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Everything posted by dr_vandermeer

  1. Gotcha. I can see that point of view. I always thought this girl's costume ruled for sheer costuming skill. Not really "hot", but still... I've got photos of her from last year and this year's AKon. And I've seen her without the helmet. She has a nice face. Yeah, I had seen her at Akon too. And also without the Starscream head. I thought she was quite cute myself.
  2. another from Angel's Fury.
  3. yeah, Angel's fury gave me the link to it. It's located here: Cosplay Her screen name is Anagel. That girl and her sister are also at this site: http://www.sma-cosplay.com there's more photos from some of those sessions!
  4. Gotcha. I can see that point of view. I always thought this girl's costume ruled for sheer costuming skill. Not really "hot", but still...
  5. She's one of the best ones. Thanks! Time to hunt down some good ones myself.
  6. Yeah, we like women - you like doorknobs! HAHAHAHA, did YOU write that one!? I guess this cosplay thing just isn't my bag. Just curious. Is it the costumes or the girls themselves?
  7. Hey Bobe-patt, does that girl have a webpage? Where did all those come from? I like.
  8. I love these kinds of things, no matter how easy/hard they may be. Anyone know of any other good ones? Or better ones?
  9. THANK YOU, GOODNIGHT!!! I like. I'm just sayin'.
  10. Noooooo!!!! You might as well sit down and watch the Star Wars Christmas Special. It's just *that* wrong. But if you really, really feel the need to see he-who-shall-not-be-named, the just seach google. I hear he has his own website. bsu, thank you for telling about googling it...now i can't get the image out of my head... my eyessss...it burnsssss... d oookayyy... Now, foolish foolish me didn't actually think that typing 'man-faye' into Google would actually work, since I thought that was just a name that you guys here in MW made up for him. But I did it. And it worked. By god did it work. Let no more be said. Please forgive my ignorance... The sooner we get back to the babes, the better.
  11. Yeah, a lot of these got edited because they were too big. Can you shrink the others too? That'd be cool. I missed them the first go around. Also, not to start any trouble, but can anyone PM/email me that man-Faye picture? I've never seen it, but judging from everyone's reactions, I think I've got to see it at least once. Please DO NOT put it in the thread! I don't want to be blamed for causing any board rioting!!!
  12. Great to see all of the variations! Awesome.
  13. Uwe Bol? Is he the guy that did House of the Dead? Thank god I never saw that. My brother did though and thought it was worse than the worst movie I think I've ever seen. Which is saying a lot. Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever. Worst movie I have personally seen in a theater. I hate to say it, because I'm Thai and there aren't too many of us in the biz, but the Thai director of that POS seriously hurt me and my brother. I nominate him for HACK. CRAP. Pure and simple.
  14. My list of 5 great directors: What I truly feel because I've seen their movies... Stanley Kubrick Steven Spielberg James Cameron David Fincher Martin Scorcese ...BUT what does my DVD collection have to say though? John Woo David Fincher Yuen Woo-Ping Quentin Tarantino Seymour Butts (just kidding!) It's really strange. I appreciate and love a lot of the directors on the top list for making important, groundbreaking, influential, diverse and amazing cinema, but for some reason, most of the movies I watch over and over on DVD (not counting anime) are flicks made by those on the second list. Not that that's all I watch, but of those that have a body of work, I watch and enjoy these directors works again and again. So which is the more honest answer?
  15. Does anyone know more about the folded up Cyclone gimmick? There's definitely a 'motorcycle' sticker that you can see on the chest area. And it does indeed look like part of the chest hinges out (you can tell by the arrows in fighter and robot modes). So far I've only heard about it, but not seen anything. Anybody know if it got scrapped or not?
  16. Another person to add please. Thanks! 1/48 - 7 1/60 - 0 1/72 - 1
  17. I'm afraid the mods won't be able to help you... I suggest getting medical attn. And soon! A brief moment of pleasure, an eternity of pain... oh crap.........OOPS!!! Yikes, that would really be bad. Blue is not quite the color you want your thingie to be. As to the topic, yes, very informative, educational, and probably done. Nice to have every once in a while though...
  18. Yes, it's normal, but it really bugs me, because it's wrong. If Viet Nam was called something else in the West, I wouldn't be so bothered by it. Example: Germany and Deutsch. But when you use our words to identify us, the least you could do is to not mangle the language. Simply because all Viet-Namese is monosyllabic. Some hardliners think 'Korea' and 'Korean' should be spelled 'Corea' and 'Corean' with a 'C'. And to the mods, I've got ONE big, blue thingie, so there!!! Woo-hoo!!!
  19. Wow! Great link! I especially found it interesting that the word 'America' came from Italian - "Continent named after an Italian map maker" AND that the word 'Japan' came from Mandarin. So fascinating...
  20. mmm...Guinness...
  21. That's really unfortunate to hear to me. Also, I'm intruigued by the idea of anthropologists using languages people speak to classify them. I'm not familiar with it and am wondering how exactly does that work? If you speak Japanese, you are Japanese? I have Chinese friends who speak zero Chinese, only English, so does that make them non-Chinese? What happens with someone who speaks a language (or MULTIPLE languages) totally different from their country of origin? Again, I personally prefer to call someone whatever THEY prefer. If Tiger Woods wants to be called "Cablanasian", then okay by me. Someone may think it's silly and overly PC, but if it was important enough for him to come up with that term and ask to be called it, then I will respect that.
  22. Cyc Thanks again, Cyc! Wow, anime magic indeed...
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