like little stubs in gestalt form. i wonder why? where do they go? 4. what action features will be included? that said, it's nice to have another golion/voltron robot to look forward to. i like the proportions, but i doubt that it'll be as hefty with diecast content like the OG version. You'd probably get a truer 'masterpiece version' if bandai were to do it for their soul of chogokin line.
  9. Awesome! LOVE IT!
  10. The unbelievable stupidity of the publicity stunt hit me when i watched Dan Rather actually report on this "news" on his program last night. I think I actually caught him flinch a little. But when was the last time anyone really TALKED about Ken and Barbie? Like Janet's (Miss Jackson, if you're Nasty) boob, the stunt is working...
  11. i'm on a mac and it works fine for me. lovely wifey, wdc. you're a lucky man.
  12. More like if a VF-1S and Blitzwing from Transformers had anal sex and called the resulting piece of poop a baby. PURPLE AND TAN!!!! PURPLE AND TAN!!!! PURPLE AND TAN!!!! sorry, loooooong day.
  13. why oh why do i not live in japan... *sigh*...
  14. First comes awe over the amazing custom job! Then comes envy of your insane talent. Then comes depression that i can't do that myself. Then awe comes back and kicks envy's and depression's asses. AWESOME CUSTOM!!!!!
  15. Great critique Drifand. I remember your article and the great pics from TBDX too. In any case, it looks good to me, but i do wish Dragon would get the opportunity to take a crack at it. I wonder why they haven't?
  16. whoa. that's pretty cool! when did that come out? and what info is there on it?
  17. didn't have to look far, it's the only topic/thread i've ever started!!!
  18. i can't wait for the SOP bike! real-world functional or not, the design is classic and cool. although it's not fair to compare with mcfarlane's based on materials and price, bandai at least has the design + proportions right! i mean, as detail obsessed as the mcfarlane guys seem, i don't know how they let that design out with the huge wheel in the back, small wheel in the front, improperly fitting kaneda, and horrendous engine/mechanical detail. *ugh* here's hoping to as many of the actual decal/sticker designs as possible!!!
  19. there's this thread for a 1/6 scale custom with hydraulics and lights: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=4285
  20. GREAT GOOGILY-MOOGILY!!! that CF came to par-tay!
  21. TOO COOL!!! Can't wait to catch it. But for some reason, something about Briareos looks...I dunno...OFF... He feels...flat or something...
  22. KICK ASS!!!!! Can't wait for both of these. It truly is a great time to be a Macross fan.
  23. whoa, cool! hadn't seen these before.
  24. Cool, nonetheless!
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